The number of requests in Yandex: how to find out?

Now we will try to figure out why it is necessary to know the number of requests in Yandex and what advantages this information offers to the user or site creator.

Let's start with the definition

Let's start by understanding what keywords are and their frequency.

number of requests in Yandex
No less important question: "Why is the number of Yandex search queries so important for site development?" Obviously, on a site or blog one of the main roles is played by traffic, or rather, visitors who most often access the resource from search engines, and therefore it is so important to understand the principles of their work.

All requests in Yandex can be divided into 3 groups, depending on their prevalence: low-frequency, mid-frequency and high-frequency. In most cases, the group to which the request relates is determined by the subject of the site, since each topic has its own level of competition.

Let's move on to statistics

Now weโ€™ll deal directly with where to see the number of requests in Yandex per month. First of all, you need to visit a page of this search engine called WordStat, literally, this term means "statistics of words." Finding the right service in the search engine is easy. And here you are on the specified page.

Next, enter the keyword or key phrase in the desired line, for

requests in Yandex
which you want to check the number of Yandex requests per month. After that, click on the button called โ€œPickโ€ and get statistics of the entered key, as well as words close to it. The arrow shows the total number of such requests. Opposite each of the keys, the number of requests in Yandex is shown exclusively for him. So we figured out the basic principles of this service, we will discuss the details further.

Perfect world

Idealists believe that it is not worth spending time to find out the number of requests on Yandex. Indeed, in their opinion, the main thing that helps in promoting the resource is its unique content. If you write articles yourself, the project will certainly be successful and attended. At the same time, the majority of visits will come from search engines.

Unfortunately, in reality the situation is somewhat different, and the fault is

check the number of Yandex requests
the ill-fated requests at Yandex, which dictate their terms and force to make adjustments to the work.

Internet users sometimes formulate their desires rather strangely, and if this is not taken into account, then even the most informative and interesting site can be doomed to failure. In no case should you spam the text of the article with keywords - this can ruin everything.

The number of requests on Yandex: why is it not hidden?

Why should Yandex give us the opportunity to study statistics? After all, optimizers have always been on the other side of the search engine barricades. Sadly, as always, everything comes down to money. Optimizers unwittingly rob a search of a certain portion of its main income, which is generated through contextual advertising.

Most of the potential customers of the Direct advertising service receive visitors, turning to the help of optimizers. Against this background, it looks extremely

find out the number of requests in Yandex
it is strange that the Yandex system provides access to the analysis of search queries. And again money from contextual advertising. Advertisers need this information to create optimal ads in Yandex.Direct. Thus, the search engine has to open data for everyone, what people are successfully using who want to attract an additional audience to their resource.

More about the service

Yandex statistics is the main tool for a large number of webmasters. In Wordstat, all data is displayed in a simplified form - all word forms are combined, most often prepositions and interrogative forms are not taken into account. Itโ€™s great that the service cites both derivatives of the entered words and associative queries typed by Yandex users along with the words they are interested in.

This feature allows you to significantly expand and improve the semantic core. The first tab of statistics โ€œBy wordsโ€ shows the total number of impressions of the specified words. In turn, the tab "by region" allows you to understand how often they ask a question of a webmaster of interest in different regions. Yandex system
splits the search zone into approximately 300 regions.

see the number of requests in Yandex

Use card

Users of the service have access to another interesting feature that cannot be passed by. Pay attention to the tab โ€œon the mapโ€, thanks to which you can visually assess the frequency of application of certain words on the world map. In addition, you can track the change in the frequency of the specified question in a certain period of time using the tabs "by week" and "by month".

Flies separately, cutlets separately

Keywords and search queries are often confused with each other, so try to clarify. A search query is a set of words typed by any user in a special search line. Keywords are individual words from the queries you define, based on which you will advance into the top ten resources in the SERP.

Often, the semantic core for a particular article can consist of only a few words, which you need to enter several times in the text of the article, be sure to include them in the title. Be careful not to bring the key density to 3 percent or more โ€” your material may be excluded from the system index. It is better to use keywords in various word forms, according to the logic of the narrative.

To summarize

When you write inquiries on a piece of paper, thanks to which you expect to receive

Yandex search queries
additional influx of visitors, you will need to select keys from the resulting semantic core, be sure to use them in the title of the material. In addition, you must use keywords with a density of 1-2 percent in the text itself.

It may take a lot of time to master the principles of analysis in all the details. Many professionals who work with other methods of advancement experience inconvenience in mastering new techniques, but sometimes it is necessary to take a breath and understand whether you are moving in the right direction. Specifically, given the number of requests in Yandex, using the Wordstat service to analyze your own project, you can revise your views on work and, if necessary, change the direction of movement.

Using Yandex statistics, you can manually find all options related to the subject of your resource. You will have to do this manually, so such work will be time-consuming, but in the end you can get incredibly valuable results. Gradually, the analysis reveals most of the obvious blunders, and also allows you to predefine topics for future publications, since the questions that users most often ask search engines are primarily interested in them, which means they should primarily concern developers of various resources for greater efficiency.

It should also be noted that during the analysis you can find out if the site you are creating currently has any positions regarding the phrase or word that interests you. For this purpose, you can use various programs, among which should be noted "Site Auditor".


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