Feng Shui zones in the apartment: description, definition, activation

It is unlikely that today there is such a person who would never have heard anything about Feng Shui. Nowadays, this teaching is becoming increasingly popular and is expanding the audience of its fans.

Buddha figurine

What is feng shui? By this name we mean the most ancient Chinese art, which teaches us the harmonization of space, life spheres, as well as human activities. The origin of this science occurred more than three thousand years ago. Translated, this term from the Chinese language means nothing more than "wind and water." The basis of this doctrine is the Taoist vision of the universe, according to which any energy has two complementary and at the same time opposite leaving - yang and yin. Their combination forms an invisible source of Tao. It is the original reality that exists outside of time and space, not only in the world around us, but also in man himself.

Feng Shui Aspects

How does ancient Chinese teaching view human life? According to his theory, everything that happens in our reality is divided into 9 important aspects. Their ancient Chinese combined in a certain order and reflected in the Bagua grid.

What it is? The Bagua grid is an octagon having a regular shape. Each side has its own trigram.

According to an ancient legend, about 2 thousand years ago, people saw a huge turtle on the shore. On its cuirass was written the message of the gods in the form of the arrangement of trigrams. These letters were deciphered by a great sage named Fu-Xi.

Each of the 9 zones included in the Bagua grid is responsible for a particular area of ​​human life. This is health and fame, love, health, wealth, etc. It is believed that the values ​​of each of these zones are absolutely equal to each other. When developing an Feng Shui apartment, those zones that a person wants to influence in the first place are drawn up purposefully. In this case, one should rely on the Bagua grid. Only this will allow many times to increase the effect of Qi energy and direct it to the most important area of ​​life at the moment.

The main purpose of ancient teachings

The Feng Shui theory for the home sees it as a certain territory with its own energy, which can be both bad and good. What is the main goal of the most ancient art that came to us from China? It consists in activating the flows of positive energy, turning them for the benefit of people, while at the same time opposing negative flows.

Knowing the rules of Feng Shui apartments, each person is able to increase the energy potential of his home, reduce or completely neutralize the harmful effects of adverse zones. And they, first of all, need to be defined.

How to set zones in an apartment?

Bagua's octahedron, which, according to legend, was sent to people by the gods, is the main tool that allows you to evaluate and analyze the energy located in any room. This grid is an energy map divided into 9 sectors, each of which indicates the main aspect of life and a certain area of ​​the apartment. The well-being of a person, his success, well-being, as well as other life factors, directly depend on how correctly such zones will be arranged.

feng shui compass

How to identify feng shui zones in an apartment? To do this, you need to prepare a compass and Bagua grid (you can also use its more simplified version, which is called the “Luo Shu square”). You will also need a plan with the layout of the rooms of the apartment. You can find a drawing of your home in the documents for the house. In its absence, the plan is easy to draw on your own.

First of all, using a compass, you will need to determine where the north is located in the home. This side of the world should immediately be noted on the plan. Next, you need to take the Bagua grid or the Lo-shu square and combine the north in the drawing with the north on the grid. By marking, it is easy to establish all sectors.

How to identify zones by Feng Shui, if there is no compass at hand? In this case, you need to remember which side the sun rises. This will be the eastern direction. It should be noted on the plan. Further on the plan, it is necessary to expand the Bagua grid in such a way that combine its east with east in the drawing. This will allow the future establishment of all sectors.

However, Feng Shui zones are not always so easily defined. Sometimes a person is faced with the fact that his apartment on the plan is far from an ideal rectangle. It can be a figure with protruding or missing corners. In this case, there may simply not be enough zones for these rooms.

Some people have another problem. When applying the Bagua grid, the most important Feng Shui zones for them coincide, for example, with the toilet or the hallway. What to do in such situations? In this case, the feng shui used for the apartment will need to be slightly adjusted. To do this, it is recommended to apply certain techniques and means.

For example, in the absence of any zone in the apartment, it will need to be restored. To do this, in the place of the missing sector they hang a mirror on the wall. You can also arrange all the Feng Shui zones in the room, which is considered the main one. In this room they are after and will be activated.

In those cases when this or that zone of influence in Feng Shui for the home cannot be correlated with the functional purpose of the room. This fact needs to be corrected by placing in it the symbols of the elements, talismans, color and lighting, corresponding to the necessary sector.

For example, in cases where the wealth zone in Feng Shui coincides with the bathroom, you will need to do everything possible so that the money does not get out of hand. The landlord needs to ensure that the plumbing is always in good condition, as well as close the toilet lid. It is also recommended to place bamboo rugs in the bathroom , put a money tree or any other indoor plant with round leaves.

Zone Activation

How, then, can ancient Chinese art be fully operational in your apartment? To do this, zones must be activated. Feng Shui proposes to do this by placing in each of them certain symbols, colors and other objects that can enhance positive energy. Each of these things should be individually selected based on the sector's purpose. Consider a description of Feng Shui zones and the basic rules for their activation.

Family sector

Of all the zones under consideration, Feng Shui is located in the east. The dominant element is the tree. The predominant colors are brown and black, green and blue. The mascots of this sector are family photos and bamboo, a dragon and a flute.

a happy family

What is the response to the described zone? For relationships with children, parents and all other relatives. To reduce disagreements and improve relations with loved ones in this sector, it is recommended to put family photographs on objects of furniture or hang on the wall, as well as those objects that remind of relatives. Any wooden thing will help to activate the family zone, especially if it is done with one's own hand. Indoor plants, bamboo sticks and paintings depicting forest landscapes will also help in this.

In no case should you place photographs of the deceased in the family sector, as well as photos of pets, dried flowers, metal objects, prickly plants, stuffed animals and sharp things.

