How to fall asleep quickly - a few tips for those who suffer from insomnia.

Do you have trouble sleeping? If you can lie for two or three hours in a comfortable bed under a warm blanket in total darkness, but sleep does not come, then measures must be taken. Very often it happens that thoughts interfere, which stubbornly climb into the head and prevent rest. The recipes for good sleep are simple and you can follow them without much effort. But very soon, you will already be advising friends and acquaintances, and tell them how to quickly fall asleep. After all, prolonged insomnia can lead to depression, a constant feeling of dissatisfaction, fatigue and depression. Therefore, it is best to start fighting it at the initial stage. Some helpful tips will help you learn how to fall asleep quickly.

First, try the well-known method of counting sheep. After all, he really can help. When you mentally count the sheep, the main thing is to also represent them colorfully. Thus, you are definitely distracted from a huge number of thoughts that do not allow you to fall asleep. You yourself will not notice how you will already sweetly fall asleep.

If you are concerned about the answer to the question of how to fall asleep quickly, go for a walk in the evening. You can get a dog, it will be necessary to walk it, so you will not be able to wander off the evening boardwalk. A walk in the park will help you fall asleep faster.

When you get home, you can still take a warm, relaxing bath. Add aromatic oils or foam to it. You just need to avoid citrus aromas, as they invigorate. It is better to give preference to a camomile, mint or lavender.

If you are worried about how to fall asleep quickly, remember to ventilate the room. Stuffiness is the worst enemy of sleep. If the street is not too cold, you can leave the window open all night. The air in the room should be cool and fresh.

Another good way to get rid of insomnia is to read an uninteresting book before going to bed. A lot of people begin to fall asleep as soon as they sit comfortably with a book in bed. Some even deliberately use fiction instead of sleeping pills.

If you are exhausted with the question of how to fall asleep quickly, try a very effective method - having sex. After physical activity, you yourself will not notice how you will be asleep.

You can also drink herbal tea at night . It should include chamomile or lemon balm. Refuse green tea, as it has a tonic effect. You can also drink milk with honey. The hypnotic effect of this method was known in ancient times.

If you are haunted by the thought: β€œHow to quickly fall asleep?”, Try to disengage and do breathing exercises. Inhale belly, then breast, and finally collarbone. You need to exhale in the same sequence. Of course, to master these exercises is not so easy, you need training.

Those who suffer from insomnia, need to understand that the last meal should occur two to three hours before bedtime. With a full stomach, it’s quite difficult to fall asleep normally, not to mention the fact that this affects the figure. In principle, in the evening it is generally better to refuse heavy and high-calorie foods. For a meal before bedtime, kefir, yogurt, light salad, vegetables or low-fat cracker are suitable.

Remember also that you should not play sports before going to bed. Even an evening run should take place several hours before you go to bed.

If you follow all the tips, but the dream still lingers, look around. Maybe your bedroom has a creative, bright interior that is replete with rich colors and shades? Then you need to redo everything. These tones are suitable for the living room or kitchen. The bedroom should be soothing, the color scheme here should create an atmosphere of peace and comfort. Use warm, pastel and light colors.

In any case, if you do not know how to fall asleep quickly, and suffer from insomnia, do not lose your temper. Follow these recommendations, and you will see, life will get better.


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