Daily routine for a healthy lifestyle: the basics of the right regimen of the day

The idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle is not new, but every year it is becoming increasingly relevant. To be healthy, you need to follow a variety of rules. One of them is related to planning your day. It would seem, is it really important what time to go to bed and have lunch ?! However, it is the daily routine of a person leading a healthy lifestyle that is the starting principle.

daily routine for a healthy lifestyle

What is a healthy lifestyle?

The fact that health depends on lifestyle was noticed by the distant ancestors of modern people. The ancient Greeks began to formulate the general principles of a healthy life. This concept has evolved with the development of medicine. In the XX century it was discovered: a healthy lifestyle and daily routine are interconnected. And following certain rules can greatly reduce the risk of various diseases. Health is understood not only as existence without ailments, but also as a productive, active and long stay on this planet. Scientists began to study the constituent components of a lifestyle that help in the prevention of diseases and can improve its quality and duration. And they found out that the following phenomena are included in such a list:

  1. Refusal of any bad habits. The list of such has changed over the years. Once, they understood only alcohol abuse. The dangers of tobacco began to speak by historical standards recently. Today, all substances poisoning the body, as well as many other abuses, such as sugar, fat, fast food, are harmful.
  2. Proper nutrition. This phenomenon is also changing over the years. Today, experts talk about a balanced diet. The diet should include a certain amount of calories, fats, proteins and carbohydrates.
  3. Well thought out physical activity. In connection with technical progress, man is less and less engaged in natural activity: he does not need to catch up with prey in order to eat. But the body is designed with the required number of received loads, otherwise it crashes faster. Therefore, doctors talk about the need for systematic physical activity for health.
  4. Compliance with hygiene rules. Sanitary rules also change dramatically as civilization evolves. Today, the norm is washing your hands after visiting the restroom and before eating, brushing your teeth twice a day, etc. Also, hardening should be included in this part of the lifestyle.
  5. The daily routine for a healthy lifestyle is also very important. The mode of activity and rest is a way of regulating physiological processes that affect health.
  6. Peace of mind. The connection of health with the psycho-emotional state of a person is no longer in doubt. A person seeking to gain health must learn to regulate the manifestation of emotions, overcome stress and maintain reasonable optimism and harmony in the soul.

Compliance with all the rules, according to experts, leads to a significant extension of a quality and productive life without disease.

daily routine for a healthy lifestyle in men

The concept of biorhythms

The daily routine for a healthy lifestyle is associated with a phenomenon such as biological rhythms. All life on earth is subject to them. Biorhythms are periodic dynamics of the intensity of physiological processes. In a person, psychoemotional vibrations can be associated with them. Rhythms support the functioning of our body. The new science of chronobiology studies the patterns of fluctuations and reveals their significance in people's lives. Without noticing it, we adapt to various cycles, reacting physiologically to them. So, the sun primarily affects us, because we are solar beings. Therefore, you can see the fluctuation of biorhythms during the day and year. Less studied, obvious are the changes determined by the lunar cycle. But from ancient times it is known that this satellite affects the entire Earth and each living creature individually. Also, the stage of the life cycle also determines the fluctuation of processes in the body. The change in rhythms is due to the state of the physiological system and changes, for example, during the period of the disease.

Biorhythms are associated with a phenomenon such as a biological clock. Our body has an internal sense of time. Human sensors record external events - diurnal and seasonal fluctuations, as well as internal processes: heartbeat, blood pressure, breathing rhythm. It is the clock that signals us the need to go to bed or eat. The ability to regulate sleep and wakefulness is at the cellular level. However, modern man increasingly does not listen to his natural watch and even knocks them down.

healthy lifestyle and daily routine

The significance of the daily routine in human life

Biorhythms affect the performance of organs, which varies greatly throughout the day. For example, the heart works most efficiently from 11 to 13. Therefore, the regime, as the basis of a healthy lifestyle, must take into account the characteristics of the functioning of the body. The correct daily routine allows you to plan the coincidence of the highest loads with the highest abilities of the body. This will allow a person to be less tired and spend his resources. Learning how to plan your day means increasing your productivity. The regime disciplines, helps to more effectively achieve your goals. A well-thought-out lifestyle allows you to rationally use your time and do much more: not only work, but also relax, spend time with loved ones, and engage in hobbies.

