Tarot Meaning Moderation: overall meaning in the alignment

A person who is seriously interested in Tarot cards faces the problem of deciphering the alignment. It is quite complicated. After all, itโ€™s not enough to understand the meaning of a single lasso, you should know how they affect each other. Consider the meaning of the Tarot Moderation. The map is ambiguous, but generally positive. She is able to fundamentally change the meaning of any alignment, to give optimism to someone who has lost heart. Let's understand how the value of the Tarot Moderation her position affects in various situations and situations.

tarot value moderation inverted position

General description of the lasso

To get started, consider the picture. Many fortunetellers do not read smart books and texts. They make their predictions, often true, from impressions of images captured on maps. Of course, this requires a minimum of talent. But even a simple analysis of the plot gives a lot to understand the meaning and essence of the lasso. To determine the meaning of the Tarot Moderation, you should feel the image. We will focus on the classic. The map depicts an angel resting its feet on two elements. One leg stands on the ground, the other on the water. This is a symbol of balance, leisurelyness, choosing the right path. In the hands of an angel we see two bowls. They are a sign that the world is not completely bad and good. Out of despair, a happy chance grows, and because of the edge of joy one can see sadness. Whatever situation you analyze, be sure to pay attention to the significance of the Moderation Tarot card . Appearing in the layout, regardless of location, this lasso warns that patience and flexibility are necessary. He tells a man that there is a chance to solve everything in peace, to achieve harmony. This is a very deep map. She is a symbol of the wisdom of the one whom they rely on. Let the person not feel this, but the gift of finding life acceptable for all participants lives in him, making suggestions that others will gladly accept. Another lasso indicates the presence of protection. But not that which comes from above, but internal. The fortuneteller is so strong that he is not afraid of obstacles. But there is no need to break through the walls with the forehead. On the contrary, one should assume the role of observer, rise above the situation. An exit will appear soon, whatever the cause of the disorder. It has already been manifested in thin fields and will soon become clear to the participants in the situation. However, when thinking about the meaning of the Tarot Moderation in the situation, the inverted position should be taken into account. It is not as positive as direct, but not catastrophic. Letโ€™s talk about it separately.

tarot meaning moderation basic

Inverted position

If the value of the Tarot Moderation is direct, generally positive and indicates that there are chances, then the opposite applies to the person of the fortuneteller. This man is a little confused in the situation. He is mired in conflicts caused by an incorrect assessment of the parties to the conflict. Often this is how Moderation is interpreted. An inverted tarot, the value of which changes diametrically, symbolizes losses through the fault of a fortuneteller. He did not manage to correctly evaluate what fate hands him. For example, in a conflict with a loved one, I saw not a chance to change, but only aggression from the half. When the inverted Moderation falls out in the situation, this should be taken as a sign of excessive excitability, negative impulsiveness, immaturity of a fortuneteller or other participant in the relationship. In general, the situation in which a person wants to understand is not yet ripe. Its participants did not come to certain conclusions, did not make a decision. Need to wait. The value of the Tarot card Moderation (inverted) - the time has not come yet, do not make sudden movements. Slowness, discretion, conversations, proceedings, clarifications are needed, but without final decisions. Unfortunately, if the meaning of the Tarot Moderation is basic - it is an indispensable existence of a positive way out of the conflict, hope for a fortuneteller, then the inverted one means that so far all paths are closed.

inverted tarot value moderation

Moderation (Tarot): Significance in a Relationship

Let's move on to the interpretation of situational layouts. If the question was about relations, then the appearance of our lasso in any position is positive. He pushes the fortuneteller toward introspection, even when an inverted card comes up. Tarot Significance Moderation in this case cannot be overestimated. It should be understood that you turned to the cards on time, there is a chance to avoid a serious conflict if you listen to the advice of the Tarot. In the upright position, the lasso says that the couple is going through a time of harmony and happiness. People are great for each other. They know how to listen to the opinion of a partner, adapt to the situation, act in unison. If the lasso is in the "future" position, you should perk up. Everything in the relationship is developing perfectly. Suppose you are experiencing disagreements today, they are needed in order to better understand the partner. The meaning of the Tarot Moderation in this case - adhere to your own tactics, try to better understand your loved one. By the way, he answers the same if the lasso is not upside down. If there are no relations yet, and you are trying to determine their perspective, then our lasso is also favorable. He predicts a good, happy, kind and long relationship. But recommends not to rush. A potential partner is not yet ripe for a deeper connection. Wait, everything will change over time. In the meantime, try to get to know the person better, to understand how he breathes, what he dreams about, what he strives for. An inverted position indicates a wrong attitude towards partnership. It is necessary to do introspection. Is it true that you are interested in the person on whom the alignment is performed? Maybe there is a desire only to use it to amuse pride or solve another problem of the same order? Moderation in an inverted position indicates the erroneous basis of the question, the wrong approach to the situation. It should be reviewed. You know, when a person moves away from the path of fate, he gets the inverted Tarot Moderation in the layout. The value in the relationship should be interpreted in this case as haste, carelessness, immaturity, even stupidity.

