Ready-made business plan for a hairdresser with calculations: where to start your own business?

The hairdressing business has been relevant for many decades. Every year, various innovations are only added, which only increase profitability. In this article, we will offer samples of a business plan for a hairdresser with calculations for 2019.

On taste and color

Hair styling

First of all, a businessman needs to determine the type of hairdresser, since the price policy, as well as the variety and level of services provided, depend on the class. The main types include:

  1. Economy class.
  2. Business Class.
  3. VIP hairdressers.

Note that the largest part of the market, namely eighty-five percent, is occupied by economy-class hairdressers.

Economy Hairdressers

Design hairdresser middle and economy class

This type is aimed at serving customers with a small income. Such hairdressing salons are characterized by a rather low price, inexpensive equipment, simple premises and repairs without frills, as well as a small number of seats and craftsmen. As a rule, in such hairdressing salons the visitor is provided with several types of hair dyeing, haircuts and styling. In addition, there may be additional services of a cosmetologist and a manicurist.

Business Class

This type of hairdresser differs from the economy class in higher price and a wide range of services. Here the room should be more spacious, the equipment is newer and improved. In such establishments, the main customers are people with an average income.

This type of hairdresser, unlike the economy class, provides its customers with a wider selection of services:

  1. Complex stains (tinting, coloring, ombre, highlighting, etc.).
  2. Creation of hairstyles and hairstyles of any type of complexity.
  3. Hair care (shielding, lamination and more).
  4. Haircuts of a simple and model nature.
  5. Cosmetology services (hair removal, eyebrow correction).
  6. Manicure and pedicure.

VIP hairdressers

VIP hairdresser

This type of hairdresser provides a high level of service, since it is aimed at providing services to people with a high level of income. In such establishments, only highly skilled masters work: hairdressers, stylists, image makers. Undoubtedly, the price of the services provided in such salons exceeds several dozen times than in ordinary hairdressing salons. As a rule, a room and an interior of this type are distinguished by their exclusivity and uniqueness. Thus, the business plan of an economy-class hairdresser with calculations is noticeably different from VIP establishments.

The equipment in these should be the most advanced, and the range of services is wide. As a rule, VIP salons include almost all types of cosmetic, image and relaxation services, which include the following:

  1. Create unique hairstyles and hairstyles.
  2. Exclusive haircuts.
  3. All types of staining.
  4. Other hair related treatments: extensions, bio-curling, straightening, laminated and more.
  5. The provision of cosmetic services.
  6. Different types of hair removal.
  7. SPA treatments.
  8. Solarium.
  9. Piercings and tattoo servants.

All of the above and much more can be included in the business plan of the hairdresser with calculations for the VIP institution. Thus, when choosing a variety of the future salon, it is worth considering that the construction of the entire business will depend on it.

Market analysis

This niche can be attributed to a stable business, because regardless of the financial situation, almost everyone uses the services of hairdressers. Thus, despite the crisis and other economic changes, there will always be a demand for hairdressing services. In total, there are about thirty-five thousand different hairdressing and beauty salons in the Russian Federation, half of which are in the Moscow region. The largest part of the market belongs to individual hairdressers, and the share of chain stores is only about three percent. According to statistics, this niche occupies an insignificant market share. In this regard, we can conclude that the competition is quite small, and on the Internet you can find a ready-made business plan for a hairdresser with calculations for every taste and budget.

Legal Aspects

It is important to consider them in more detail. Let's start with the most important:

  1. Registration of a business. An integral part of the business plan of the hairdresser with or without calculations is the legal framework. So, first of all, official registration is required. A businessman can independently choose the form of entrepreneurship: LLC or IP. The second option does not require much time and money. So, to issue an IP, you only need eight hundred rubles, and the wait will take no more than fifteen days. The main aspect in registration is the correctly specified code on OKVED. In this case, it will be 93.02, which is suitable for beauty salons and hairdressers.
  2. Choice of taxation. A common tax system in the beauty industry is a single tax on temporary income (UTII) in the event that the area of ​​the hairdresser is not large. The entrepreneur decides on which tax system to choose. Perhaps the following video will help make the right choice.