Travel and Helper Sector

The main element of this zone is metal. Among the colors highlight gold, white and silver. As mascots, it is recommended to use pictures of parents and exotic landscapes, crystals, a horseshoe and a metal bell.

This zone, located in the northwest, will allow a person to determine the number of people who are willing to disinterestedly come to his aid. Its activation promises to receive timely assistance from relatives, as well as from friends and even strangers. This will provide patrons and power.

tourist by the sea

In order for a person to have an assistant or a mentor in the most difficult moments of life, in this sector you should strengthen the coverage and arrange photographs of teachers, as well as figurines of deities considered as guardians of people (for example, Guinj or Ganesha).

Anyone who wants to strengthen the influence of this sector on travel will need to put photographs of vehicles, tourists, as well as those cities and countries in which he would like to visit, at his location.

In the area of ​​assistants should not be broken things, firearms, as well as images of an erotic nature.

Wealth sector

The main element of this territory is the tree. In the wealth zone, according to Feng Shui, they should acquire purple, green and lime colors, as well as such talismans as images of water, fountains, aquariums, money tree or toad, sailing ship and Chinese coins.

According to the art of the ancient sages, this sector is responsible for wealth and prosperity, gifts of fortune and material wealth. You can attract wealth to the house by placing any of the items symbolizing money in it. It can be a silver vessel full of water, products made of precious stones or precious metals, a fat girl and an aquarium with goldfish. The zone of money, according to Feng Shui, should have bright lighting.

man and money

Good luck in business will certainly bring a model of a sailboat. She put the bow in the direction of the room.

The sector responsible for material wealth is located in the southeast. This can be seen on the Bagua grid.

Health sector

The main element is the earth. Its main colors are beige and yellow, terracotta and orange. As talismans, a tortoise and bamboo, monkeys and a heron are used, as well as images of cranes on a background of pine trees.

The health zone is located in the central part of the Bagua grid. Anyone who wants to live a long time should definitely restore order in it. After all, this sector is responsible not only for health, but also for the general well-being of a person. In addition, according to Feng Shui, the center of a person’s apartment is considered his center of luck, as well as a spiritual center. The health zone unites all other sectors and influences them. That is why the disorder in it will have a negative impact on all life spheres of the landlord.

The health sector needs to be well covered. This will allow to unite all household members and push them to a joint and exciting pastime. In this area, it is desirable to place a crystal chandelier made of many crystals. Each of them will begin to spread positive energy flows throughout the apartment.

You can activate the health zone with wooden objects, clay jugs, water landscapes, indoor plants, bamboo branches and sea pebbles.

Sector of fame

The territory, which is a symbol of the position that a person occupies in society, is located in the south. The main element is fire. The colors Feng Shui suggests choosing red or green. Of the talismans, a pyramid and a phoenix, a dove and a twisted shell, as well as an elephant, are great.

This sector is responsible for the successes and aspirations of a person, for his self-realization, as well as for his position in society. Anyone who wants to become a celebrity or is waiting for his personality to be recognized will need to install additional lamps in this sector. Objects symbolizing those achievements that already take place should also be placed here. It can be cups and medals, diplomas, etc. It is recommended that statuettes of non-predatory birds made of wood not be installed in the zone of glory.

Sector of Knowledge and Wisdom

It is located in the southeastern part of the housing. The main element of this zone is the earth. Its main colors, according to Feng Shui, should be sand, yellow and orange. As mascots, a globe and crystals, books, and also plants with pointed leaves are used.

What is the response to the described zone? For the knowledge of the world, life experience and for study. With its activation, a person is able to achieve outstanding successes in self-improvement. He is good at studying and quickly acquires the wealth of life experience.

To activate this zone, you will need to fill it with objects related to the education process. Clay products, porcelain vases and a snake figurine can also be installed here. An ideal option would be to place a library or an office in the knowledge zone. It is also great for yoga and meditation.

Creativity sector

This zone is located in the west. And she is responsible not only for creativity, but also for children. The main element is metal. Colors are yellow and gray, gold, silver and white. The talismans placed in this sector are children's figures, plants with round leaves, shells, bells and horseshoes.

The zone affects new projects and creative successes, the birth and further education of children, as well as self-expression. How to activate it? Everything will depend on the goals set by a person and his needs. For example, someone who does not cope with raising children will need to strengthen the lighting in this sector and place objects related to the astrological sign of the child in it. It is also recommended to place children's crafts, a vase with fresh flowers, indoor young plants.

Love sector

Its location is in a southwestern direction. The main element is the earth, and the main colors are red and brick, terracotta and pink. From the mascots are selected paired figures of pigeons and dolphins, as well as two candles, two pillows, fresh flowers and hearts.

zone of love

The zone of love, according to Feng Shui, is responsible for relations with a partner, which take place both during romantic meetings and in marriage. The energy of this sector affects a person’s relationship with friends and family.

To activate the sector, you need to place a photo with your loved one in it. Here you can also find a picture of any couple in love, as well as talismans, which in Feng Shui correspond to this part of the apartment. In this area, it is possible to store any erotic paraphernalia, namely books and magazines, photos and essential oils, aphrodisiacs, etc. In this zone there should not be images of lonely and sad people, climbing and prickly plants, as well as sharp objects.

Career sector

This zone is located in the north. The main element is water. The dominant colors are blue and cyan, black and white. The mascots of the Feng Shui career zone are Chinese coins and mirrors, fish and a turtle.

This sector enables a person to earn a living. It determines his attitude to the world around him, as well as his ability for spiritual perfection.

stones and lanterns feng shui

It is important for those who aspire to career growth to establish a statuette of a turtle or a small fountain here. Those wishing to consolidate their success are recommended to hang on the wall an image of a calm smooth surface of water. Sailboats and aquariums will have a good career effect. Many other talismans of the water element can be used.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/A950/

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