Do-it-yourself creative work. Children's creativity

What is creative work? Do-it-yourself work, artwork, written verse, composed melody ... A lot of things can be attributed to this concept.

A child creates every moment of his life

In fact, any activity can be called creative if a person performs it by connecting imagination. Children's creativity sometimes lies in the simplest actions that seem ordinary or even harmful to adults.

Here the kid tears paper and randomly scatters scraps on the floor. From the side it may seem that he is just a bully. However, the child may be busy with an important task: he creates snowflakes that fill the ground.

do-it-yourself creative work

Spoiled wallpaper is an attempt to portray something monumental, large, which does not fit on a sheet. Rugged curtains, perhaps, are also the embodiment of a creative idea - the child wanted to cut lace on boring monotonous curtains.

Life is a fairy tale to be seen

To connect imagination, doing something, you need to teach kids from childhood. Even such tedious work as rewinding of balls can be easily turned into a creative one, if you invite the “winder” to imagine the balls of living creatures that run around the bowl, talk, quarrel, make peace - in short, live their own “tangle” life. And then the boring lesson is no longer boring at all, but creative work.

With their own hands, the rewound threads under the mother's or grandmother's fingers will turn into an amazing little thing, in the creation of which the baby will take part.

Types of creative work

That is why it is rather difficult to assign types of activity to specifically designated categories. But if we look directly at children's creativity, then we should highlight several fairly extensive sections. These are the options in which the child can reveal his potential. For example, you can highlight such types of creativity as:

  • fine;
  • verbal;
  • musical;
  • theatrical and gaming.

This also includes classes in design, modeling, making applications. L. S. Vygotsky proposes to include them in fine art. But research creative work is already a scientific activity. She is most suitable for the category of verbal creativity.

Musical babies are already born

The first touch of art a man owes to his mother. After all, she immediately after the birth of the baby begins to hum him a lullaby. The first protracted “ages” - is it not an attempt to sing what has accumulated in the baby’s soul, to share his feelings with the world?

But the baby got to the pots and selflessly taps ladle on them. Why does a child have so much harm? Does he deliberately drive off adults, causing a headache with noise? Of course not.

children's creativity

A wise adult understands that an important creative work is being done by the baby - he learns to make various sounds with his own hands, compares them, puts them into a specific pattern. Let him do it ineptly for now, but watch how he tries!

And if next time instead of a pan, offer him a tambourine, castanets or triangles? You can create a real small orchestra with your child and play an amazing melody.

Drawing - a touch of creativity

And children also love to draw. They also begin to engage in this type of activity from early childhood. And if during a meal the kid purposefully smudges the table with jam, spreads a puddle of juice with his finger, smears his head and clothes with porridge, perhaps he is already trying himself as an artist.

Tiny peanuts can be given finger paints at this age , which can be easily washed off furniture and hands and can be easily washed off clothing and upholstery. And the wallpaper in the children's room is best replaced with cheap, which will not be a pity to change in a year.

For children who are already deftly holding a pencil in their fists, they need to offer paper and show how cool this “magic wand” can do amazing things on a white field.

And let first the child simply scribbles on the sheet with pencils or puts shapeless spots with a brush. The main thing in this activity is not the result, but the goal that he sets for himself.

Fine art classes in kindergarten

In the classroom, children are no longer just painting. They perform creative work on the topic asked by the teacher. It can be a landscape or a still life, a plot picture depicting people, animals, fairy-tale characters or household items.

creative work on the topic

Children’s creative works are interesting, in which the teacher poses an unclear task — to draw a specific subject, but offers to independently come up with the concept of a picture on a particular, broad enough topic. Such topics may be “We do not want war!”, “Why do we need to follow the rules of the road?”, “Take care of nature, because it is our home!” other.

The words “sculpt” and “create” are often synonymous

To fine art, as mentioned above, include modeling. Kids using plasticine, clay, polymer masses, salt dough, cold porcelain try to fashion what they see, love, what adults told or read to them, which is suggested by imagination. Such creative works of children can tell a lot about their inner world. That is why it is so important to give children the opportunity to sculpt not only on a given topic, but also on their own plan.

creative works of children

Collective creativity of children

Everyone noticed that kids sometimes do something together. Here in the sandbox they build a town or build a highway, build fortresses from snow. This type of activity not only allows you to unleash your creative potential, but also teaches you to work in a team that will come in handy in future adult life.

children's creative work

You should use this for educational purposes in the classroom. For example, a bird's-eye applique may turn out to be wonderful if the guys independently paste on the paper what are birds of paper cut out of paper, their nests, flowers, leaves on tree branches or in the grass under it! This is a great collective creative work. With their own hands, the panel made and hung on the wall will become the pride of the kids, their parents and teachers.

