How to get up early in the morning and get enough sleep? How to train yourself to get up early?

Getting up early is good. This has been reported by the headlines for some time now. There are countless tutorials on how successful people start their day at five in the morning. But the question is not only how to get up early and get enough sleep, but is it necessary at all? This article will solve this dilemma, and not only it.

get up early

Modern division of society

At some point in society, a rule was established behind the scenes to divide all people into “owls” and “larks”. The first, respectively, birds are nocturnal, and at a later time of the day they are awake, while the second are obviously early birds. Of course, there is something in it. But does this mean that someone is allowed to sleep until twelve?

If we take as an axiom the statement that it is harmful to a healthy organism (and even to an unhealthy one), then the answer, of course, is negative.

But the axiom is an exceptional thing, therefore it is better to consider the evidence.

Why get up early?

All nature on Earth is subject to solar influence. It is easy to notice that with the first rays of this brightest star, all living things begin to wake up - therefore, processes in the human body are also activated somewhere around sunrise.

If activation occurs during sleep, it turns into irreversible processes. This leads to poor health.

how to get up early and get enough sleep

Consequences of Late Rising

The negative impact is on:

  • normal cell secretion;
  • healthy work of the hormonal system.

Leads to:

  • cell mutation;
  • malignancy - malignant cells.

The consequences of getting up early

The implications are as follows:

  • increase in vitality;
  • digestion improvement;
  • stability of the nervous system;
  • less susceptibility to depression, stress, etc.

“Owls” and “larks” - true or false?

V. M. Kovalzon confirms the scientific prerequisites for the emergence of the division of people into early and late "birds" - this is a genetic predisposition. At the same time, according to him, at present the overwhelming majority of people who classify themselves as one or another species are not congenital “owls” / “larks,” but retrained.

The sleep mode in the modern rhythm of life is greatly affected by the pressure of a social schedule, a professional orientation. For example, all the actors are owls, and the doctors are larks.

A genetic predisposition is rare, although it is found, albeit at a lower percentage. These "owls" no instruction on how to get up early and get enough sleep, will not help.

Time for an early climb

The most encouraged by the early rise advise everyone around to get up at sunrise, but at certain times of the year it can be at 4-5 in the morning. Not everyone is capable of such feats. The ideal time can be considered 6 am. This is not a prerequisite, but in any case, the rise should be no later than nine. But how to train yourself to get up early? What is the use if the alarm clock is set at the right time, but the body still resists?

how to train yourself to get up early

Interesting observation

The trend is such that cheerful and optimistic people do not experience problems with an early rise. They love this world. Not wanting to waste a single minute of time sleeping, they themselves strive to get up early and spend the whole day productively and fruitfully. Isn't this the key to success?

How to get up early in the morning?

First of all, recommendations are offered for consideration that facilitate the climb in principle, and indeed are good habits:

  • do not eat at night;
  • air the bedroom before going to bed;
  • it is also useful to breathe fresh air - take a walk, go out to the balcony, or at least look out the open window and stand for a couple of minutes;
  • go to bed no later than ten or eleven in the evening, the deadline is not to stay up until midnight.

"The morning greets us with coolness!"

Tips for getting up early in the morning:

  • music standing on an alarm clock should not be loud and sudden - such a transition early in the morning will be stressful for the body, on the contrary, it is better to make calm, pleasant sounds, perhaps spiritual classics or loud voices;
  • You can arrange to get up early in the morning with someone - a sense of responsibility helps;
  • an alarm clock should be put on the other end of the room - so in the morning you will have to get up at least to turn it off.

Strategic approach

How to learn to get up early? It is not in vain that the question is posed in this way - “learn”, “study”, “science”. This is a long-term deal with the daily routine, not a one-time need. Therefore, it may be worth developing an entire plan with a true strategy.

We use two main approaches (we choose which one is more like / effective):

  • It is necessary to fall asleep and wake up daily at the same time (well, at least approximate, an error of 10 minutes is not considered);
  • to listen to the body - if he wants to sleep, then it's time to enter the world of dreams.

how to learn to get up early

The second approach relates well to trained "owls" - despite the habit of staying up late, the body continues to work according to its biological clock. But he does not fit the true "owls" at all. What then should they do? How to get up in the morning?

We use psychological tactics

How to learn to get up early? If the most cruel physical methods are still ineffective, then the time has come for psychological attitudes.

  • The principle of "I see the goal - I see no obstacles." Learning to get up earlier is easier if you have something to do it for. We need meaning, we need a goal, and then nothing will be a barrier to the early rise.
  • Love for life and an active life position, optimism and positive.
  • A dream and a favorite thing.
  • Exercising as a way to influence the rhythm of life, maintain body tone, allow the body to get tired during the day and in the evening want to be in a warm embrace of sleep.
  • Motivation as an internal attitude of the need to understand how to train yourself to get up early.
  • Anticipation of a pleasant morning. Let this time not be associated with stress, nerves and migraines. Want to learn how to get up early in the morning? It is easy if it is enjoyable. Let the beginning of the day be associated with hot, aromatic and tasty coffee, a cool breeze, the atmosphere of something new, a kiss from a loved one. Really, this does not want to exchange for a dream!
  • Self-discipline regarding what to do in the evening. For example, a book is a vacation, and a TV is an energy vampire, a pleasant conversation is useful, and gatherings at a computer in social networks are the opposite.