The daily routine is due to natural rhythms. For thousands of years, man has existed in accordance with solar and seasonal cycles. This affects the functioning of the body today. However, modern people have ceased to adhere to the traditional daily routine and, according to doctors, this adversely affects their health.

daily routine for a healthy lifestyle at 40

Types of human activity

A competent daily routine for a healthy lifestyle includes the distribution of the main types of human activity, their alternation in order to increase efficiency. In total, there are, by and large, three main types of being: sleep, work, and rest. It was during work that man created the entire material world around. It is a means of ensuring for people their existence. Labor usually requires a tremendous amount of energy, time. For most of his life, a person is engaged in activities.

Sleep is an essential activity because it allows you to restore resources. During night rest, our blood cells renew, which directly affects the protective capabilities of the body. That sleep is the best rest for the human body. At this time, the functioning of all systems is rebuilt, even the temperature regime changes. The brain is very active in a dream, but its activity has not been fully studied. It is known that he carries out the selection and processing of information received per day.

Rest is unproductive activity, which allows you to get psycho-emotional discharge. It is associated with activities that are fun and do not require intense effort. Any kind of activity is beneficial if it is harmoniously entered into the daily routine for a healthy lifestyle. Abuse of any activity can adversely affect a person’s health and emotional state.

daily routine for a healthy lifestyle basics

Traditional daily routine

Since ancient times, man has synchronized his activity with the sun. He rose with the first rays and went to bed when darkness fell. The functioning of human physiology was also adjusted to this mode . Systems start in the morning, gain activity by the middle of the day, and gradually reduce their productivity by night. Therefore, the traditional daily routine for a healthy lifestyle, an example of which can be found in many ancient texts, recommends getting up and going to bed early, eating basic food in the morning, and alternating work and rest.

Later types of routines developed by doctors specify that you should get up at about 6 in the morning. About two hours you need to spend on entering the working rhythm, for this you need to take a shower, do exercises. At 8 in the morning, the body is ready for the first meal, the gastrointestinal tract is able to work. The next two hours is the time to get started. For this period, it is not worth appointing responsible meetings and conferences, since intelligence is not yet working at full capacity. But at 10 o'clock - it's time to start thinking. At noon, you need to give the body food again. After that, for two hours the body is intensely busy digesting food and it is not up to mental activity. At this time, you can do calm, routine work, or even lie down for about 15 minutes.

From 16 to 18 - the second peak of mental and motor activity. You need to work hard at this time. After 18, activity begins to fall steadily, but there is still strength for motor activity. Therefore, at this time it’s good to do physical education or just take a walk. At 20 hours, the body begins to prepare for sleep. There’s nothing worth it anymore, but drinking green tea or kefir is the right time. At the same time, 22 hours is the best time to go to bed, because before midnight the body is best cleansed and restored. From 24 to 6 hours, a person should sleep to allow the body to perform all the procedures for cleansing and processing. Such a daily routine, of course, is very approximate. Moreover, recently, doctors have recommended making a daily regimen taking into account the age, state of health and gender of a person.

Health and Regime

A large amount of work, irregular sleep and poor nutrition negatively affect human health. The daily routine for a healthy lifestyle, the basis of which is developed by experts, is based on regularity. In order for the body to function efficiently, you need to get up and go to bed at the same time, take food by the clock. This will allow physiological systems to pre-tune to a certain type of activity and then carry out it most effectively.

