Who creates sites for what?

Every day the Internet audience is becoming more and more. Active users now are not only young people, but also pensioners. The Internet is already used not only as a source of information, but also as a kind of market for the sale of various kinds of goods and services, as a labor exchange, as a cinema and much more. And the main cell of the Internet is the site.

There are various types of sites depending on their structure and purpose:

- Libraries or catalogs (a collection of films, books, websites, higher education institutions, suburban buses, recipes and everything else that your heart desires);
- online stores (sites where you can buy almost any product from home, from milk or bread to the refrigerator or car, with home delivery);
- social networks (sites that allow you to create your own personal page, take notes, keep a diary, store photos, actively communicate with other users);
- intermediary sites (bringing the seller and the buyer on their territory, in areas such as the sale of airline tickets or hotel reservations);
- business card sites of a company or company (they contain a description of the company, what it does, product catalogs, prices and contact details);
- personal sites (information about the person, his work, interests, achievements, inventions, travels - everything that the site author considers necessary to place on them).
And many other resources, more focused and less common.

But whatever the site, all of them, for the most part, are hidden or explicitly aimed at making a profit. This may be a direct profit from the sale of goods in online stores, a percentage for mediation, or earnings for advertising.

Authors of sites are usually either private individuals who make a web page for themselves, or special web studios, who are engaged in creating sites for their customers . Those who order a website in the studio have nothing to worry about. The studio staff will do everything for them.
And those who decide to create their own resource will definitely need:

- hosting (a place on the server with constant access to the network, where the site is laid out, and from where it is then opened to all Internet users);
- domain name (the site address entered in the address bar of the browser);
- unique content (photos, videos and, most importantly, text of unique content that will be independently written or at least copied, and not copied from another site);
- knowledge in the field of HTML, CSS, possibly JavaScript, CMS, PHP and more (programming languages ​​and content management systems that generate site code);
- A large amount of free time. Or, as an option, enough money to order a resource from professionals.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/A9480/

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