5 Tarot Swords: Significance in a Relationship

Fortune telling Tarot is one of the oldest card divination systems in Europe. To this day, there is debate about when she appeared. In the traditional layout, the cards have 22 high cards and 56 low cards. Most researchers agree on one point that the origins hidden in the lasso are rooted in ancient Egypt.

tarot manara 5 swords
Today we’ll talk about the lasso of 5 Tarot swords, about its direct and inverted meaning. What is prophesied in relationships, personal life, and what will a fortuneteller expect in financial matters.

5 Tarot Swords: meaning

This map shows the end of the battle when two defeated people leave the battlefield. They head towards the sea coast, and the winner watches them and smirks. The triumph holds in his hands the trophies that he took from the losers. He has two balls on his shoulder, and he rests on the third. Two more swords lie at the feet of the winner. They were most likely abandoned by losers.

Also on the map is an image of a hectic sky. In the distance are silhouettes of mountains. On the map of 5 Tarot swords, cold shades and harsh lines prevail. This creates a feeling of discomfort. Despite the confident look of the winner, there is no desire to rejoice in his victory.

In general, water in the suit of swords can be found often. In the map of 5 Tarot swords, the image of sea water is interpreted as a disruption of masks. The only thing that gives hope for improvement is the silhouettes of mountains that are in the distance.

The traditional meaning of the fives in the tarot system

The traditional meaning of the 5 Tarot swords indicates the person’s exit from the comfort zone, which prevents her from realizing herself. In addition, value can be interpreted as an open challenge to the whole world.

5 tarot swords combination
Balls of all stripes are considered the most cruel designation.

For a fortune-teller, the Tarot card of 5 swords does not bode well. For him, this suggests that what is happening to him is really depressing, and he does not have the strength to deal with what is happening. Even if the fortuneteller will be able to get out of the current situation as a winner, the costs will be so great that it won’t bring joy to the winner.

Direct position of the card

The value of the card of 5 Tarot swords in the upright position is not much different from the inverted one. The concept is interpreted as conflicts, troubles, defeat in all conceived. The disproportionately large costs that lead to victory will not bring any joy.

5 tarot swords
The fortuneteller is trying to play in a strange field. And this will lead to an inevitable defeat.

If the card falls out when dealing with business matters - a message to the fortuneteller about the intrigues that weave around him at work or in a business he conceived. Basically, this card states the fact of a complete loss, already accomplished or awaiting in the near future.

Inverted value

In the inverted position of the Tarot card of 5 swords, you should pay attention to the barely noticeable sword, which is in the dark. But in an inverted position it is put forward in first place. This suggests that, no matter how difficult the situation is, there is still hope for a positive outcome.

In addition, the inverted Tarot card of 5 swords draws attention to the fact that the fortuneteller is very critical of himself, suffers from low self-esteem and often refuses to cooperate and help others. As a result of which he suffers and makes him suffer, the people around him. The essence of this card is that Samoyedism comes first. The person is notorious and has internal contradictions.

If the card appears at the end of fortune-telling, then the person must learn how to prioritize correctly in order to get out of this difficult situation with the least loss. It portends a difficult period in life, during which it is necessary to clearly determine what a person is willing to sacrifice so that the losses are insignificant.

5 Tarot Swords
This is the best time to start collecting debts, due to which it will be possible to minimize problems.

Personality 5 Swords

The person is in limbo. People around him will stop trusting him. And here we are not talking about physical betrayal. Most likely, it means that one of the partners will expose himself in a negative light, which will make him doubt it. And if it turns out to turn the tide for the better, the sediment will remain with both partners.

5 Tarot Swords: Significance in a Relationship

If a fortuneteller wants to know about the state of love relationships, then here, most likely, he will be disappointed. Relationships may be on the verge of failure due to one of the partners. Although there is a chance that they will end due to circumstances that will not, depend on both partners. Whatever the reason for the separation, the relationship will in any case be destroyed. And whether it will be a stormy parting with a quarrel or just a calm goodbye with bilateral consent - it is not particularly important.

In this case, Arkan can say that the goals that the fortuneteller set for himself will be unattainable. He can turn inside out in order to please the object of his lust, his friends or parents, but all efforts will be in vain. As a result, it may turn out that neither the beloved person, nor his surroundings, will have any business with the fortuneteller.

