How to make DIY fishing gear

Fishing is a favorite pastime of many people. Fishing is loved not only by men, but also by women, and even children. There are times when a good half of the family budget is spent on the purchase of fishing tackle. This fact worries those wives whose husbands are avid anglers.

If you are a fisherman, then this is forever. Inveterate fishermen are not afraid of the dark, rain and frost, they are ready to sacrifice health, money and, sadly, family peace and peace. In order to avoid the sharp corners caused by the next purchase of fishing accessories, all you need is to learn how to make fishing tackle with your own hands.

This will save both the family budget and the nerves of your family members. If you have been searching for information on how to make tackle for a long time, then this article is just for you. Here the question of the possibility of making a foam fish for bait will be examined.

So, let's transgress. The first thing you need to make is foam rubber. It is better if it is finely porous - it is easier to process. Foam is laid on an even place and with the help of a blade we cut rectangular strips of medium width, and about 75 millimeters are long. Further, foam rubber is cut from two sides in the place where the fish tail will be. You can also cut the rectangle diagonally, this option is also suitable. But in the part where the head should be, the workpiece will be too wide.

Next, four faces are cut in turn, so that the fish does not have sharp rib angles.

After this, a process called “smoothing corners” is carried out. This process, perhaps, can be called the most requiring attention, since everything needs to be done with small scissors, without missing any tubercles and hills. By working on the workpiece in this way, you can bring it to perfect roundness. Now, bragging about how you make fishing tackle with your own hands, it will not be a shame to show your brainchild to your hobby colleagues.

In conclusion, on the tail, the foam is cut out with a corner so that the tail looks just like the original. Of course, the accuracy of the tail will not affect the amount of catch - everything is done exclusively to achieve personal pleasure from the work done. And tailless fish are also worth having when making long casts. The tail will even interfere, the fish will sail from the tail, knowledge of such trifles helps a lot in matters such as how to collect tackle.

Some lovers of the ideal type of bait even manage to make fins. To do this, cut the fin and, having made an incision in the tail area of ​​the bait, place it there. The fin is fixed with glue, and the fish has a more natural look. I repeat that all this is needed more for assessing the appearance of the bait than for a more successful catch.

The next step, how to make fishing equipment with your own hands, will be the installation or installation of a hook to the foam fish. We select a hook that is suitable for the workpiece in size, and attach a wire ring or eyelet, and by cutting foam, insert the hook into the slotted slot. This can be done both from the side of the fish, and at the end, or the beginning of it. Hooks, if the hook is double, can be left in the same state, or you can press them tightly against each other, someone will like it.

Foam is sealed at the edges of the cut. The forend of the hook should also be treated with glue.

Everyone decides for himself what his fishing gear with his own hands will look like: to paint the fish - bait, or to leave the same color. The main thing is that everyone who has learned how to assemble tackle with their own hands, has found for himself, in addition to the opportunity to save, an additional hobby.

In this way, at home, you can make flies for bait, and a variety of fish. Some craftsmen even make hooks, this is of course jewelry work, but you can make a float and sinker, and you can yourself without any extra expenses.


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