Description of the store: writing rules, ways to increase sales, examples

The purchase and sale system for the most part has long moved to another level, namely the Internet. Now, buyers, before visiting a store, drive its name into a search engine, trying to find the information they need so as not to waste their time. That is why the description of the store today is the key to success.

What should be the page "About the store"?

Some entrepreneurs who started their business a decade ago pay little attention to the site, moreover, they neglect the availability of high-quality texts. It seems to them that in the store’s description it’s enough to simply indicate the working hours and list what kind of assortment is. This is not to say that they are wrong, but this is not enough for success.

  1. The first thing to do in the description of the store is to present it. Do not just write that here we are, go to us, but interest a potential buyer. For example, a store description can be started with a note about yourself. Tell us about who you are, what you do, why you decided to open a store. This method is especially good if you, say, a designer and you have a clothing store. A competently written description will capture the attention of customers and ensure success.
  2. The second thing you need to pay attention to is the process of work. Provide the user with photos of warehouses and offices, tell us what suppliers you work with, provide information on product certification, tell us how you prepare it for shipment, what discount systems are in place, and whether a return is possible.
  3. Third, and most importantly: explain to the buyer why he should choose you. Tell us about your distinctive features, unique trading offers, the benefits that the buyer will receive when purchasing your product.
  4. The last, fourth stage is a call to action. You can encourage the buyer to look at the catalog, a list of the most popular products, reviews, promotions and offers. The most important thing is that the client does not get bored when reading the store description. He needs to be constantly interested, directed and nudged.
clothing store description

Nasty tips

It doesn’t matter what description of the store you have to compile, in no case place on the page a banal text with trivial expressions. Let's see why:

  1. Welcome! We are glad to welcome everyone who came to visit us! ” - you can stop here, it’s rare which buyer will read further: already from the third word he was not interested.
  2. We offer the lowest prices, you will not find cheaper” - buyers are not so trusting as to take a word. Provide clear facts that your prices are indeed the lowest.
  3. We have been on the market for many years, our company is reliable and successful” - remember: any buyer is looking first of all for a favorable offer for himself. What is the benefit to him from the fact that you have been in the market for many years?
  4. We have a wide range of products, you will find everything you need” - it would seem that such a harmless phrase? A wide assortment is good. No matter how! If you have a wide range, then you need to spend time searching for the necessary product, and time, as you know, money. It’s easier for the buyer to go to the store with a specific specialization.
store description example

These are just a few examples of phrases that should not be used. These are ordinary cliches without much sense. They deprive the buyer of any desire to buy something, because they seem hypocritical and superficial. You always need to consider the desire of customers and be in touch with them.

How to increase sales?

Writing a description of the store, any entrepreneur aims to increase the number of sales. This is not difficult if you hire an intelligent copywriter, and it is very important not to make a mistake in this matter.

How to distinguish sensible copywriter from stupid:

  1. Even creating a short description of the store, a specialist will force you to fill out a brief. This is a special questionnaire in which the copywriter asks questions regarding goods, USP, stocks, offers, competitors, etc. The more thoroughly you fill out the brief, the easier it will be for the copywriter to make a good description.
  2. An intelligent specialist will not use cliches, complex turns and pour water. He will write in a simple, accessible language. Perhaps it’s a joke somewhere, somewhere uses a strange, but very successful comparison.
  3. An intelligent copywriter is expensive, always in touch and gives the job on time.

It is important to understand that any description is, in fact, a conversation with a client. The livelier, more interesting and richer it will be, the sooner the buyer will be interested in you.

Product Cards

In addition to the story about the store itself, it is worth paying attention to the description of the store’s products. Today, quite often you can see descriptions with gross grammatical errors, sometimes authors lie about products and embellish the real characteristics of the goods.

Text for product cards must be true and selling at the same time. To do this, you need to understand what exactly is necessary for the buyer, the text should be rather optimistic, and you need to tell about the products in more detail. Recommendations on the choice of goods will also be relevant, for example, you can write what are the alternatives, how do the models of the same manufacturer differ, etc.

Description of the explanatory text

To create a product card, you must first adapt to the needs of buyers in search engines, including those that are typed with errors. A SEO specialist will help you in this matter. Serve the product from a vantage point, explain for what purpose it is suitable, and back up your explanation with facts. Find the opportunity to interest the visitor with other site offers and never pour “water” into the text - it is annoying.

product store description

Some tips

Before proceeding with the description of the store, it is important to remember that in no case should you focus on texts that are on competitors' websites. There may be many such “carbon copies” on the Web, and the buyer will not understand at all why he should buy here, and not from other sellers.

Texts benefit more often if they are written for a specific project. Each store has its own characteristics and principles of working with customers, so it is better to focus on why it will be convenient for the buyer to cooperate with you.

