Small business problems. Loans for small businesses. Opening a small business

Every year in Russia, a huge number of small businesses are created. Most of them close next year, a smaller part manages to work for several years. And only a small fraction of all organizations successfully operates in the market. Recently, people have lost the desire to open their own business. This is due to the problems of small business that exist in our country at the moment. In this article we will try to understand this issue.

What troubles are small businesses doing?

The Russian Federation is on its own path in business development. This road is quite specific, and many enterprises suffer for this reason. Support for small businesses is carried out in accordance with the mentality of citizens, an unstable economy, as well as a lack of information about maintaining a corporate culture.

small business problems

A person who decided to start his own business should understand that his success depends not only on the efforts of a novice entrepreneur. A strong influence is exerted by various external and internal factors. All emerging difficulties can be conditionally divided into several groups:

  • financial;
  • problems with loans for small businesses;
  • organizational difficulties;
  • logistical support.

For the business to function normally and productively, interaction between the buyer, the entrepreneur and the state is necessary. Only in this case, the business will succeed.

Internal difficulties

Such problems of small business include lack of money, inept planning and leadership. Of course, many were faced with a lack of start-up capital. If you have the right amount on hand, this is not a guarantee of success. After all, you need a fresh good idea, a competent business plan, and continuous improvement of your business.

One of the main problems of small business development is the lack of knowledge about the proper planning of activities. This item should not be underestimated, since a thoughtless waste of funds can lead to bankruptcy. If there is a plan, you need to change it under the real conditions that arise.

problems of small business in Russia

The administration of the organization should consist of highly qualified professionals. Often the leader forgets about his direct responsibilities and turns into a regular manager. This situation will not have a favorable effect on the result of the enterprise.

Controversial points in the legislation

In fairness, it is worth noting that the first regulatory act on small business was adopted in 1995. Even then, it was clear that this law has a large number of shortcomings. To date, another act adopted in 2007 is in force. It is still constantly being amended.

small business loans

Opening a small business in Russia is fraught with some problems. Many are frightened by the endless reports that each entrepreneur should make for a certain period. There is also a system of fines for reports not submitted on time, and the payments are pretty decent. Even though the state regularly forms programs to support small businesses and a simplified tax system, payments still remain quite large. Therefore, people do not want to mess with this, since you can give more money than earn.

Regulation and access to government orders

The problems of small business in Russia are also caused by strict regulation of the activities of entrepreneurs by the state. In practice, this is called administrative barriers. These include endless ongoing checks, a complicated registration and liquidation procedure, and the collection of a huge number of certificates.

As foreign practice shows, the fewer various obstacles for small business, the better it functions. Getting rid of such barriers will bring many benefits.

small business subsidies

It is no secret that the state is doing its best to support small business. However, to get help, you need to try hard. If any government order is placed, a lot of comers appear. And often in the end he surrenders to an incomprehensible suspicious company. This is a classic case of a corruption scheme, and it is very difficult to change. This obstacle is a serious problem for small businesses.

Small business financing and sanctions

Speaking about problems, one cannot ignore the topic of loans for small businesses. The reality is that not all banks are ready to give money to a budding entrepreneur as a loan. According to statistics, only a third of young businessmen can get a loan, the rest are denied. This is due to the fear of the bank that entrepreneurs will not repay debts.

If a person is going to start his own business and start production, then his chances of getting a loan are minimal. Banks are much more willing to provide loans to those who have already taken them and repaid on time. This is called good credit history. Also, banks often make concessions, lowering interest rates and monthly payments.

problems of small business development

In addition, it is worth noting the impact of sanctions on small businesses. The growth of the dollar and the euro had a negative impact on entrepreneurship of this kind. Before the imposition of sanctions, a large number of problems of small business in Russia were observed, and with them they became even greater.

Subsidies for starting a business

It is important to note that the state is trying its best to support start-up entrepreneurs, so such a subsidy was introduced. Under this program, a businessman can be issued up to 500,000 rubles. However, to get this amount, you need to meet a number of requirements. For example, the operation of the enterprise for at least two years is necessary. The organization should have more than 250 employees, and there should also be no debt for various kinds of obligations.

small business enterprises

Funds received as part of small business subsidies can be spent on the necessary equipment, software, etc. It is worth noting that the subsidy is issued only in the capital of our country. Money can be spent on renting an office in Moscow, as well as on the purchase of raw materials. The following condition must be observed: the total purchase amount must not exceed 20% of the amount of the subsidy.

Other subsidies

In addition to the assistance discussed above, the state offers other subsidies. For example, reimbursement of interest on a loan is very popular. As in the first case, for this you need to fulfill a number of conditions. A small business must be officially registered, an entrepreneur must pay taxes on time, and also have a loan agreement in hand, concluded no more than two years ago.

In addition, it is necessary that the organization does not belong to the sphere of trade, and the money from the loan does not go to the working capital of the company. There are also a few subsidies to small businesses, for example, reimbursement of leasing payments. This type of assistance is quite popular, since you can get up to 5 million rubles, but you must have a financial lease. Also, after a few months, the entrepreneur must provide a report on the funds spent.

Small Business Development Prospects

Speaking about the future of small business in Russia, it is worth noting that the state understands how important business is for the standard of living of the country. If this industry is not developed, the middle class may completely disappear, and society will be discriminated against. Every year new programs to support entrepreneurship are released, the state is on the right track.

opening a small business

The main thing is to ensure the realization of all the rights and freedoms of a novice businessman. According to experts, in the near future good prospects are seen by those who sell essential goods, that is, food, clothing and shoe stores. In addition, they will never be left without the work of a service station, a car wash, etc.

Despite all the problems of small business, the state is moving forward, trying to figure out the difficulties and propose a solution.


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