What is the name of the company chocolate "Alenka". History of creation

Perhaps, "Alenka" is the most famous chocolate in Russia. What is the name of Alenka chocolate company? What is his story? His story began in 1964. The meeting of the Communist Party discussed the successes achieved in agriculture. The idea was proposed to create delicious chocolate. At first glance, simple requirements were made: it should turn out to be tasty, necessarily dairy and affordable.

the name of the company chocolate alenka

What is the name of Alenka chocolate company? From the history

To translate this desire into practice was the factory "Red October". The first experiments were unsuccessful. If too much milk was poured, then the tile did not form, if too little, then it was not very tasty. In 1966, it turned out to choose the right combination of ingredients.

Chocolate "Alenka". Cover photo

The legend goes that people named chocolate in honor of their daughter. There is no consensus, specifically - Tereshkova or Gagarin. Both of them had daughters of Helen, in those years it was one of the most common names. At the factory, this legend is treated with irony. According to the official version, the name was given in honor of Alyonushka, the beloved heroine of children's fairy tales. It was planned to put an image of this fabulous girl from a painting by Vasnetsov on the label. But while they came up with a chocolate recipe, another factory released a delicacy, on the wrapper of which was Vasnetsov’s Alyonushka. It became rare - the party could not allow the country of victorious socialism to be associated with foreigners with barefoot childhood. That factory had to change the image. "Red October" (this is the name of the chocolate company "Alenka") decided to redo the name a little. Now chocolate is called "Alenka". It has survived to this day.

chocolate alenka photo

Chocolate "Alenka". Decor

The usual chubby girl in a scarf did not appear immediately. At first, this chocolate was also produced at other confectionery factories, where Alenki was on the labels. On "Babaevskaya" was depicted a little girl in a blue scarf. The Rot Front factory preferred pictures in which Alenke's company was made up of a bunny and a puppy. At first, Red October chose a thematic design. On chocolate, released by May 1, there were congratulations on the wrapper, and the girls depicted were holding flowers in their hands. On the New Year’s versions, there were snow maiden. In 1965, a competition was announced. Photographs of little girls were sent from all over the country, the image of which was to decorate the wrapper. The picture taken by photographer Gerinas won. He worked in the same factory and offered a photo of his 8-month-old daughter, Helen. Based on it, a drawing was created that still adorns the wrapper of the famous chocolate. He was slightly changed by the artist Maslov: the girl became blue-eyed, acquired plump lips, and the oval of her face became more elongated. The grown- up Lena Gerinas tried to get compensation from the factory for using her image, but the court did not satisfy her lawsuit. He considered that the drawing was a creative and collective way, created by the artist, and he can not be considered a redrawn picture.

chocolate alenka

"Red October" - a favorite taste

Answering the question of what the name of the chocolate company Alenka is called, it should be noted that since the 2000s chocolate bars with a slightly modified recipe began to be produced. Now add almonds, raisins and hazelnuts, more milk. Chocolate is wrapped in a wrapper (previously inserted). The factory produces sweets of the same name, chocolates, weighing up to 100 g and large 200-gram tiles.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/A9358/

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