It is also worth paying attention to the following points:

  1. Undoubtedly, the amount of the purchase or rental of premises should be taken into account in the business plan of the hairdresser with calculations. Most importantly, all manipulations related to the acquisition or lease should be official. It is worth considering that verbal agreements in this case are unacceptable.
  2. For the provision of hairdressing services, a license is not required. However, if the institution provides for the provision of cosmetic procedures, then the license must be mandatory.
  3. When applying the simplified tax system, it is necessary to establish a cash register. After that, Rospotrebnadzor should be notified of the start of work. To do this, you must contact the city administration with a specific package of documents, which includes: the appropriate application, passport, certificate of registration of an LLC or individual entrepreneur, a lease agreement and a document confirming the presence of a cash register.
  4. For proper operation, it is important for every businessman who owns his own hairdresser to comply with sanitary standards that are prescribed in SanPiN
  5. Among other things, the opening of the hairdresser should inform the fire department and the sanitary-epidemiological station. Note that coordination with these services is not necessary, but if certain conditions are not met, they have the right to close the organization.
  6. A future businessman should take care of the fire safety, ventilation system, evacuation plan and safety log.
  7. All specialists, in addition to the sanitary book, must have appropriate documents confirming their competence in a certain field. In addition, employees must undergo an annual medical commission.

Drawing up a business plan for a hairdresser with calculations

For the success of the salon, its name is not insignificant. It should be bright, catchy and easy to remember. Earlier it was noted that in this area the most common economy class institutions, which is why when studying different examples of the business plan of a hairdressing salon with calculations, this type will be taken as the basis. Recall that the economy class institution is characterized by fairly low prices for services, simple interior and equipment, as well as a fairly narrow range of services. So, the following aspects should be included in the business plan of the hairdresser with calculations:

  1. The room.

  2. Equipment.

  3. The staff of workers.

  4. Advertising.

Let's consider in more detail separately.

Choice of premises

A successful future depends on the right location of the hairdresser. It is advisable for a novice businessman to choose a room located near the city center or in a residential area. Many entrepreneurs prefer to open hairdressers in sleeping areas. This is due to the fact that rent in such places is much lower than in the center, but with quality work and average price you can quickly get a regular clientele.

It is also important to correctly calculate the area of ​​the room. According to the SES, one hairdressing chair should have at least two square meters. Thanks to this norm, you can pre-calculate the required area of ​​the room. As a rule, in many ready-made business plans of a hairdressing salon with calculations, in addition to the working room, one room for waiting for customers is considered, and the second for an accountant and administrator. If the salon provides cosmetic services in addition to the studied ones, then it is necessary to allocate a separate room for the cosmetologist. However, if you draw up a business plan for a hairdresser with calculations of an economy or any other class, you should consider the need to increase the area of ​​the room as it develops.


Work process

Any sample business plan of a hairdressing salon includes not only the cost of renting a room, but also the purchase of the necessary equipment and materials. Undoubtedly, a lot depends on the quality of materials, so you should buy goods from trusted suppliers.

So, a sample business plan of a hairdressing salon with calculations includes the cost of buying the following equipment:

  1. Standard and thinning scissors for each hairdresser.
  2. Hairdryer - for every workplace.
  3. Mirror - for every workplace.
  4. Clippers - two pieces for each master.
  5. Two sets of shaving accessories for each male chair.
  6. A set of combs for each master.
  7. Sinks for washing your hair. As a rule, they are purchased in an amount equal to the number of seats. However, in some samples of the business plan of the hairdresser with the calculations, only one sink can be included. This can usually be found in economy class establishments.
  8. Tool stands for every workplace.
  9. Wardrobe and clothes hangers for visitors.
  10. Consumables should be counted on for about three months, so that the work is uninterrupted as long as possible.

Staff selection

Girl in the salon

Undoubtedly, the staff of highly skilled craftsmen is a strong link in a successful business. But as you know, to find those is not easy. Taking newcomers who recently completed hairdressing courses is quite dangerous, as there is a risk of getting bad reviews from customers. A negative reputation can affect the profitability of a hairdresser. Undoubtedly, every businessman would like to see in his staff only professionals, but as a rule, certain conditions are necessary for such employees: high wages or other advantages in working conditions. However, each owner decides for himself: to hire an experienced foreman for a high salary or a novice who will have to prompt in the process, but at the same time you can save significantly on salary payments.