Insomnia - the scourge of modern society

How to learn to get up early in the morning? For this you need to sleep. And to get enough sleep, it is required that the sleep takes a sufficient number of hours. And for this you need to go to bed earlier. Bingo! So, an important question arising from the source is: "How to go to bed early and get up early?"

get up early and all day

It would seem simpler than simple - to force yourself to spend time before midnight watching TV shows or work. But now the light is off, his eyes are closed, there are only blankets and pillows around, and the dream does not go on and on. So an hour passes, and two, and three. The clock is almost five in the morning, an hour later to rise. And how to get up early here? Unless you do not go to bed at all - almost it turns out.

Unfortunately, this condition becomes the rule, not the exception. And it is called insomnia.

Causes of the problem and how to deal with it

All causes of insomnia can be divided into two large layers:

  • Mental. These are stresses, and depression, and nervous breakdowns, and sometimes even serious disorders.
  • Mental overwork. Its basis is increasingly informational glut, the brain is working for wear and tear, but inefficiently, feverish pieces of data either appear or disappear in the head, there is no way to accept or process anything new, not to mention filtering.

Insignificant at first glance domestic causes of insomnia:

  • inconvenience of sleeping clothes, bed / sofa;
  • taking bedtime drinks containing caffeine;
  • heavy dinner;
  • medications;
  • irritating sensory factors: strong lighting, loud noise or unpleasant odors;
  • the presence of bad habits (alcohol and cigarettes have a negative effect on sleep patterns).

As you can see, insomnia is a consequence that can be eliminated only by eliminating the cause. Therefore, from the list above, you need to select the appropriate item.

Folk ways to get rid of insomnia often consist in herbal infusions, which must be drunk before bedtime. It really has a positive effect on the general condition. Herbs like mint and chamomile soothe the nervous system. Honey beneficially and completely harmless before bedtime.

Of course, if the cause of insomnia is much more serious, these funds will not help, you will have to consult a doctor. But these are exceptional cases, the most common reason at present in the modern world is the irrational expenditure of energy and the distribution of time. People engaged in mental work often overstrain, consume coffee and energy drinks to stay awake, and then suffer because they cannot fall asleep.

how to learn to get up early in the morning

It is worth remembering that proper nutrition and proper sleep patterns are interrelated things, so you must also monitor healthy and regular eating.

Getting up early - who doesn't need it?

After reviewing the helpful tips for getting up early, you can return to the basics, the beginning of the article, and what the first headings said.

So, the division into “larks” and “owls”, as well as the important fact that they are trained (for the most part) and real.

True larks did not need this briefing. Trained, too, because they have already (although perhaps with difficulty) mastered the technique of how to get up early in the morning.

Remain "owls."

How to understand whether you are a real "owl"?

The essence of the “owl” is not that she cannot sleep at night. Can. And with a special desire, even get up early. The problem is that she does not need it. Moreover, it is harmful to her.

At the beginning of the article it was talked about the biological rhythm, that the natural clock sets the body to stay awake in the daytime and rest in the dark. The "owls" are the opposite. And just like the “larks”, if you sleep before 12 o’clock to ruin your health, it is not recommended for real “owls” to force themselves to get up at six in the morning and run to new achievements.

A few signs of a real "owl":

  • regardless of how many hours were spent sleeping, and whether there is a feeling of a person who has slept, in the first half of the day productivity is reduced;
  • moral inclination to start business in the evening - a feeling that spiritual energy awakens at this time;
  • when trying to live according to the “early bird” mode, by 10-23 pm the tired body wants to sleep, but at the same time there is inspiration that cannot be caused in the daytime.

How to live a real "owl"?

Unfortunately, both the academic and working hours in official institutions begin at about 8 - it’s completely inconvenient for the “owl”, who is not even able to sleep at such a time to perceive information. But for her there is another way (in terms of work), for example, freelance, in which the worker himself plans his schedule. Representatives of such professions as a journalist, programmer, web and graphic designer, illustrator, blogger can engage in freelancing.

In addition, night shift work is possible - these are security guards, taxi drivers, and various establishments open around the clock. So "owls" get rid of the need to yawn at the workplace.

how to go to bed early and get up early

Many creative professions suggest an irregular work schedule, which in this case can be called a way out. It is not worth it to force yourself to be forced to do something unnatural for the body.

But if the “owl” of you is only imaginary, trained, then take courage and, putting into practice all of the above tips, start a new life from a new, early morning.


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