Immigration to Poland: the procedure, the necessary documents, the conditions of the move and reviews of those who left

Today's Poland is very attractive for living and working. It has a fairly strong and dynamically developing economy - one of the most stable in the central part of Europe. Joining the European Union has significantly increased the flow of foreign investment into the country. This had a very positive effect on the general situation and gave a strong impetus to the development of the economy.

Poland pursues a fairly competent policy on the reform of the old heritage and takes big steps to improve the living standards of the population. It is these positive aspects that are very attractive to many Russian citizens who plan to move to Poland for permanent residence to adjust their financial situation.


The goals and objectives of each of the future immigrants are different. For some, moving to Poland is a salvation from poverty and chronic lack of money. Others are trying to change something in their dull and boring life at home. Many are trying to build a strong career through immigration. Someone in this way solves their heart matters. Whatever the reason why you needed to move to Poland for permanent residence, in the reviews people write that the authorities of this country are very loyal to all applicants for citizenship and each application is carefully considered. With sufficient grounds, as well as correctly executed and submitted documents, the applicant has a high chance of satisfying his application.

What do you need to know to fulfill your plans? In reviews of moving to Poland from Russia, people write that you need to know which of several legal immigration methods is suitable in each particular case. To do this, you need to know what methods are and their distinguishing features. Immigration to Poland is a serious matter, requiring a high concentration of mental efforts in order to fulfill all the necessary conditions correctly and on time. To begin, consider the most popular reasons for immigration to the country. They are good reasons for granting a residence permit.

Documents for moving to Poland

Immigration Methods

Immigration to Poland is possible only in the ways provided by its legislation. Namely:

  • Admission to study at one of the local educational institutions.
  • Invitation to the employer for a permanent job.
  • The conclusion of an interethnic marriage with a citizen of Poland.
  • Family reunification.
  • Investment in the economy of large investments.
  • Opening a business in Poland.
  • Obtaining refugee status.
  • The presence of close relatives who are citizens of Poland.

All these reasons are sufficient reasons to ask for permission to move to Poland. In the reviews, immigrants write that for these reasons there is a high probability of receiving a positive response. Let's look at a few features of different methods of immigration.

Study in the country

Education for Russian citizens in Poland is quite real. To do this, you need to enter any educational institution of the country and on this basis to obtain a student visa. Its presence gives the student the right to a residence permit (abbreviated residence permit, or karta czasowego pobytu). Such a document gives the right to work in the country in parallel with studies. Many students studying in Poland find a part-time job, and upon graduation they are employed in this state or other countries of the European Union.

It should be noted that training at Polish universities for foreigners is paid, but the prices are quite affordable. As an exception to the rule, citizens who relocated to Poland due to the presence of Polish roots and on this basis received a Pole Card are excluded. They are equalized in rights to study with citizens of Poland and can not only study at state educational institutions for free, but also receive a scholarship. The student visa during the course of study is automatically renewed, but immediately after graduation, the validity of the residence permit expires. In addition, not every higher educational institution provides its students with a residence permit for the time of graduation. This should be taken into account when planning to move to Poland from Russia to get an education.

Immigration to Poland from Russia


Departure to Poland for work is carried out at the official invitation of the Polish employer to a potential Russian employee. This document gives the right to legal employment for six months. Of course, all employees are granted a temporary residence permit. This period may be extended by the employer to a year by concluding a labor contract. The new term can also be extended. This method is good because after a legal five-year work, you can apply for permanent residence - permanent residence. If there is no permission to work, then you won’t get legal work.

Marriage bond

Immigration to Poland from Russia is possible by formal marriage with a citizen or citizen of this state. By getting married, you can get a residence permit for two years, and then permanent residence. Having lived in the status of permanent residence for five years, you can start applying for Polish citizenship. To live permanently for this in the country is not required. If it is revealed that the marriage is fictitious, the immigrant is deported to his homeland. When married to a Polish citizen, the spouse has the right to work.

Opening a company in the country

If you started a move to Poland for permanent residence from Russia with the aim of opening your own company there, then you should know that start-up capital will be required without fail. For example, to open an LLC, you need 5 thousand zlotys. Becoming the founder of the company, you automatically receive a work permit in Poland. You can buy a ready-made company or join the board. This is also the basis for the permission of entrepreneurial activity in the country and also gives the right to a residence permit.

Given the fact that Russian business immigration to Poland recently has been increasingly accompanied by fictitious opening of enterprises, the state law enforcement agencies have a great professional interest in this method. Apparently, over time, this method will become more complicated. If your business has successfully worked in the country for five years, you can ask for permanent residence.

Moving to Poland reviews

Family recovery

Immigration to Poland from Russia due to the restoration of family ties is available only to those who have close relatives of Polish descent. Such applicants will be granted the right to reside in the country without any problems. But here, too, there is a condition - you need to know the Polish language, as well as the history and culture of this country.

As for reparation (returning to one’s homeland), this applies only to those persons of Polish descent, as well as to those whose parents, grandparents, or other close progenitors were Polish citizens. Just one such relative who can document the fact of your close relationship is enough. Reparation visas are also issued to citizens of the Union Republics who were members of the Soviet Union until 2001.

If you intend to move to Poland due to the existence of family ties with its citizens, then you have the opportunity to immediately get a Pole Card. This document allows you to get a national visa without any problems and move to live in Poland. Within just a few months you will be granted a permit for permanent residence.

Poland relocation for permanent residence reviews

How to get permanent residence in the country

Immigration to Poland on the basis of the above reasons gives the right to citizens who have lived in the country for five years to obtain permanent residence. Those who seized the opportunity to reunite with their families will need even less time. They can apply for a permanent status after three years. But there are other interesting opportunities that Poland provides to foreign citizens. Today this country is the easiest to move.