Examples for clothing and cosmetics stores

In order for you not to consider all of the above as "water", we will demonstrate the operation of the basic principles with specific examples. Let's create a description of a clothing store with the name “Flowerbed”:

We are lovers of bright colors both in life and in clothes. If the dullness of gray everyday life does not allow you to breathe deeply, paint them with the help of the specialists of the Klumba clothing store.

“Flowerbed” is an Emporio Armani designer clothing store at affordable prices. We do not follow fashion trends, we are fashion. Interesting, vibrant and boring outfits, style tips and the opportunity to become a full-time designer. What do we offer:

  • Bright, but appropriate for all occasions clothes. You will not go unnoticed.
  • Shoes and accessories that are right for your outfit.
  • Sew any dress according to your sketch.
  • The consultants will tell you what to wear and what to wear so that the image is stylish and noble.

We offer you more than 1000 items that are presented in a convenient format, online support 24/7, delivery within 3 days, the ability to return, discounts for new and regular customers, and you can also come up with your own clothes, which we will create with pleasure.

description of the store

Klumba is a new format of online clothing stores that has successfully established itself in the countries of Asia, Europe and the USA, and now has appeared in Russia.

Priorities and service

In the “flower bed” is always easy and pleasant to make purchases. If you liked a thing, but it’s embarrassing for the length / width / decoration, etc., do not hesitate to inform our specialist about it - we will tailor it to your tastes.

You can choose the most convenient payment method for you, we deliver for free, the return conditions are simple and clear. We value your time and desire to look stunning for little money, but most of all we value your personality, which is why we create what you like! ”

The result is such a simple description, in which there is nothing superfluous. The main focus is on the fact that people have the opportunity to get clothes according to their own sketches or change existing products. Before or after the item “Priorities and service”, insert the button for switching to the catalog of goods or promotional offers.

In addition, you will need to add the button “Reviews with photos”: since this format of clothing stores is little known, buyers will be interested to see who bought what and what it looks like. In a word, the description, like products, must take into account all the interests of the consumer. Similarly, you can make a description of the cosmetics store, but you should also add quality certificates (if they are, of course).

Grocery store

The average residents of Russia rarely order products in online stores, however, on the Internet there should be a description of a product store of such a plan. However, there is one caveat: you do not need to praise yourself. Visitors who visit the grocery store website will look for whether a particular product is available or see what promotions are taking place. However, this rule applies only to large supermarket chains.

description of the cosmetics store

If it is, for example, a store of exotic fruits from Thailand, then the first thing, after the opening remarks, is to indicate which fruits are available and how they are brought to Russia. You also need to warn buyers that the taste may be unusual for our person. It is imperative to provide a quality certificate when it comes to a grocery store. Providing such information is also a mandatory item in the description of the children's store.

Flower shop

But with the description of the flower shop will have to tinker. Before you start creating text, you need to find out what the store specializes in. For example, it can be the preparation of bouquets and flower arrangements, or simply the owners offer indoor plants in pots. Some stores specialize in selling seeds, soil, and other in-house flower growing supplies. All these nuances must be clarified.

It is also worth noting that this type of store rarely has unique trading offers or a loyalty program. Usually they attract the attention of buyers with short-term stocks.

In the description, it is important to pay attention to the time of year. For example, if you need flower delivery in winter, specify how it will happen so that the buyer is sure that his goods will not go bad.

An example of a flower shop description:

Potted flowers have a special, unsurpassed charm that does not change throughout the year. Indoor flowers will always cheer you up, decorate your room and become a great gift for any occasion.

Salon-shop “Flora” gives guarantees that the flowers you purchase will be fresh and healthy. Sellers will tell you how to properly care for them, and plants all year round will delight your eye, purify the air and saturate it with oxygen.

Our store offers a wide selection of indoor plants. They can be purchased both wholesale and retail, and most importantly - you can order any plant that is not currently available. For those who are just starting to grow decorative crops on their own, in addition to consultation, the store provides an accompanying memo, which will contain all the necessary information.

flower shop description

Please note that most of the flowers we do not send by mail, delivery is valid around the city by courier. We accept any form of payment that is convenient for you, delivery is free, a return is possible within two weeks. We love our flowers and are ready to give them only in good hands! ”

This is a brief description of the store. In full, it should include a list of plant categories, contacts, a button for action.

Simplicity is the key to success

The simplicity of the text simplifies the understanding of the written, respectively, increases the value of the product. Proposals should be short, capacious, not contain complex turns and not neglect analytics. It is much easier to convince people with numbers.

It is also important to find a thread that will connect the target customer with the product, it is very important to be able to adapt to the mood of consumers.

store description

You can add interesting facts or product details to the text to describe the store (if the assortment is small). But these sentences will become an empty phrase if the text is full of pompous phrases, tautology and repeating thoughts. Readability - this is what you need to pay attention to before posting your material on the site.

To please a potential consumer, you need to write the text a little funny (if we are not talking about a funeral services store), unpredictable and simple, only then you will be able to increase the number of customers.


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