Sample CV of a payroll accountant. Payroll accountant

A resume is a document that an applicant submits to an employer. It should contain a detailed account of previous work experience, education and achievements of a person applying for a vacant position.

However, it should be understood that it is not enough for the applicant to simply indicate information about himself on paper and send it to the company. It must be correctly filed and executed in order for the head or head of the personnel department to pay attention and study the submitted resume.

The following article will tell you how to create a resume for a payroll accountant so that he can be hired by the company. Below you can find out about the basic rules for compiling this document, the methods and sequence for submitting information in it. In addition, a sample resume for the payroll accountant will be provided.

Why do I need a resume?

Before you consider an approximate sample resume of a payroll accountant, it is worthwhile to understand the importance of the issue. Why, then, do we need this document and what role can it play in employment at an enterprise? This will help to make sure that the leader really paid attention to him.

So, a resume can be called a marketing tool that can help to “sell” your skills, experience and talents to the head of the enterprise, who has a desire to get a job, as profitably as possible.

sample payroll accountant resume

This document contains a summary of education, skills, accomplishments and life history, and more, which may relate to potential work. The resume demonstrates the abilities and how they compare with the requirements of the vacant position claimed by the applicant. As a rule, this is the document that is the visiting card of the candidate, and it is his employer who sees first, and only on the basis of it does he decide whether to invite a person for further interviews.

It is imperative to remember that the employer spends quite a bit of time reviewing a resume. This information will be useful to those who like to paint all their achievements with long sentences and supplement them with “water”. According to statistics, on average, executives review a resume for about 20 seconds to determine if a particular candidate is worth more carefully starting to study his story. It is this time (twenty seconds and no more) that a person has in order to make a first positive impression.

A resume is a document that is filled out in any form. However, although there are no specific rules, a person needs to present information in a way that is best suited to a particular situation.

There are some common standards that are commonly used, and some rules or, more precisely, useful recommendations from the perspective of resume writing. It is about them that it is worth telling in more detail.

sample payroll accountant resume

In what order should the information be presented?

The structure of the resume is a sequence of narratives about personal data, career achievements, level of education and other important information. The order of presentation of information may be as follows:

  1. Personal data.
  2. The purpose of submitting a resume.
  3. Experience.
  4. Education.
  5. Additional education.
  6. Personal qualities.

It is worth considering the content of each block separately.

how to create a resume payroll accountant

Personal data

First of all, you should write F. I. O. It is recommended to highlight them in bold or make them a little larger compared to the rest of the text.

Then indicate the date of birth, actual address of residence (you can write only the city of residence), contact phone number and email address.


Having picked up a resume, the head of the personnel department or the head of the company must understand why the person sent this document. For example, an accountant can formulate his goal as follows: “The goal is to obtain the position of an accountant for payroll.”

In some cases, an indication of salary is considered acceptable. It can be entered as follows: "Expected salary - 25,000 rubles."

payroll accountant


Such data should be indicated in reverse chronological order - from the moment of the last place of work to the first. Only that information should be entered in this section, which (if necessary) the head or head of the personnel department will be able to confirm by reviewing the applicant’s work book, copies of employment contracts, etc.

If a person worked somewhere informally, he should indicate this in the resume. But in order to confirm such data if necessary, the head of the human resources department has the right to double-check them by calling the organization that is entered in the resume.

The salary accountant may indicate the experience as follows:

  • 2017-2019 (2 years) - chief accountant of Food Technology Combine LLC;
  • 2010-2017 (7 years) - accountant in IE Sorokin & Co.
sample payroll accountant resume


This section is filled with the same consideration of recommendations as work experience - in reverse chronological order. For example:

  • 2005-2010 - State Academy of Management, specialty - accounting and audit;
  • 1994-2005 - Secondary school No. 357, Rostov-on-Don.

Additional education

In addition to the school and the university, it is necessary to indicate those places of study where knowledge was obtained that could be useful to a person in the occupation of the position indicated for the purpose of the resume. As an example, a payroll accountant can write the following in a resume:

  • 2015 - advanced training courses in accounting and cash accounting (certificate is available);
  • 2010 - courses in "Accounting at the enterprise and the movement of funds" (there is a certificate).

In general, additional skills are a competitive advantage. Therefore, if there is such an education, a payroll accountant should always mention it in his resume.

Personal qualities

In this section, you must specify the set of personal qualities that may be useful to a person in his future workplace. For example, for a payroll accountant it can be punctuality, the ability to focus on details, attentiveness, honesty, etc. The main thing - do not exaggerate when filling out this section.

So, after the recommendations have been studied, we can begin to consider the sample resume of the accountant for wages.

payroll education accountant


Personal data:

  • Date of birth - ..
  • Place of residence - Moscow.
  • Phone - +7 () --.
  • E-mail:

The goal is to obtain the position of accountant for calculating payroll plans.


  • 2014-2017 (3 years) - chief accountant at Med-Denta;
  • 2008-2014 (6 years) - accountant at Golden.


  • 2003-2008 - Moscow Finance and Law University, specialty - enterprise economics;
  • 1992-2003 - Secondary school No. 47, Moscow.

Additional education:

  • 2015 - advanced training courses in the direction of "Accounting and Auditing" (there is a certificate of international standard).

Personal qualities:

  • punctuality;
  • attention to details;
  • perseverance;
  • honesty;
  • decency.


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