Men's waist size: normal, table, measurement order, correlation with body weight

The waist size in men is not only an important indicator of how the figure is developing, and what is the state of health. This is also one of the necessary measures in selecting the right clothing size. Therefore, many people actively use size tables with waist sizes in men.

Starting the process of losing weight, dieting, going to order clothes, as well as doing exercises at home or in the gym, it is important to accurately and correctly measure the contours of the body. Why? When deciding to lose weight or build muscle, you need to know your starting point. For this purpose, and used to measure the waist in men, tables with a norm of age, weight.

Measure it

How to measure

Measurement of this kind is not something complicated, but you need to remember a few basic principles. First of all, the correct position of the body is important.

The waist is slightly below the level of the ribs and just above the navel. With independent measurement, it is better to do this in front of the mirror. A correctly taken measurement is obtained when the centimeter girth of the narrowest part of the body. A centimeter is applied horizontally. In addition, during the measurement should be in a standing position, you must first exhale. Moreover, you need to ensure that the centimeter does not grip the body too tight or too loose. It is best to take measurements with an accuracy of 0.5 cm. Of course, measurements in clothes are never performed so that the result is accurate, you need a naked body. You should not take measurements immediately after a hearty meal. The results in this case will be erroneous.

After several months of struggle with excess kilograms, after liters of sweat spilled in the gym, sometimes there is a feeling that little has changed in silhouette. Checking the waist size in men according to the table approximately every 2 weeks makes it possible to understand whether training actually yields results. A centimeter does not lie.

Measurements are a much more accurate tool for tracking progress than weighting. The human body mass is constantly undergoing small or large changes. This is influenced by the fact that we live in stress, sometimes we eat more than we need, we drink a lot or, on the contrary, we suffer from dehydration, for example, during illness. Weight is constantly changing.


Examine the waist size in men for the size of clothing that they are going to pick up in the morning on an empty stomach before a person eats or drinks something. Do not measure clothing.

Measure again

It is necessary to stand up, legs apart at the width of the hips, relax the body, including the gluteal muscles, and breathe calmly. You will need to straighten your back. It is important not to pull your belly in too much.

When taking measurements, it is best to start from the upper body and go down gradually.

To compare the waist size in men with the norm in the table, measurements are taken at the narrowest point of the body. It is necessary to ensure that a person does not retract the stomach. Waist circumference is measured around the navel or slightly lower.


Most people think that body weight is an indicator that determines the effectiveness of training or the degree of obesity. However, in reality, the mass says little about the results of training. Measurements of body contours are important, athletes recommend taking them every 1-2 weeks in the morning on an empty stomach. Based on their changes, they adjust the training program, as well as the number of calories in the diet. Or pick up suitable clothes, sew new ones. Body contour measurements should be performed in a standing position, slightly straining muscles to avoid possible errors due to excessive body relaxation.

at the tailor

Mass ratio

To make it easier to figure out which direction to move, there is a normal table for the waist size in men. It takes into account the ratio of this indicator directly to body weight.

In order to compare the waist size of a man with the norm in the table, you only need a centimeter. But to determine the degree of obesity, we also need scales. The calculation is as follows: body weight in kilograms divided by height, expressed in meters. However, there is a second method in which indicators of waist volume in men are used, the norm table.

A man with a figure

It checks the ratio of the waist circumference to the circumference of the hips. You will need to measure the circumference of the waist (3-5 cm above the navel), as well as the circumference of the hips in the widest place. Then divide the waist circumference into the hips circumference. For example, a person with a waist circumference of 86 cm and a hip circumference of 96 cm has an index of 0.8.

Thus, an indicator called WHR (Waist / Hip Ratio) is calculated. It expresses the ratio of the waist circumference to the circumference of the hips and determines the type of figure and the degree of obesity. If it is equal to / higher than 0.8 in women or equal to / higher than 1.0 in men, we are dealing with obesity of the type "apple", also called abdominal obesity. This is the most dangerous type of obesity, which leads to the development of cardiovascular diseases and many other serious ailments. If the value of the indicator is less than 0.8 in women and 1.0 in men, we are talking about a less serious one - pear-type obesity. But this does not mean at all that it does not increase health risks.

What is the waist circumference

The waist circumference itself is also an important indicator of health. The waist circumference for women is normally 80 cm, for men 94 cm is considered a normal indicator. Values ​​above 88 cm in women and 102 cm in men indicate the possibility of developing respiratory disorders, the appearance of hypertension, high cholesterol, the risk of diabetes and heart failure. It is also important to study the accumulation of subcutaneous fat.

Fat man

Subcutaneous fat examination

It is necessary to relax the stomach, and then close the skin between two fingers with a short distance from the navel. If it has a thickness greater than 2.5 cm, this means that the accumulation of subcutaneous adipose tissue is excessive. It is necessary to get rid of it in the near future.

These simple measurements will make it clear whether there is a reason for concern and how urgent the actions must be to maintain health and well-being.

Man's health

How often do you need to measure the waist?

It is recommended that you research this question at least twice a week. When fat accumulates in the abdomen - on and around internal organs, fat cells secrete chemicals that cause inflammation and produce proteins associated with a sense of appetite. In addition to this, insulin resistance increases and the likelihood of metabolic disorders increases, since inflammatory processes affect muscle and liver cells. Their functions may be inhibited. Meanwhile, the natural system for regulating appetite does not work properly, which leads to gluttony and an increase in the amount of fat in the stomach.

Measuring the waist circumference with a centimeter tape measure is a good indicator of the amount of fat in the abdomen.


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