Development of a relationship

As already noted, the significance of the 5 Tarot swords in a relationship is extremely negative. The intensity of the gap depends on how the fortuneteller will relate to this. Maybe that would mean the collapse of all his hopes. Or just a minor episode of defeat in a fight that will not bring any disappointment.

5 swords inverted tarot

Consider the designation in more detail on the example of male adultery. If this happens for the first time, then for a woman it can be a real disappointment, the collapse of all hopes. And if the betrayal is fifth or tenth, then it is already perceived as a domestic nuisance that will not cause much disappointment.

The development of love, family or kinship

The Tarot Manara 5 Sword card in the relationship offers several notations. Here we will talk about competition with a stronger opponent. That is, the situation is programmed for a deliberate defeat, but at the same time, retreat is impossible, since the struggle will most likely be for the truth, which will turn out to be useless to anyone.

There is a type of people who are pathologically afraid of victory. They set themselves deliberately unattainable goals and go towards them, knowing that defeat will be inevitable. They are consciously ready to spend their strength, time and energy on this. And all this happens in order to be able to continue the struggle. Most likely, such people are used to fighting and losing in life. They do not need victory without a fight, as they will not be able to enjoy the whole process in full.

For a man - henpecked. For women - a husband suffering from alcoholism. All her life she was only engaged in treating her husband for alcohol dependence. Having cured him completely, she does not understand what to do with him. Now she has a fear that she might be unnecessary. Therefore, the best way out in this situation for her is to live all her life with her sick husband and fight for his recovery. This will become the meaning of her whole life. All this happens on a subconscious level.

Importance for Professional Activities

Tarot interprets 5 swords in relation to work in approximately the same sense as love ones.

A person can work all his life as a simple handyman, and not even try to advance to a higher position, knowingly preparing for defeat. It is better for him to work hard all his life than to make qualitative changes to it. For him, constant struggle may be the meaning of his life. And if he tries to do something in order to change his position, he simply may lose himself as a person.

Closed or open card

5 Tarot Swords - open card. No matter how hard you try in any area of ​​your life. Maybe you’re trying to become an exemplary family man, parent or child. Suddenly you decided to become the best employee at work. You try everything, give your best, and the result is zero. All this happens because others have one desire - to give you a kick and no more. Therefore, if such a card appears, then think about whether to throw beads in front of pigs? Maybe it’s better to step aside and wait for the whole negative wave to pass by.

Another method that offers 5 swords in this situation is to bang your head against the wall until you break it. But there is a risk of suffering yourself, but never reach your goal.

Health and 5 Swords

If such a card appears on the health issue, then you should be careful about this, since it may deteriorate in the near future. Moreover, the diagnosis by doctors may not be identified. You will simply feel general tiredness and strong pain in one or another part of the body.

5 Tarot Sword Relations

This may indicate that there is a serious leakage of energy from the organs. Maybe there is a vampire near you who sucks her out of you purposefully. Maybe you yourself are self-destructing without realizing it.

Psychological condition

A map can have several meanings. It all depends on in combination with which card of another lasso it will be dropped. If you focus on the figure, which is in the background, then, most likely, the fortuneteller will overtake anger and resentment. The figure on the front can mean a mixture of joy and anger. And if you try to think a little deeper, it may turn out that the victory achieved is, in fact, a defeat that you still do not know about. You are simply being deceived.

Combination with cards of various arcana

5 Tarot swords in combination with other cards can change their meaning.

For example, a combination with cards of major lasso indicates a weakening of the value of the former. The enemy can be much stronger. In love affairs, loss is inevitable. Stupidity will necessarily lead to defeat.

Combining with the suit of the Wands, you should not expect anything good for yourself. If you lost in a particular business, then after that it is better to lay low. Do not underestimate the enemies, they will be more dodgy and cunning.

If, in combination with the suit of the Cups, you lose, you can console yourself in the environment of close friends or family.

In combination with the suit of Swords, it means that the defeat will be swift. The way you are trying to solve the problem is knowingly wrong. If you act impulsively, then inevitably defeat.

The combination with the suit of Pentacles suggests that defeat in the end may be a victory.

5 Tarot Swords Meaning In Relationship

Even if it doesn’t work out as planned, then don’t worry, everything will pass and will gradually improve. The best key to surviving a defeat is to accept it and accept it.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/A9366/

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