Immigration to Poland is very beneficial for specialists in mental and creative professions. Photographers, designers, programmers and people of other professions that are in demand in any country can obtain a residence permit in Poland for three years at once. School graduates have the opportunity to secure their future by enrolling in Polish universities. Many adults can take advantage of the excellent opportunity of free education in police schools, getting a new specialty in Poland, which will be in demand after training. For example, these are hairdressers, cooks, makeup artists, masseurs and others. Even studying in Polish language courses makes it possible to obtain a residence permit and find a highly paid job.

Stages of moving to the country. What and when to do

The main thing you need to move to Poland is to decide on the stages of moving through the procedure. The preparatory period in this matter is very important. The first thing you need to get to Poland is to get a visa. On the basis of a visa, you will be able to stay in the territory of a foreign country while absolutely legal for you. An entry visa is issued on the above grounds. But here you should consider some additional costs:

  • If the visa is working, then you need to pay a working invitation.
  • If this is a business visa, then it is necessary to provide for the costs of registering and opening a company.
  • If language courses - to pay for tuition.

The next step is to take out medical insurance. This is a prerequisite for crossing the border. Coverage of the insurance policy must be at least 30 thousand euros. It is possible to buy out insurance during paperwork directly at the visa center, but it will cost more. The price of six-month insurance per person from 1500 rubles.

The next stage is rental housing. It should be removed for a long period. A good solution is to get started in a hotel or hostel for a couple of weeks to find a suitable apartment option.

Having settled with the housing, you need to start the procedure for obtaining the Card stay.

Relocation to Poland for permanent residence from Russia

Description and types

A temporary stay card is a plastic document that gives foreigners the right to stay in Poland. It is issued if a person plans to stay in the country for 3 months or more. In fact, this is a temporary residence permit.

A permanent residence card is issued immediately for ten years and is a permanent residence permit. In fact, it is permanent residence. When the card expires, it can also be extended. Anyone who wants to become a citizen of the Republic of Poland can apply for citizenship, not for the extension of permanent residence.

There is also a Long-Term Resident Card, which is valid for five years.

What you need for clearance

In order to receive a Temporary Stay Card, you need to prepare the following documents for moving to Poland:

  • Application - 4 pieces.
  • Profiles in Polish.
  • A foreign passport with the attachment of 3 full photocopies.
  • Photo - four pieces.
  • Rental agreement for housing.
  • Confirmation of grounds for receiving a card.
  • Documentary evidence of your own finances to stay in the country.
  • Medical policy.
Relocation to Poland

What you need to get this document

To obtain a Permanent residence card, you need to live in Poland for five years and prepare a package of the following documents;

  • Application - 4 pieces.
  • Profiles in Polish.
  • Photo - 4 pieces according to the Schengen standard.
  • A rental contract for housing or a certificate of own housing, the original and two copies.
  • Certificate of registration in Poland, plus two copies of it.
  • Autobiography in Polish.
  • Certificate of financial condition.
  • International passport.
  • Education Documents.
  • Birth certificate.
  • Visa (photocopy).
  • An agreement with the employer or documentary evidence of training.
  • Certificate of no criminal record.
  • Certificate from the tax on the absence of debt to the state.

Pros and cons of immigration to a European Union country

Poland at this stage is the most profitable and popular country for the immigration of Russians. There are several reasons for this:

  • A calm and prosperous country.
  • Included in the EU.
  • Stable economic situation.
  • High social standards.
  • A congenial mentality.
  • A simple procedure for obtaining a residence permit.
  • Included in the Schengen area.
  • Reasonable prices (when compared with other EU countries).

The disadvantages of this company include:

  • The impressive cost of moving.
  • Long term for citizenship.
  • Addictive to life in a foreign country with its own characteristics and traditions.
What you need to move to Poland

Legal advice

The introduction of the Pole Card in 2017 accelerated the process of immigration to Poland and obtaining citizenship of this country. It is enough for ethnic Poles to live in Poland for 12 months. After that, they can apply for citizenship.

A marriage concluded with a Polish citizen in other countries is required to be registered officially in the Polish registry office, providing both passports of the newlyweds and a marriage certificate there.

Citizens of countries belonging to the Schengen zone can cross the Polish border freely, other foreigners must open a visa.

Having submitted documents for obtaining a Steel stay card, a foreigner who has received a special stamp in his passport indicating that he has submitted documents for permanent residence does not have the right to travel to other countries until he receives a final decision. With a stamp, he can go to his home country, but cannot return back on it. This will require a valid visa or residence permit.

Moving to Poland from Russia. Immigrant Reviews

Those immigrants who were able to get settled in Poland talk about real changes in living standards for the better since they moved to the country.

According to immigrants, the process of emigration must be carefully thought out so that no problems arise. At first, some people had problems with finding housing. But all this can be solved.

Those who came to study in Poland say they plan to stay here to work, as the state attracts them with its standard of living and stability.

Our former compatriots note such shortcomings of life in Poland:

  • Without a good knowledge of the language, it is impossible to find a decent job.
  • Very expensive housing.
  • You can not buy medicine without a prescription.
  • The dissatisfaction of many Poles with the fact that the Russians arrived occupy jobs. At the same time, they agree to a lower salary than the locals demand. As a result of this, serious conflicts can arise with the local population.

Little conclusion

Knowing the nuances that arise when applying for a visa and residence permit will allow you to avoid many mistakes. So you can clearly and quickly go through all the stages of registration of legal residence in Poland.


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