A booklet is a great way to advertise.

Very often it is necessary to convey certain information to people, such as a guide or advertising. This booklet can be presented in a very original, beautiful and convenient way. In it you can compactly place not only the necessary pictures, but also write important information about prices, services and give contacts. What features and secrets exist during its creation, we learn from the article.

booklet is

A booklet is a type of printing printing, which is a small presentation of the type of product or service. It is a sheet that is folded in half, in three parts or in four, etc.

Creating booklets is a very delicate matter, requiring the ability to create a nice layout that most effectively allows you to convey the necessary information to people. Before embarking on the formation of design, it is necessary to specify the following:

1. The focus of the booklet.

2. How will it be distributed.

3. For which group of people it is intended.

4. What actions does he configure the client.

Depending on the availability of information, booklets are divided into image, sales and information.

booklet creation
The first type is aimed at creating a positive opinion of people about the company, its allocation among others and the emergence of a desire to re-apply. For this, it is necessary that the printed publication really contains something useful and interesting, otherwise it will be destroyed. For example, tips, experience, common mistakes and ways to fix them. That is, any information that helps citizens solve some of their problems using the contents of the booklet creates a positive effect.

A selling booklet is a kind of advertising aimed at encouraging potential customers to take any action to purchase the goods offered. For example, a call to a company to find out more.

The third variation is an information booklet. This is a printout that can help a sales manager work, because it contains all the information about the company's services.

Now we learn the secrets of the correct manufacture of such a useful publication. The human mind is designed so that it perceives graphic information much better and faster than text. Therefore, the presence of images in the booklet is required. A person first sees a drawing, examines it and the inscription below it, and only if he needs all this, gets acquainted with the content of what is written. For the information to be perceived correctly, the design should not be annoying, distracting from its main content, but at the same time original.

booklet making

During the first five seconds that a person looks at the headline, he determines whether he is interested in the contents of the booklet. Therefore, the title should be concise and carry something useful: the benefits and prospects of the proposal. Information should be written in a clear language for absolutely everyone, even the elderly. If the purpose of the booklet is to sell, then the content should be concise.

It is imperative to provide contact details so that the consumer can easily contact the company of interest to him. Phone, address, website - all this can be placed.

You can create a layout using modern graphics programs Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw. When it is ready, further production of booklets is entrusted to the printing house.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/A9500/

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