Alexander Epstein, Director of the Creative Association “Speech Culture”: biography

Many people know Alexander Evgenievich Epstein, who became famous as an excellent teacher. However, he is an excellent psychologist. These two professions, in his opinion, are inextricably linked. And they cannot exist separately from each other. He established himself as a trainer-consultant to public figures and athletes Alexander Epstein.

alexander epstein

Life story

Alexander Epstein was born on June 5, 1985 in Moscow. At the moment he works in the "Culture of Speech". Shares with people the intricacies of oratory. Actively conducts courses on this topic. Alexander Epstein holds the position of managing partner.

Since 2006, began an active professional activity in the company. The main task of Alexander Epstein considers providing assistance to motivated people. He seeks to increase the level of their communication skills, to develop imaginative thinking. Alexander Epstein connected his life with a creative association. The “Culture of Speech” was founded in 2005 by the best teachers and psychologists of the country, practicing cinema figures, television workers and journalists. A strong and professional team works there.

alexander epstein speech culture

Where did you study?

Sasha studied at the Moscow school number 5 from 1992 to 2002. After Alexander Epstein, he was educated in full-time at the GKA named after Maimonides at the Faculty of Philology and Jurisprudence (Department of Civil Law). He continued his studies at Moscow State University. Here he entered the Faculty of Continuing Education in the direction of Practical Psychology of the Personality in the Field of Interpersonal Communication and Business.

Constantly striving for self-improvement Alexander Epstein. His biography is proof of this. It is full of notes on the study of various techniques that allow a person to transform in terms of oratory. He actively teaches other people that.

A few more words about studying

Sasha was born in Moscow. After school, he entered the Theater Institute. B.V. Schukin. He graduated from the acting course. He studied at the State Classical Academy. Maimodina. At the Academy for Advanced Studies of educators, he established himself as a teacher of additional education. At Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosova unlearned a psychologist. He mastered the intricacies of such professions as a model, an actor in drama and comedy.

alexander epstein biography

Interesting facts from the biography

Alexander is a versatile person. He calls himself a regular student, because he is captured by the learning process. Constantly learning something new Alexander Epstein. He likes rhetoric much more from the huge list of subjects studied. Moderate political preferences characterize him as a balanced person.

Listens to classical and rock music. In her free time and just in the mood she likes to revise The Legends of Autumn, Autumn in New York, Titanic, Intimacy, Redemption. As in music, in literature he prefers domestic classics. His reference books are Woe from Wit (Griboedov), Three Comrades (Remarque), Anna Karenina (Tolstoy), Oliver Twist (Dickens). In his free time, Alexander Epstein plays poker.

Working moments

He established himself as a diligent, responsible employee, Alexander Epstein. The TV host of Channel One and Trust was liked by many viewers. For a long time, he led the column “At Work Noon” on Channel One in the program “Big Lunch”. The main task of his professional activity is to assist people of various professions in improving their communication skills and improving imaginative thinking.

alexander epstein rhetoric

Professional experience

In the theater of Moscow State University he worked as a dramatic actor. Successfully proved himself as an author and presenter on Channel One. He took part in analytical programs and talk shows "Trust", "Capital Plus". He worked as a teacher in institutions of further education in Moscow. He has been advising senior executives and managers of prestigious domestic organizations. He established himself as a highly professional personal trainer of public and state figures in Russia. He became popular thanks to the creation of powerful courses and trainings. At his school they teach the art of speech. The emphasis is on the use of the skill in the current conditions of the modern world.

Speech as a way to succeed

Currently, many are actively using Internet correspondence, which often observes vague spelling rules for literate speech and a well-defined voice. This problem worries professional philologists and television directors. For this reason, there has been a significant increase in students of public speaking courses. Alexander is engaged in training people in the field of mastering his own speech and voice in order to correctly apply the acquired knowledge at work.

The essence of the association, Alexander notes communication and interaction. As a result of this, people increase their efficiency and the chances of a successful future. He revealed an inadequate level of communication skills of individuals during public speaking. For dialogue at the household level, the indicator is normal, but in a significant situation the available knowledge is not enough.

alexander evgenievich epstein

Becoming a professional

Alexander takes a special look at life. Notes on the ore market a decline in interest in people with highly specialized professions. His courses are aimed at overcoming important obstacles that will help a person to realize themselves in life. To achieve success and popularity, he managed to work hard on himself. He is a versatile person, constantly improving his knowledge in various fields of professional activity and personal life.

He assures us that success was achieved through the application of the method of consulting services in life. Developing himself and developing others, he always takes care to provide a service to a person in a timely manner, answer a question, and listen to an objection. This indicates a communicative competency, which is firmly entrenched in his life.

Outlook on life

Thanks to the existing knowledge in the field of oratory, he managed to ensure a decent present and a prosperous future. In his opinion, it was thanks to special knowledge in psychology and other subjects studied that he managed to realize his dreams in a professional way. Found a well-paid position, resisted provocative and tough questions. Life circumstances, no matter how difficult they were, did not unsettle Alexander.

Alexander Epstein TV presenter


Based on the accumulated knowledge, Sasha compiled a course of oratory, the purpose of which was to develop communication skills. Having formed the skills of mastery of speech techniques, he was able to competently present himself as a confident and convincing person. His students are living evidence that this activity is bearing fruit. They advise people who want to achieve their goals in life and become self-sufficient individuals to take courses.


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