Service Promotion

As you know, advertising is an effective engine of trade. And modern technologies in every way contribute to quality promotion. So, today there are a huge number of advertising options for your brand:

  1. Submission of advertising through radio stations, television, newspapers.
  2. Entering information about the hairdresser in various catalogs of the city.
  3. Internet advertising, including contextual advertising, the creation and promotion of your own group on social networks.
  4. Holding promotions, as well as the distribution of discount coupons.
  5. Distribution of leaflets on the street.
  6. Bright and conspicuous sign.
  7. Creating your own site, which should be informative, beautiful and easy to use.

Initial cost

As a rule, almost any business provides for initial investments. And the student is no exception. Consider a ready-made example of a business plan for a hairdressing salon with calculations, where an approximate estimate of initial costs is provided:

  1. Business registration - 800 rubles.
  2. Repair and decoration of the premises - 100 000 rubles.
  3. Equipment - 40,000 rubles.
  4. Furniture - 50 000 rubles.
  5. Equipment 130 000 rub.
  6. Advertising - 20,000 rubles.
  7. Cash register - 14,000 rubles.
  8. Materials - 25,000 rubles.
  9. Uniforms for staff - 15,000 rubles.
  10. Internet access - 500 rubles.

The total amount of expenses amounted to 395,300 rubles.

Income calculation


One of the effective ways to increase the competitiveness of a hairdresser is to set prices at the average market for the services provided. So, in Moscow and the Moscow region, the average price list of economy class salons is as follows:

  1. Men's haircut - 300-500 rubles.
  2. Women's haircut - 350-800 rubles.
  3. Hair coloring - from 1000 rubles.
  4. Hair styling or hairstyle - from 500 rubles.

Based on the average price of the service - 500 rubles, provided that the average traffic per day is ten people, with two hairdressers working, the total daily revenue will be 10 thousand rubles. Thus, the total revenue for the month will be 300 thousand rubles.

If you consider a business plan with the calculations of a hairdresser in Kazakhstan, you can notice the highest average check for the services provided. Note that for convenience, all amounts were previously converted into rubles:

  1. Men's haircut - creative - from 850 rubles., Machine under the nozzle - from 400 rubles.
  2. Women's haircut - from 800 rubles.
  3. Hair coloring - from 2 000 rubles.
  4. Hair styling or hairstyle - from 700 rubles.

Thus, with an average check of 1,000 rubles with the same average passability, the total daily and monthly revenue will be exactly twice as high as in Moscow and the Moscow Region.

Children's hairdresser: business plan with calculations

Interior in a children's hairdresser

As a rule, most of the institutions studied are aimed at providing services for adults. But not so long ago, special hairdressers began to appear, which provide services directly to children. In such establishments, the child will be able to have fun, while the parent can relax and just watch the process. The main difference between a children's hairdresser and an adult is an unusual and bright interior design. The child there should be interesting. Accordingly, the business plan of the children's hairdresser from the standard will be significantly different.

Note that such stages as the registration of a company, the purchase of a cash register and the choice of premises - remain unchanged. As for the staff, in this case, the master should be able not only to make good haircuts, but also to find an individual approach to the child. The specialist needs to be able to distract the child from the typewriter and scissors in time, making him interested in an interesting conversation or cartoon.

So, consider a business plan with calculations for a children's hairdresser. So, for four seats, the average cost will be as follows:

  1. Organization registration - 800 rubles.
  2. Room decoration - 130,000 rubles.
  3. Rent - 25,000 rubles per month.
  4. Purchase of furniture - 50,000 rubles.
  5. Equipment - 208,000 rubles.
  6. Purchase of equipment - 30,000 rubles.
  7. Installation of fire alarms and ventilation - 170,000 rubles.
  8. Advertising - 15,000 rubles.
  9. Cash register - 14,000 rubles.
  10. Materials –10 000 rub.
  11. Uniforms for staff - 15,000 rubles.
  12. Internet and telephone connection - 1000 rubles.

The total amount will be approximately 669,000 rubles.

In addition, the calculations must be paid a monthly rent for the premises, as well as wages to employees. If we take into account the average salary in the Russian Federation - 25,000 rubles, then the total payout for four employees will be 100,000 rubles per month.

Now let's calculate the profitability. The average cost of a baby haircut is 450 rubles. With four craftsmen, about twenty people can be served per day. In this case, the amount of monthly income will be 270,000 rubles, and annual - 3,240,000.

To summarize

So, a business in the field of hairdressing services can bring its owner a decent income. Note that all the proposed options are only examples. Therefore, before starting an activity, it is important to correctly draw up a business plan. In addition, consultation with those people who have a similar business will not hurt.


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