A scene about moms. Mother Day Comic Scenario

On Women's Day or Mother's Day, a funny scene about moms is very necessary. She should be kind, touching and a little funny. After all, a scene about moms reflects life itself. And in motherhood and upbringing, one has to look at a lot with humor, because otherwise parents simply cannot stand it.

Hall decoration

For Women's Day and Mother's Day, festivities are usually held in children's institutions. It is very important to beautifully design the room before they begin. To do this, you can use balloons, large paper flowers, wall newspapers, stands.

The photo gallery “Our mothers in childhood” may be the starting point in the competition. To do this, leave a place under the pictures so that the children themselves write whose mother is captured here. Nearby, you must put your data. This will help you choose a winner when summing up the competition.

a sketch about moms

Children's sayings "Like a fire truck!"

Funny scenes about mom can be built on excerpts from the speech of the kids. There are many of them in the "piggy bank" of each parent, you just have to strain your memory or open a diary, which contains the most ridiculous children's phrases. Often they form the basis of jokes. For example, a short sketch about moms could be like that.

"Son, am I beautiful?" - Mom asks, flaunting in front of the mirror. “Yes, mommy ...” the enthusiastic child whispers with a breath. “Just like a fire truck!”

Children's sayings. "Where were the dinosaurs?"

Or maybe there’s such a scene about moms.

children's sketches

A child examines a bicycle that a neighbor girl took to the street. Daughter touches the steering wheel, tries to buzz in the horn. Then she asks thoughtfully: “Mom, and in ancient times, when you were little, did you have a bicycle?” Mom sadly replies: “No, son, I didn’t have such beauty, unfortunately ...” - “Yes, it was a long time ago. But did dinosaurs even exist then? ”

Scene "Three Moms"

It is very important to choose such children's scenes about moms and grandmothers for the holiday, in which parental love and care are shown. This material just meets these requirements. Poetic children's scenes are sometimes played with the participation of the host or author. Also here there are the roles of grandmother, mother and Tanyusha. Therefore, such scenes are suitable for grandmothers and mothers.

Words of the author:

Tanya sat in the evening to play.

She got a doll - enough for her to sleep!

She asked Tanya a question ( Tanya’s words ):

“Why did you hang up your nose, daughter?”

Played all day again, fidget,

And completely refused dinner?

How I was tortured, daughter, with you!

Soon you will become like a match, thin!

Mom needs to obey, pinwheel!

Here you are, my dear, tea and cheesecake! ”

Words of the author:

Mom Tanya came home from work.

Tanya asked ( mother's words ):

“How are you, daughter?

Played all day again, fidget,

And completely refused dinner?

How I was tortured, daughter, with you!

Soon you will become like a match, thin!

Mom needs to obey, pinwheel!

Here you are, my dear, tea and cheesecake! ”

Words of the author:

Then the grandmother - mother's mother - came.

And she asked Tanya’s mother ( grandmother’s words ):

“Daughter, you look very tired ...

Probably did not eat the whole day, tired?

You work at school, but a fidget!

Left without lunch again today?

How I was tortured, daughter, with you!

Soon you will become like a match, thin!

Mom needs to obey, pinwheel!

Here you are, my dear, tea and cheesecake! ”

Words of the author:

Three mothers, three daughters are sitting in the dining room,

Three mothers look at her daughters with reproach.

Not easy, not easy to be moms

Kohl daughters are so stubborn!

scenes for grandmothers and mothers

A scene about a son and mom

Funny scenes about mom and grown children are well received by the audience. After all, parents always consider their offspring to be babies. Already a classic was the scene "Mom and the son-director of the school." Two are participating in it.

Mom wakes her son up: “It's time to get up, otherwise you will be late again! Get up, son, all the kids have already gone to school! ” Son: “Well, another half hour, mom! I'm tired of this school! ” - “So, son, you can’t! School is your responsibility! ” - "I do not want! Maslov will again throw a dirty rag! ” - "All the same, you need to go to school!" - "Will not go! Ivan Petrovich is finding fault with me, he is always looking for mistakes! ” “Stop picking on me. Get up, you couch potato! ” - “And Filippova shows my tongue behind me, invents all sorts of nicknames!” “So what now?” You still need to go to school! You are the director! ”

Scene "I didn’t chew, probably ..."

A short sketch for mom from children is often based on real events. Often funny stories are taken from "Jumble" and replayed on holidays by the kids. For example, such an episode will surely make all guests and spectators laugh.

Mom cuts potatoes and tells the girl a fairy tale, and daughter eats next.

“And Little Red Riding Hood went into the forest to her grandmother. Chew well! She goes, and towards the gray wolf. Come on, chew, better! He deceived the girl, ran into the hut first and swallowed his grandmother. Will you chew or not? Then he swallowed the girl. Chew, I tell you, chew better! But then hunters walked by, saw a wolf, ripped open his stomach. Chew your food thoroughly, how much can you tell! And there came out safe and sound grandmother and her granddaughter ... "

My daughter put down a spoon, got up and said: “Here, that's because the mother did not listen and did not chew the food properly!”

Scene "Where is the diary?"

You can attach school subjects to the festive theme of events dedicated to mothers. They are also taken from real life. For example, often a scene for mom from children is connected with checking grades.

