Unusual places on earth - description and photos

It turns out that there are a lot of places on our planet where the climatic conditions and geological structure of the area are very different from the surrounding territories. All these unusual places on earth are more like the relief and landscape of other planets. Each of them is worthy of attention. Indeed, the amazing beauty of nature strikes even the most inveterate skeptic.

Consider some of the most mysterious places on earth, the photo of which clearly illustrates the uniqueness and mystery of nature.

Pamukkale National Park in Turkey is famous for its unusual thermal springs. In them, water is saturated with calcium bicarbonates and reaches a temperature of forty degrees. Sediment of calcium accumulates at the bottom of the reservoir in the form of a gelatinous mass, and then hardens. Flowing from the slope of Mount Chal in several streams, the β€œbicarbonate” water forms terraces of snow-white color. This water is very healthy. The natural pools that create the streams reach large sizes and are located at the foot of the mountain.

unusual places on earth

Deserts are perhaps the most unusual places on earth. Indeed, in conditions of high temperature, sharp temperature changes, lack of precipitation, plants and animals live, islands of life appear - oases. Unlike the others, the β€œchina” desert is located at the foot of the San Andreas American Mountains. Sand in these places contains a high concentration of sulfate and selenite. This area, with an area of ​​700 km 2 , consists of pure gypsum (white sand). Its appearance is associated with the surrounding mountains, which contain primary gypsum, and the effects of groundwater. The temperature in this area is not high, the sand is not hot. Under the rays of the scorching sun, the white sands of this extraordinary desert sparkle strongly.

the most incredible places on earth

There are unusual places on earth and in the water. For example, the "spotted" Lake Kilook in Canada ( British Columbia). It contains a huge amount of minerals that crystallize and color water in different colors, depending on the time of year and weather conditions. This lake contains the world's largest concentration of sodium, silver, calcium, titanium and magnesium sulfate. During crystallization, circles of minerals form on the surface of the reservoir. They gave the name to the lake. Its waters are known for healing properties. For Native Indians, this place is considered sacred.

the most mysterious places on earth photos

The most unusual places on earth are often located on the islands. The most famous is the island of Socotra, which is located off the coast of Africa. Being isolated from the coast of Somalia, it is replete with many rare representatives of vegetation and wildlife. Most of them grow only in this region. The most famous endemic plant of the island is the dragon tree (red dracaena). It reaches a height of ten meters and is similar in shape to a mushroom. If an incision is made on the bark, red juice will flow, which solidifies very quickly and forms a brown gum. Locals use this substance for medical purposes.

dragon tree

This is only a small part of unique places and natural phenomena. There are many more objects that can be safely attributed to the category "The most incredible places on earth."

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/A9426/

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