What is an organizational management structure?

The organizational structure of management is a special composition of independent units or individual posts that perform the management function. This structure is most often depicted in the form of a diagram that shows the relationship and subordination of structural units. In other words, the organizational structure of management is a set of functional and specialized units that are interconnected in the process of developing, substantiating, implementing and making managerial decisions.

The organizational management structure in many enterprises is based on a principle that was developed at the beginning of the twentieth century. Based on the principles formulated, this structure began to be called a bureaucratic or hierarchical structure. One of the most common types of such a structure is a linear structure, which indicates that the head of the structural unit should be one leader. The head - the sole executive should have all the powers, as well as carry out a unified management of his employees, perform all management functions. Thus, the linear organizational structure of management, each subordinate has only one leader, through which all the necessary teams pass. In this case, the management itself is subordinate to that leader who is above his level.

A linear structure, like all other types of structures, has its own advantages and advantages. The most important advantages are:

- in this type there is a strict observance of mutual relations, directly, within the functions, as well as a clear system in the units that correspond to them.

- provides a clear system of work units. In this case, the head is able to hold in his hands all the work and the totality of all the functions that make up the activities of the unit.

- Responsibility is substantially manifested.

- the fast work of functional executive units is carried out on instructions from higher departments.

The most significant disadvantages are:

- in such a unit with a linear structure operational problems appear, for example, staff turnover.

- there is a very great dependence on the qualifications of the staff, on their business and personal qualities.

- A large number of levels between the work of employees and the leader.

- little flexibility, as well as adaptability to a changed situation.

Individual employees and a division of the management apparatus implement the functions of managing the enterprise. In this case, the relationship between them is both economic, social and organizational, as well as psychological. Such a concept as the organizational structure of enterprise management suggests that here all employees and employees are subordinate to one head. The variety of organizational management structures depends on what functional relationships will exist between employees and departments.

At present, there are 3 main management structures - targeted, linear and functional. The functional organizational structure of management , like the linear one, has a full-time manager and corresponding units. The linear structure is aimed at such work, which is carried out along the line from the top to the bottom. But line management cannot independently solve the problems associated with economic, design, technological and supply tasks. And in this case, functional guidance is needed that ensures the conduct of the work.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/A9440/

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