"TITIKAKA" - exhibition in St. Petersburg. Museum reviews

Everyone remembers the lines from the poem of A.S. Pushkin: "Oh, how many miraculous discoveries the spirit and experience prepare for us, the son of difficult mistakes, and genius, friend paradoxes ..." These lines can be attributed to the exhibits of the TITIKAKA Museum of Records and Facts in St. Petersburg.

Perhaps you should go through its halls and see the wonders collected from around the world. And also to hear reviews about the exhibition "TITIKAKA" (St. Petersburg) from the lips of those who have been here. From here, no one leaves disappointed, no one complains that he spent time in vain. Everyone finds something new for himself, it is interesting to everyone: both preschoolers and people of the older generation. Everyone who gets to the museum receives valuable food for the mind and broadens his horizons.

Why such a name - "TITIKAKA"?

The exhibition occupies four rooms, each of which has its own theme. There are many exhibits, most of them are presented in the original, and some are so realistic that sometimes you get lost in time and space.

titicaca exhibition in spb reviews

Why was the exhibition called "Titicaca"? Perhaps someone heard about a lake with that name - one of the most mysterious lakes in the world. In numerous reviews of the exhibition "Titikaka" (St. Petersburg), visitors note that they were struck by the fact that one hundred million years ago Lake Titicaca was a sea bay, but natural disasters raised it to a height of 4200 meters, and it spread between the ridges of the central Andes. The water in the lake has long been fresh, but representatives of marine ichthyofauna are still found in it. Titicaca Lake's record is that it is the highest navigable lake in the world and it contains the largest freshwater reserve in all of Latin America.

Hall "Cult things of the era"

In the first room, visitors can find the very first edition of the Guinness Book of Records. It was then called "The book of superlatives. About the highest and lowest, big, small, fast, old, new, loud, hot, cold, strong." Mention of this book in reviews of the exhibition "TITIKAKA" (St. Petersburg) is often found. For many visitors, it aroused genuine interest.

In the same room, one could see the first Barbie dolls and the first 1984 Macintosh personal computer .

The smallest Peel P50 car with a length of 134 cm, presented at the exhibition, was mass-produced by the United Kingdom. Its capacity is one person, the driver himself.

Here in a smaller version is the Eiffel Tower. And also an entertaining exhibit that causes bewilderment and a smile - a French hat with a lightning rod, somewhat reminiscent of an ordinary knitting needle.

"Incredible, but true ..." - this is how the inscriptions on many posters next to the exhibits begin.

It was rather interesting to talk about what SPAM is and where this word came from, familiar to everyone who uses e-mail.

titicaca book exhibition spb reviews

Judging by the reviews, the photos at the exhibition "TITIKAKA" (St. Petersburg) serve as a clear example of the origin of some concepts in modern society. Many note their high informativeness, because it is interesting to learn facts about familiar things that many of us do not even suspect. And most importantly, you do not have to hire a guide. Just read carefully.

Hall "Strange Traditions"

In this hall, among the exhibits, outlandish women's shoes from Ancient China are presented. These are women's shoes from 7 to 10 centimeters in size, which Chinese women were obliged to wear, disfiguring their feet to please traditions.

Somehow it becomes uneasy for a person who is at the stand with amulets made of a human head - tsantsa. In the eastern forests of Ecuador, the Hivaro tribes, known as the "bounty hunters," live. Their ancestors believed that the strength and soul of a person is in the head, therefore, having killed the enemy, they appropriated his head and made from it an amulet that was worn around the neck. Such things cause shock in modern man, many visitors write about this in reviews of the exhibition "TITIKAKA" (St. Petersburg).

Titicaca exhibition St. Petersburg reviews description

There is a musical "flying saucer" in this room, on which you can play if you wish. At the exhibition, exhibits can not only be touched, but also tried on if you want. You can wear a mask of shame, rowdy or witch. The latter was chained to a man sentenced to death, and drove through the streets of the city, sometimes for several days, depriving him of water and food.

Hall "Big and small"

There is a huge exhibit in the hall - a man weighing half a ton with a waist circumference of 275 cm. There is also a dummy of a human head with a huge nose, as well as the largest palm, the size of which is about a landscape sheet.

Those who consider themselves too tall and are shy of their own growth should approach the tallest man in the history of mankind, whose exhibit is located in the hall next to the measuring ruler. His height is 272 cm. Next to him, any insecure "giant" will feel short.

titicaca exhibition spb reviews photos

In this room you can also take pictures in the heart of a blue whale or in the jaws of the most ancient shark of incredible size.

It also presents the world's thinnest woman’s waist (33 cm).

Kids who come to the exhibition will be interested in playing in the sandbox with giant Lego blocks.

Sculptor Salavat Fidey

The hall demonstrates pencil sculptures created by the talented Ufa resident Salavat Fidai. The uniqueness is that the master works with a stylus, artfully cutting out the smallest details. This is described in the materials on the works of the artist-sculptor, and in the description for the exhibition "TITIKAKA" (St. Petersburg). Visitors' reviews indicate a particular interest in his work.

Russian artist Salavat Fidai, armed with an X-ACTO knife, creates original pencil sculptures. His work is also unusual in that the material with which the master works is unusually fragile. Fortunately, the artist has enough patience, and the skills that he owns are truly unique.

In a magnifying magnifier, one can also consider the microminiatures presented here.

titicaca vystvka spb reviews

Hall "I believe - I do not believe"

This hall actually makes you believe in something you don’t want to believe in. Roswell alien, ancient moai, Fijian mermaid and horned rabbit are represented here.

There are some exhibits of the Kunstkamera in the hall.

To believe it or not depends on each visitor.

There are a lot of interesting samples at the exhibition, one of which is more interesting than the other. If you read through every poster placed near the exhibits, the amount of new information will be enormous. But it’s not necessary to know everything in one day. You can visit the exhibition several times, devoting the whole day to a particular room.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/A9469/

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