How to remove the smell of cigarettes from hands: effective ways and means

The main problem of those who smoke is the “aroma” of cigarettes in their hands. Very often, such people are uncomfortable due to the unpleasant smell of tobacco. The question immediately arises: how to remove the smell of cigarettes from hands? Especially if a person works in close contact with customers. These may be professions such as makeup artist, doctor or cosmetologist. Today we’ll talk about ways to change this situation for the better.

With every smoking, the smell of cigarettes eats into the skin of the hands. If you do this infrequently, then the smell disappears. But if you smoke steadily and at least a pack a day leaves, then it remains and getting rid of it becomes problematic. Naturally, the hand that holds the cigarette absorbs the smell more. What to do? How to remove the smell of cigarettes from hands? This question is very worrying about smokers. Therefore, we’ll talk about this now.

Sticks - a way from childhood

Note that odor control measures must be taken after each smoking. Students, for example, use sticks for this. But for an adult, this method is not suitable. The sight of a man or woman with sticks on which a cigarette smokes will make people around laugh. So, you need to find the way how to remove the smell of cigarettes from your hands, which is suitable for you.

Soap and napkins will help eliminate an unpleasant "aroma"

how to remove the smell of cigarettes from clothes

To do this, for example, you need to wash your hands with perfumed soap after all breaks. And the sharper the smell of the product, the better the effect. But this method does not always allow it to be applied. After all, a person smokes not only at home, but also on the street. What to do? How to remove the smell of cigarettes from hands on the street? There are wet wipes for this. After all, many people are constantly in motion. The advantage of this method is that it will not only remove the smell of cigarettes, but also moisturize your skin on your hands. The composition of napkins includes antibacterial agents and aromatic additives. It is better to use several napkins at once, one for the hands and the other for the face.

Antiseptic and gel with anti-smoking effect

One way to quickly remove the smell of cigarettes from your hands is an antiseptic. Usually it contains alcohol. And its smell easily interrupts the tobacco aroma. But the minus is that alcohol negatively affects the skin of the hands, namely it dries it.

Very rarely, but you can find gels and creams with an anti-tobacco effect. They are specially designed to solve this problem. But they are difficult to find on sale.

Lemon and citric acid are great helpers

how to remove the smell of cigarettes from the hands and mouth

There is a way to remove the smell of cigarettes from your hands and mouth. To do this, wipe your hands with a slice of lemon and eat a little of the fruit itself. It is useful not only for health, but also for the skin of the hands. Very often it turns yellow in those places where it touches a cigarette. A lemon will lighten these areas.

You can also use a tool such as citric acid. To do this, prepare a solution of ¼ teaspoon of acid and add ½ teaspoon of water there. Put this mixture on a cotton pad, attach cigarettes and skin to the place of contact. And after one or two minutes, just rinse with water.

Vinegar and Coffee Ground

Vinegar works on the same principle. Dampen a cotton pad with vinegar. Then wipe the contact area with the cigarette. Vinegar will remove odor and germs.

There is another option, how to remove the smell of cigarettes from your hands. Rub your hands with coffee grounds. It is in no way inferior in intensity to the smell of tobacco. The aroma of coffee, like cigarettes, is quickly absorbed into the skin and remains for a long time. Especially this method will appeal to women. After all, it not only eliminates the unpleasant odor, but also has the property of scrub. But do not forget to wash your hands, because coffee grounds also have a coloring effect.


To prevent odor can mouthpiece. It looks, of course, very extravagant. But the effect is good. You will not be bothered by the unpleasant smell of cigarettes on your hands.

how to remove the smell of cigarettes from hands on the street

Wash, frost and toilet water

How to remove the smell of cigarettes from hands and clothes? There is no quick way to solve this problem. If we can still quickly remove the smell of tobacco from our hands, then this cannot be done from our clothes. You can return to its former freshness only by washing and preferably with fabric softener.

And if the weather is frosty, then you can take clothes out and leave them there for several hours. In this way, we can not completely get rid of the unpleasant smell of cigarettes, but it will not be so strong.

In this case, toilet water will help. She will for some time mask the smell of cigarettes. In the same way, you can remove the smell from the hair. Put some toilet water on the comb and comb. The main thing is not to get carried away, because too strong a smell of perfume will confuse others as well as the smell of tobacco.

how to quickly remove the smell of cigarettes from your hands

Toothpaste and chewing gum

Another problem is the smell of cigarettes from the mouth. The easiest way to solve this problem is to brush your teeth. The composition of the paste usually includes a mint flavor. And he will kill the smell of cigarettes. The problem is that this method can only be used if you have a paste and a brush with you. If not, then at least rinse your mouth with plain water.

The most convenient and popular way is chewing gum. But do not buy with a mint flavor. The most surprising thing is that the chewing gum with mint flavor does not really help in getting rid of the smell of cigarettes. Fruit chewing gum is best suited for this.

Anti-policeman and strong tea

How else to remove the smell? Go to the pharmacy and buy Antipolicy candy. They will remove bad breath from cigarettes well. Another good way is to make yourself strong tea. It doesn't matter if it is green tea or black. You can also have coffee.

Cloves and ginger will help to cope with the problem.

how to remove the smell of cigarettes from hands and clothes

You can chew cloves or bay leaf. It removes the smell of cigarettes well, but the taste is not pleasant. If this is not possible, chew the coffee bean.

Ginger helps in the smell of cigarettes. You can make tea or coffee with it. Or always carry a piece of candied ginger with you. There is also a mouth spray with a refreshing effect. But they are not as effective as we would like.


We examined many options for how to get rid of tobacco smell, but it is impossible to do it 100%. If you regularly take measures, then the "aroma" will not be so noticeable. It remains to choose among the above methods that are most suitable for you. But the best method to get rid of the smell of cigarettes is to quit smoking. Be healthy!


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