tarot value moderation health status

Tarot Meaning Moderation: Health Status

If the question is about the body, beauty or diet, then our lasso is also ambiguous and important in the layout. This card speaks more about health than many others. Do you have a question regarding a specific disease, general condition or treatment methods, pay particular attention to where Moderation (Tarot) is. Its value in this case changes the alignment depending on the place and position. When the lasso falls straight, in the future it will be possible to forget about fears and feelings. This is a sign of a favorable outcome in any situation. An inverted card in the โ€œfutureโ€ position, on the contrary, should prompt more activity. The state of health is running, the disease develops unhindered and can cause irreversible changes in the organs. If there are three swords nearby, then get ready for the worst. You can only avoid a tragedy if you turn to a good, knowledgeable specialist. By the way, the combination of Moderation and the Moon in the balance of health indicates the need for magical help. Often people are unfamiliar with such subtleties, therefore they are faced with an insoluble problem. If you want advice from a deal, then also look at Moderation. Tarot, the meaning of which is taken as a recommendation, usually takes a very specific position. However, the light gives the whole alignment, and not one lasso. In our case, direct Moderation recommends avoiding surgical intervention, cardinal methods of treatment, new technologies. Better focus on the traditions of the ancestors, you can apply grass, massage and so on. This lasso also speaks of the need for a diet. If it falls out of alignment with health, then it's time to reconsider eating habits. It should limit fatty and sweet, alcohol and fried. That is, you need a diet recommended by your doctor in your particular case.


Understanding the meaning of the Tarot Moderation follows when asking questions of a material nature. Unfortunately, it will ruin (for a fortuneteller) any, even the most positive scenario. This does not mean the collapse of hopes. Just the fulfillment of a dream will have to wait. If Moderation in an upright position will be in the position of "future", then it is necessary to work hard on your desire. It is quite doable, but without pushing from a fortunetelling pebble from a hill it will not roll. Worse when the lasso turns upside down. This is a sign of striving in the wrong direction. A specialist in such a situation will tell you that you want something harmful, in the best case - useless. Spend time on work, get what you strive for, and experience frustration. Our lasso tells the fortuneteller that the deadline has not yet come; he spoke early about the result. It is also necessary to work both with your soul and your hands so that the money begins to flow into the account. If you are guessing about income in general, not about a specific desire, then Moderation speaks of stability. There are prospects for increased revenues, but they are still vague. The map recommends being active in the search for new chances, prospects. So far the person has not yet taken up the matter for which fate was preparing him. He probably needs to learn, hone his skills or change his occupation. This is judged by neighboring cards. Moderation in the "past" position is a good sign if the neighboring lassos are positive. They decode it as a symbol of long work, which, finally, will begin to bear fruit. If the lasso turned upside down, but the neighboring cards are generally positive, then the fortuneteller is a minion of fate. He is able to turn his own stupidity into gold.

meaning tarot moderation personal relationships

Career alignment

Let's see what Tarot Moderation gives us in the business field. Personal relationships, if we see this lasso, almost always have perspective and hope. Another thing is when the card falls into alignment for a career. It shows the presence of problems, conflicts, troubles. In a sense, even its direct position is negative. Tarot Significance Moderation in divination by the working environment should be correlated with its position, however, as in other cases. If it is in the past or the present, then a person goes through a black strip. The direct position of the lasso somewhat smoothes the negative outlook. Probably the fortuneteller is too dramatic. He should cool down a bit and look at everything from the side. There are people in the team with whom he can find a common language, establish harmonious relations. It is necessary to ensure that people perceive this person adequately. Easier - talk to your colleagues openly, without maliciousness. Most likely, troubles are contrived or created artificially. When Moderation is turned upside down, things are worse. Man has already made a large number of mistakes. Correcting them will be extremely difficult. Arkan recommends seeking advice from someone you value and respect. Together, you will figure out how to unravel the nodes that you managed to tie. If the question concerned a specific position or perspective, then the person is not yet ready to start a new business. He still has to gain experience, to receive a certain amount of knowledge. Itโ€™s too early to think about change.

The alignment of desire

As a rule, if they want to know about the prospects of fulfilling a dream, they pull out three lasso. They will generally talk about the state of affairs in this direction, and give advice. Please note, if in one of the provisions was Moderation (14) of the Tarot. The value of this lasso can not be called completely negative, but he does not speak about the success of his plan. The map in the upright position indicates the perspective. If it is in the future, then tune in to a long wait. What you strive for is still very far away. When the lasso appears in the "present" position, it means that a number of problems will have to be solved in order to achieve the desired result. As a rule, inverted Moderation portends obstacles that a person is not yet able to overcome. Probably he himself created them. That is, the result of fortune-telling should be regarded as negative. The recommendations of the inverted lasso are as follows: you need to analyze your desire again. You went the wrong way, set a goal for yourself. If you know how to make a mistake, then achieve something no less good by rejecting the wrong guide that beckons now. The alignment should be considered philosophically. Tarot very often poses to the fortuneteller deep questions, the answer to which should be sought deep down.