Exhibitions of children's crafts

In children's institutions, a competition of creative works on a certain topic is often held. It can be very different. For example, “Crafts contest from natural material”, “We create fairy-tale characters from vegetables”, “Magic cardboard”, “What can be made from plastic bottles?” other.

students' creative work

Children and adolescents purposefully learn to construct from improvised materials objects, compositions that can be used in everyday life or as a decoration for a home. It is very important to set a task for the children, to show examples of work already done by someone, to explain that the option that was made according to one’s own plan, and not copied, is more valuable.

It is interesting that the creative work of students is often so unexpected in decisions, individual and so masterfully executed that adults sometimes do not believe in the authorship of the student.

Children learn the world through the game

All children love role-playing games. Participating in them, they play whole makeshift performances. But a smart teacher will not let this type of creative activity drift.

All children's groups are developing a special creative work plan in this area. It necessarily indicates the goals that the teacher seeks to achieve through the game, the necessary skills and abilities of the participants, which they reinforce or learn during the action, methodical techniques.

For example, the creative game "Shop" is included in the plan. The teacher sets such goals:

  • Familiarization with the work of adults who work in the store.
  • The development of cultural communication skills in retail outlets.
  • Consolidation of product names, their classification according to quality characteristics.

Preparatory methods used to organize didactic role play can be as follows:

  • Targeted tour of the store.
  • Conversation with children about what they buy at retail outlets.
  • Plasticine modeling of vegetables and fruits.
  • Drawing on the theme "We went to the store."
  • Ball game "Edible-inedible".
  • Didactic table lotto "What products are made of."

Role-playing games are used not only in kindergartens and elementary grades. They are very effective in learning foreign languages. Also, even high school students like the game of teachers in the lesson very much - it teaches teenagers to relax, develops speaking skills in front of an audience, evaluative ability and reviewing of other people's answers.

competition of creative works

And everyone’s favorite game, “The sea is worried,” when the presenter asks to show various figures, reveals the players a real acting talent.

Creative business - a concert

Often in groups you need to conduct a concert on your own. Well, if all members of a small society are familiar with each other and know who is capable of what. But if the team is still very young, if it’s hard for a couple of days, how does it happen in summer camps at the beginning of a shift? Then organize the creative work will help the game "Daisy".

types of creative work

You just need to cut out a lot of petals from the cardboard and place them on the table or fix them with buttons on the wall. On the reverse side of each you need to write a task: read poetry, sing, dance, portray an animal, tell a funny story and so on. Children take turns choosing a petal for themselves and preparing their performance. Some are grouped together. The ability to replace one task with another should not be prohibited, it is still a creative affair, not an exam.

Verbal creativity

A separate item is this view. Even adults do not all know how to talk interestingly about what they saw, much less invent something. But everyone needs to develop this talent from early childhood.

Children try to compose fairy tales, poems, fables - this is wonderful! Wise adults immediately record all their creations. And let Bazhov or Dragunsky, Pushkin or Rozhdestvensky subsequently not grow out of the baby, the first literary experience will remain a pleasant memory.

But the skill of presentation, wording, compilation of descriptions will be required for both the child at school and the adult in the future. Therefore, it is worth paying special attention to paraphrases and expositions, drawing up stories from pictures.


The process of knowing the world is ongoing, from birth to old age. At each age, he has his own volume and his own speed of learning new things. However, he almost never stops.

Here the baby wrinkles and tears the newspaper, puts fingers and toys in his mouth. This is a serious research creative work. The kid receives a lot of sensations, knowledge. But he is still too small to draw conclusions that are understandable to others.

Later, even when the child becomes proficient in speech, his research activities should be directed in the right direction. From early childhood, children should learn to systematize their knowledge. Designed in writing or in print, such a research work may be called a scientific work.

research creative work

The first experiments the baby can conduct with bulbs, putting glasses with plants on the windowsill. Daily observation results should be recorded under adult supervision using notes or drawings. The finished version of the report is a real research work.

You can organize creative research in the field of culture and art. For example, a comparison of patterns and ornaments on dishes will be an interesting topic. Here, the novice "scientist" masters the comparative analysis, learns to find the complex in the simple, and the simple in the complex.

Older children and a topic for research choose a more difficult one. These can be analyzes of artistic and musical works, experiments with chemical elements, collection and systematization of plant care methods, and other interesting options.

Briefly about the main thing

Every person has creativity. And the task of educators, parents, teachers - with the help of creative tasks, collective affairs, to help him open up, to give an impetus to the development of talents of the growing personality.


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