Pedicure Socks: Customer Reviews

Female legs always need special care. This is especially true in the warm season, when girls switch to open shoes. Almost the only way to bring your feet in perfect order is a salon pedicure. But, alas, this procedure is quite expensive, and there is not always time to visit the salon.

socks for pedicure
Almost any of us knows how to do pedicures on our own. But someone prefers to visit a qualified master, for someone closer hardware pedicure. Recently, such a variety of home pedicures as acidic or chemical peeling has become increasingly popular.

Modern cosmetology has stepped far forward, and making a full-fledged pedicure at home is not difficult. You only need to purchase a pedicure kit that includes a special gel and peeling socks.

There are a lot of reviews about this miracle remedy. The socks work just fine, making the skin of the feet soft, like a child’s. The only thing that shockes almost all consumers is the very process of cleaning the feet from rough skin. The flaky skin looks, of course, scary, but it does not cause any pain.

Pedicure socks - one of the options for chemical peeling

soso pedicure socks
Popular peeling socks, reviews of which are exceptionally positive, were created by Japanese cosmetologists. The procedure itself is very simple.

Its essence is as follows. The set includes special polyethylene or made of similar material socks and a special gel with strong exfoliating properties. It is necessary to put on these socks and fill them with the required amount of gel. Next, you need to warm your feet with ordinary cotton socks and continue to do your usual business. The main thing is to keep track of time and not overexpose the gel mask on your feet.

Exfoliating mask socks are complex formulations. At the same time, natural components are used as components, so there are practically no contraindications to the use of such socks. It is worth abandoning chemical peeling if there are wounds and injuries on the surface of the feet, for example, fresh corns or scratches.

Pedicure socks, reviews of which are mostly enthusiastic, help get rid of corns, dry corns, heal small cracks, completely renewing the skin of the feet. The legs look just great!

As you can see, the procedure itself is very simple and really effective. By the way, representatives of the strong half of humanity will be able to use socks for pedicure. Yes, and no need to snort! The fact is that acid peeling perfectly copes with very rough skin, which is very useful for the legs.

Carrying out such procedures will help get rid of corns. Dead skin cells create a favorable environment for the reproduction of bacteria, which cause a terribly unpleasant odor. Pedicure socks completely remove old skin from the surface of the feet, so you will definitely get rid of the smell.

Key Benefits

pedicure socks skinlite reviews
The main advantages of this type of home pedicure include the following:

  • during the procedure, there is an increase in lymph flow, which helps to stimulate the vital activity of skin cells;
  • the aging process of the skin slows down;
  • there is a wonderful decongestant effect;
  • there is a regulation of the sebaceous and sweat glands, which makes it possible to get rid of excessive sweating of the legs;
  • antifungal effect is provided;
  • crack healing occurs.

In addition, the use of pedicure socks is an excellent prevention of such an unpleasant disease of the legs as excessive keratinization of the skin. This is precisely the most common cause of painful wear.

How it works?

pedicure socks reviews
Socks are very simple in their use. Before using them, you need to wash your feet and thoroughly dry your feet with a towel.

We put on socks, after pouring the necessary amount of gel inside. You can buy socks already soaked with the composition. They are even more convenient to use.

We are waiting for a certain amount of time (according to the attached instructions). It’s not very convenient to do housework in them: the gel squishes while walking, and the legs, wrapped in plastic socks, slide on the floor surface.

After the set time, the socks should be carefully removed, wash your feet thoroughly and dry them with a towel. That's all. Socks from almost all manufacturers are disposable, so you can safely throw them away.

Choose socks for pedicure

Have you decided to buy pedicure socks? Reviews will help you choose the best option.

Premium class

japanese pedicure socks

Japanese pedicure socks are in this category. It was Japanese cosmetologists who became the authors of this peeling technique. Products from this manufacturer are traditionally considered the best.

SOSO pedicure socks are one of the most sought after products in this area of ​​home cosmetology. Exfoliation of dead skin occurs under the influence of lactic acid and additional active components that make up the gel. It:

  • hyaluronic acid;
  • ceramides;
  • butylene glycol;
  • squalane.

In addition to chemical components in the composition of socks there are also plant components: common rape , ivy, soap dish and sage. They, in turn, provide skin hydration and accelerate the regeneration process.

SOSU pedicure socks have three different aromas: mint, lavender and rose.

A budget option

Korean pedicure socks are practically no different from Japanese counterparts, but cost much less. Tony Moly and Shany Foot are popular. By the way, the Korean version of pedicure socks has an excellent price-quality ratio.

Cheap chemical peeling socks

korean pedicure socks
Chinese pedicure socks belong to the cheapest category of these products. Buying Chinese products is always a lottery. Sometimes for little money you can buy really high-quality goods that are in no way inferior to premium products. And sometimes it’s a complete disappointment, so when buying Chinese socks, you should focus on the available reviews.

Pedicure socks from the Chinese manufacturer are slightly different from Japanese counterparts. It is worth noting that Chinese socks have a strictly limited time of use (no more than 45 minutes), not too wide component composition. As a rule, this is water, tocopherol, citrus, cucumber and lavender oil. In addition, the maximum size of socks is forties.

chinese pedicure socks
Skinlite pedicure socks are especially popular. Reviews about this Chinese version of home peeling for the feet are most positive. They do a good job with rough skin of the feet and calluses.

In addition, Skinlite socks contribute to improving the elasticity of the skin, making it more elastic. Socks show themselves well in the fight against excessive sweating, regulating the work of sweat glands.

The product is based on citrus and glycolic acid, which help painlessly rid the surface of the feet of “dead” skin. And the extracts from apple and papaya additionally present in the gel composition effectively soften and moisturize the skin surface after the procedure.

A chamomile extract, which is part of these Chinese pedicure socks, helps soothe the skin. Despite the fact that Skinlite pedicure socks have only positive reviews, they show one small drawback: size. Such socks can not be used by women and men, having a foot size more than the fortieth number.


The composition of pedicure socks contains various components. These are acids, extracts and plant oils, therefore they are contraindicated in:

  • pregnancy
  • during lactation;
  • violations of the skin present on the surface of the foot.


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