tarot card moderation in the esoteric meaning of the alignment

Esoteric meaning

When performing the alignment, regardless of the question, pay attention to the deeper meaning of the card. This is necessary in order not to miss the tips, to consider the situation comprehensively. Tarot Card Moderation in the esoteric meaning of the alignment is regarded as a necessity and ability to stay in balance. The person pointed to by the lasso is harmonious, developed, thoughtful, spiritual. This person is capable of much. But activity should be measured against opportunities. Until the time has come for decisiveness. It should be spent on calm contemplation. When they bake bread, they first make the dough (activity). Then they put it in the oven and wait for the result. This part of the process is symbolized by Moderation. This is a period of awareness of the results of the past and preparation for what has not yet come. In the inverted position, the lasso says that you have to fight back from blows caused by errors. This will be a kind of lesson that has not been learned before. Now it's time to go through it again. It is necessary to gather strength and realize what its deepest meaning is.

Map of the day

Let's descend from heaven to earth, so to speak. Not all people are searching for the meaning of life. They also want to deal with the Tarot hand. For example, often amateurs guess at the day, pulling out just one lasso. Let's see what the meaning of the Tarot Moderation is in this case. The personal state on this day will not cause anxiety, as long as the card is in the upright position. The day will be carefree and harmonious. Probably pleasant surprises, contacts, acquaintances. What previously seemed unattainable will itself come to hand. By the way, the major lasso always indicates a certain significant event, if you use a full deck in fortune-telling. Direct Moderation guarantees a good mood and recommends not paying attention to minor troubles. They will not leave a mark in your soul. Another thing is when the lasso turned upside down. This is a bad sign. Do not do anything serious on this day. The decisions will turn out to be erroneous, and you cannot see this in advance. Clarifying relationships is also prohibited. Inverted Moderation predicts an incorrect assessment of the situation, receiving false information. It is advisable to communicate less on this day, not to enter into disputes and skirmishes. You can get yourself a complex and powerful enemy.

tarot card moderation in the esoteric meaning of the alignment

Map of the year

The senior lasso Moderation takes on a different meaning when a deal is made for a long period. It is advisable to pull out a card on New Year's or Christmas night. Moderation in the upright position has fallen - drive away anxieties from yourself. This lasso opens up great prospects. First of all, he talks about the identity of the fortuneteller. This is a man confident in his abilities, harmonious, talented, purposeful. A year he will live very fruitfully. Events will begin to develop smoothly, calmly, slowly. All possible roughness or trouble will be resolved in favor of the fortuneteller. This year you should rely on yourself, looking confidently into the future. If you make a wish, then it will come true over time. In addition, the lasso predicts a trip to the sea, a joyful trip, maybe a little surprise. The year will pass under the auspices of the Guardian Angel. Inverted Moderation overshadows joyful prospects. But in this case, too, the lasso is generally favorable. It should be taken as good advice. Do not rush to rush into battle, think first. Do not strive to the heights of glory, it is too early. Work hard and earnestly. This is the year of preparation, the very beginning of the ascent to the top. But the conquest of Everest also begins with the first step. Still Moderation in an inverted position recommends learning. Probably, to achieve serious results, the fortuneteller still lacks knowledge and skills. Do this in order not to be burdened by your modest position.

Fortuneteller Tips

You know, the art of interpreting Tarot cards is a business. Only at the very beginning it seems that it is in no way possible to master it. Over time, understanding comes, and more importantly, an inner sense of correct interpretation. It is much more real than the volumes of literature written on this subject. Therefore, it is recommended to reflect on each alignment for a long time. Do not remove cards after the first analysis. The alignment should be maintained for three to four days. Return to him, trying to understand what you did not see the first or second time. This is a great clairvoyant workout. Beginners are advised to think about a combination of cards before going to bed. Often it is in the land of Morpheus that the most wise and unexpected thoughts come. Remember them, and in the morning think again about the combination. In addition, it would be nice to write down your interpretation. It is important to see the result of work in those events that follow the layout. This will also provide some experience useful for decryption. But start your chronicles with a first impression. You then make sure that it is the most faithful. Logic often plays a trick on us when arguing with intuition. And the process of divination, as well as clairvoyance, is based on the latter. Trust yourself. And never repeat the same question twice. Tarot is predicted for a long period. If you ask the cards often, you will lose contact with them. Then do not learn to guess for real. You know, as experts say, the alignment contains complete information about the life of the fortuneteller and the participants in the situation. Leave it or write it down. A question arises from a different sphere, look at the cards already laid out. There is an answer there. It is only necessary to decrypt it. The Tarot deck is a great tool not only for predicting the future, but also for self-knowledge. He does not immediately open to everyone. However, a stubborn person will surely master it for himself and others for the good. Good luck

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/A9503/

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