Coffee with ice cream: the name of how to make at home

Judging by numerous consumer reviews, coffee with ice cream is considered one of the most delicious drinks. It’s easy to cook. You only need coffee plus ice cream. Additionally, the drink can be provided with other ingredients. In view of the fact that it is equally pleasant to drink it both on a hot summer day and in cold weather, it is quite popular. This explains why many consumers are interested in what is called coffee with ice cream? You can cook it yourself. How to do this, you will learn from this article.

black coffee with ice cream

A bit of history

Coffee with ice cream is called glace, which means β€œcold” in French. Despite this name, Austria is considered the birthplace of coffee with ice cream. It was in this country for the first time that they began to prepare this drink. According to one version, once for Archduke Maximilian I cold coffee was prepared by his personal chef. The royal lady really liked the drink. One day, when the Archduke demanded to quickly give him coffee, the cook hesitated and accidentally dropped a cold dessert into a cup. Presumably it was an orange slice frozen in milk.

So that Maximilian I did not get angry that the cook was slow, he carried this cup to him. As it turned out later, the ruler also liked coffee with dessert, and he was regularly served the Archduke. Soon, this coffee was called glas and became very popular among the people. Subsequently, several interpretations of coffee with ice cream appeared, more about which later.

Whipped glance. Ingredients

According to experts, black coffee with ice cream is usually served in a high irish glass or glass. You need to drink it through a straw. In addition to the drink, a long spoon is attached.

Make coffee with ice cream from the following components:

  • Brewed and chilled natural coffee. This ingredient will need 200 ml.
  • Two tablespoons of ice cream.
  • Sahara.
  • Ice. A few cubes will be enough.

How to cook?

First of all, you need to brew natural coffee, and then cool it. Next, the liquid is poured into a shaker and seasoned with the right amount of ice cream and ice. If necessary, you can add a little more sugar to your taste. Then the contents of the shaker are thoroughly whipped to form a foam. After performing these steps, coffee with ice cream can be poured into wine glasses or tall glasses. Judging by numerous consumer reviews, this drink is very refreshing and invigorating.

Making a drink.

Classic version

If you want to make a cup of coffee with a ball of ice cream, you will need the following components:

  • Ground coffee (two teaspoons).
  • 150 ml of water.
  • Ice cream.

First, coffee is brewed in the Turk. A coffee machine is also suitable for this purpose. Then the liquid should be cooled. The optimum temperature is 10 degrees. Now the drink is poured into a glass and seasoned with creamy ice cream. It is desirable that the ice cream was ordinary and did not contain any fillers. For those who don’t know in what proportion to prepare this drink, experts recommend applying 1: 4, namely one part of the ice cream from the volume of the invigorating drink. If you don’t have any ground coffee at hand, you can also use instant coffee. The cooking technology is exactly the same.

coffee plus ice cream

Cream option

Judging by consumer reviews, coffee with ice cream will have a rather original taste, if its composition is supplemented with cream and powdered sugar. Prepare it as follows. First, in Turks make 150 ml of espresso. Then it is cooled and fat cream is added (33%). Two tablespoons will be enough. This recipe involves the use of one teaspoon of powdered sugar.

Before pouring already cooled coffee with cream, put 50 g of ice cream on the bottom of a tall glass or glass. Next, the container is filled with whipped cream using a blender, and then sprinkled with pieces of chocolate. According to experts, in this case, the method of making coffee is rather unusual. So that he does not bitter, they first put sugar (a teaspoon) in the Turk, and then ground coffee. Some lovers add salt to their invigorating drink. This ingredient should be used a little, namely not more than one pinch. Now in Turk you can add water and put on fire. When the liquid begins to boil, the first foam is formed. It should be carefully removed and put in a separate glass. After these actions, the Turk must be put back on fire until a new foam forms. Now the invigorating drink is cooled. Now it can be poured into glasses. It is customary to drink it with ice.

With cognac

As in previous recipes, in this case, the espresso cooked in a turk also needs to be allowed to cool. During brewing, coffee is seasoned with sugar. There are no clear recommendations regarding the amount of this ingredient. Sugar is put at its discretion. Already in an irish glass, ice cream is added to the coffee with a ball, and cognac (5 ml) is added on top. It may be that the coffee with this alcohol will seem very strong to you. In this case, you better use liquor instead of cognac. Such coffee is much easier to drink. An invigorating drink will also have an original and pleasant taste.

With milk

If you follow the recipe, then you have to get milk. For 100 ml of an invigorating drink you will need 100 ml of milk. It should be already chilled. As a decorative element, grated chocolate is ideal.

coffee with a ball of ice cream


Glace is not the only option for making coffee with ice cream. The invigorating drink, which contains ice cream, is also called affogato.

coffee with ice cream is called

Although they use almost the same ingredients, they are completely different drinks. The fact is that any ice cream is suitable for an affogato. For example, chocolate or fruit. Glace is a classic version of coffee with ice cream, which should not have any additives. Whatever you decide to cook, you should know that the calorie content of glace and afogato is 125 kcal more than that of espresso. For this reason, regular use of coffee with ice cream will negatively affect your figure. Judging by numerous consumer reviews, the invigorating effect of coffee and the pleasant taste sensations that dessert provides are very successfully combined in glace and afogato.


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