“Son, are you sitting in your pants again at the computer? You will remain ignoramus! ” - Mom turns to the teenager. “Well, backward you, ancestors! Computer is progress! Only that person can be considered cultural and developed today who has mastered this technique! And I am just such a person, cultured, developed and educated! ” - the teenager arrogantly answers.

sketch mom's day

"Well, then show me your diary, you are our cultured and educated!" - Mom does not give up. "And where he?" - the boy asks, not looking up from the computer. “Probably in your briefcase!”

The son rummages in a school bag, but finds nothing. “He is not there! Apparently, I passed it for verification! ” - the guy answers and tries to sit down at the computer again. Mom removes him, sits herself and clicks the mouse, looking for something.

“Mom, now you ruin everything for me, but I will lose!” - shouts unscrupulous student. “You, son, have already lost! Here, look, this is your electronic diary, and the teacher doesn’t take it for verification! And in it we see ... two in Russian and count in mathematics! Yeah, and here are additional tasks for the laggards ... So close your game and get to work! Computer is progress! Only that person can be considered cultural and developed today who has mastered this technique, ”the mother repeats her son’s words in a sarcastic tone.

Son dejectedly scratches his head. "How so? But Vovka said that you just need to hide a diary and have a ride ... Yes, it’s hard to live with parents who are computer savvy! Oh, that progress! I wish I broke the computer! ”

Scene "Gamer Mom"

Daughter is sitting at the computer. Mom enters.

“Daughter, let me put pictures in Odnoklassniki!”

The girl reluctantly gives way. Mom takes out a bunch of photos, opens the drive and tries to stick it there. Daughter laughs: “Mom, what are you doing! Why are you sticking the printed pictures into the drive! ” - “And how is it necessary?” “They do it from electronic media!” Where is the flash drive? ” “Is this such a little thing like a lighter?” “Well, yes, to the lighter!” And you must first enter the site! What is your username? ” “Who?” “Login, mom!” Well, such a code word, they write it here in Latin letters, - the daughter shows her mother. “And here they write the password!” - “Ahhh! Now, turn your back! ” The girl turns away, mom clumsily pokes at the keys, checking a piece of paper. The daughter waves her hand and leaves the house, shaking her head - that’s how stupid her mother is!

a sketch for mom from children

The front door slams. Mom takes out her headphones, quickly clicks on the keyboard, starts talking on Skype: “This is Paracetamol! Date, are you ready? The daughter is gone, we have two hours left! Getting started! Come on, go around the One-Eyed Mockingbird on the left, and blow it on the right! Jump up the mountain! Hide rather in the crevice! Can't you see what? Arrow, hi! Have you freed up your workplace too? Come on, plug in, right, right ... Wham! Done !!! Haha Our took! We run to the spaceport, after two seconds, the flight to the planet Omerweiter! Many-armed Vishers are waiting for us there! Have you forgotten hyperbolic lasers? Forward!"

Scene "Mother's Day"

Son sings, sweeping the floor. Mom with huge bags enters the room. She looks around in surprise and sits down in fright. "Son, what happened? Did you get a deuce? " - "Why did you decide this?" - "Well, then why did you suddenly get down to cleaning?" “It was just rubbish on the floor, so I decided to sweep it!” Mom touches the shelf and clutches at her heart: “You wiped the dust! Are they calling me to the director again? ” - “No, I just decided to help you, so I wiped the dust everywhere!” - "Everywhere ???" - Mom loses consciousness. The son brings her a glass of water. Mom drinks, banging her teeth. “You must have been expelled from school? What smells so good? ” - “Not at all excluded. And it smells of fried potatoes - I have prepared for you. You’re tired, probably! ” Mom falls from a chair, shouting: “Doctor! An ambulance! You must have been registered in the children's room! ”

The son goes to the phone, dials a number and mutters: “He said that nothing good would come out of this day for moms ...“ Ambulance ”? Take the challenge! Yes, mom too! Also with an attack! ”

funny sketches about mom

Mom carefully raises her head: “So is that just a gift?” - the son nods. - For mom's day? Will everything be the same tomorrow? ” “Well, of course, mommy!” I promise!" The son kisses mom on the cheek, they hold hands and step into the kitchen. The son carries bags.

"Holiday dinner"

After each program number, a congratulation to mom should sound. The festive dinner stage will be transitional from a concert to a tea party.

Son and daughter are spinning in the kitchen by the stove. The boy offers to bake a cake, and the girl insists on kharcho soup. They never reach agreement. As a result, everyone adds to the dish those products that he considers necessary.

The son reads the recipe: “Put three eggs in a flour, a glass of sour cream ...” - puts the products in a large bowl and starts to kindle the oven. A girl reads her recipe. “Hot red pepper is put in a pod. Add grated garlic, onions, cilantro! ” - stacks his products and mixes everything with a spoon. Then the children put the bowl in the oven and wait.

sketch mom and son

The doorbell rings, the son runs to open. The girl takes out a dish from the oven. Mom enters: “What good fellow you are! Thank you very much for your concern! ” A daughter hands her a plate on which lies a piece of something black. Mom sniffs, frowns, but carefully bites off a piece. “What is this amazing dish called?” - Mom chews with difficulty, but smiles through strength. Children in chorus answer: one shouts “cake”, the other - “kharcho”. Mom nods and says: “I thought so right away. Kharcho cake. Amazing! ”

The host after this scene tells the guests: “Our dishes are not prepared in this way, so dear mothers and grandmothers will not have to pretend to taste them. We ask everyone to the festive table! ”

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/A9361/

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