Also, the regime involves the alternation of activity and rest. This allows the body to recover and not waste extra resources. Today, doctors say that many modern diseases, primarily stress and depression, are associated with a violation of the daily routine. Night activity leads to the fact that the body spends a lot of energy, does not have time to relax. As a result, the system malfunctions and the person becomes ill.

daily routine for a healthy lifestyle example

Approximate daily routine for men

The physiology of men is different from that of women. Therefore, it is advisable for each gender to make up their own regime. The daily routine for a healthy lifestyle in men differs primarily in that more time should be devoted to it for physical activity. Members of the stronger sex need to train the body with strength exercises, as well as develop endurance with the help of running and walking. The day of a healthy man begins at 6-7 in the morning with exercises to warm up the muscles. Breakfast should be at least 35% of the total daily diet. Young people need to move more. Therefore, after breakfast, it is best to take a walk lasting 20-30 minutes. It’s good to get used to getting to work on foot or by bike.

Mature men should spend a lot of time on cardio training: at least 3 times a week. The optimal daily routine for a healthy lifestyle in men of young and middle age should include 5-6 meals, but all main food should be consumed up to 16 hours. Sleep at any age is better to go to bed at 22-23 hours. Before going to bed, you should not load the brain reading or watching TV. Better to take a walk or listen to music. Sex in the schedule of a man is better to transfer to the morning hours. At this time, the body is best prepared for this.

Optimum regimen for women

Female physiology is focused on fertilization, gestation and the birth of children. Therefore, girls need a special regime of the day. When planning a day, you need to remember the monthly cycles that affect the tone and hormonal background. Therefore, the mode may vary depending on the stage of the cycle. The correct daily routine for a healthy lifestyle in girls should include a sufficient amount of physical activity. Mostly these should be cardio exercises and stretching exercises. Yoga classes and various breathing practices are excellent. From a young age, a girl should get used to get up early and go to bed. She needs to sleep at least 8-9 hours a day, preferably from 22 to 6. The daily regimen should include three full meals and 2-3 snacks.

A competent daily routine for a healthy lifestyle of a middle-aged and older woman should also include physical activity. It’s good if it will be yoga or Pilates. You need to do gymnastics or fitness 3 times a week for at least 40 minutes and devote 15-20 minutes to warm up every day. After thirty years, it is very important for women to get enough sleep. But you should not sleep for more than 8 hours. After 50, you can reduce your sleep time by 1 hour.

daily routine for a healthy lifestyle in children

Daily routine and age

The older a person becomes, the more forces the body needs to fight aging. A well-thought-out daily routine for a healthy lifestyle of 40 years should take into account age-related needs for sleep. For health, you need to sleep at least 7 hours. Doctors recommend more time to rest and competent physical activity. Food requirements after forty are declining. Therefore, you need to reduce portions, especially meat and simple carbohydrates, but not reduce the number of meals.

Daily routine

You need to take care of your health from a very young age. Therefore, the daily routine is so important for children. At this time, habits are formed that will accompany a person all his life. Do not neglect discipline and teach your baby to live by the clock. It is necessary to raise the child at 7 in the morning, and put it at night no later than 21 hours. Children need a lot of sleep. Therefore, babies under 6 years old should also sleep during the day. The correct daily routine for a healthy lifestyle in children should include walking, preferably 2 times a day, time for classes and 5-6 meals.

From an early age, you need to accustom the little one to daily physical activity. It can be morning exercises and active games every day. It is good to spend the first walk with preschoolers before lunch, the second at 17-18 hours. You can go to the park with your baby before going to bed, but do not let him load heavily. The daily routine for a healthy lifestyle of a student adapts to classes in an educational institution. Daytime sleep is struck off the schedule, but after lunch the child should have the opportunity to rest. For example, reading a book. The student should go to bed at 21 o’clock to sleep well before rising at 7 in the morning. The daily routine, as the basis of a healthy lifestyle, is important for each age group.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/A947/

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