Cargo taxi "Gazelkin": employee reviews, addresses, cars

Today it remains to be seen which Gazelkin receives employee reviews as an employer. This company is constantly looking for new personnel for employment. Therefore, it is important to know about some of the pros and cons of the corporation. What does she do? What promises to its potential employees? What are the advantages and disadvantages? All this will be described later. In fact, everything is not as difficult as it seems. The main thing is to learn to distinguish real reviews from slander. To do this is very problematic. What useful information about Gazelkin (Moscow or any other city is not so important) can be obtained from the opinions left about the company as an employer? Is this really a good and promising job place?


Gazelkin is a transport company. I often call her a taxi cab. Offers logistic services. For example, transportation and transportation of goods. Also, as customers and employees say, office and apartment relocations are offered here.

gazelkin employee reviews

Gazelkin works in different cities of Russia, but mainly in Moscow and St. Petersburg. As already mentioned, the corporation needs new personnel, and constantly. What is Gazelkin as an employer? How good is this company? What do employees and customers think about it?


First, consider the organization on the part of consumers. After all, everyone wants to work in a prestigious company that attracts new visitors. Then you can hope for success and good earnings.

An important point is the price. Most often, customers pay attention to them. Gazelkin offers budget prices, as consumers say. With this organization, transfers have become available!

The exact cost of services is calculated individually and depends on:

  • order duration;
  • time of work;
  • the need for movers;
  • type of vehicle used.

On average, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., renting a standard cargo taxi (with a body of 3 meters) will cost about 1400-1900 rubles. More accurate information can be found directly when placing an order. But, as customers say, the prices are quite humane.

gazelkin moscow

Quality of work

The cargo taxi "Gazelkin" offers cargo transportation on favorable terms. The thing is that many people evaluate the work of the company as a whole. What customer feedback does the corporation receive in this area?

Most often positive. Customers emphasize that work is done quickly, carefully and on time. And all this at competitive prices. Without delays, hitches and other negative aspects. Only polite employees, as well as experienced, cultured and tidy movers.

But along with this there are opinions that indicate that the company "Gazelkin" is not the best way to treat its customers. They work for a long time, and on purpose - in order to get more money for the provided service. Friendly and accurate loaders do not differ.

What to believe? Rather, it is better to adhere to the first point of view. Indeed, Gazelkin’s positive opinions (St. Petersburg, Moscow or any other city - it’s not so important) earn much more than negative opinions.


Many are interested in what kind of machines the company has. This is an important point, especially when moving apartments or office moves. The thing is that there are different vehicles that are used for transportation.

"Gazelkin" machines offers a variety of. Most often, standard trucks with a body of 3 meters are found. They come with:

  • vans;
  • low awning;
  • high van;
  • eurotent;
  • thermo vans;
  • low tents;
  • low vans.

There are also 4-meter freight vehicles. And there is an option called Family. It is designed for 5 seats in the car and is equipped with a 4-meter body. The client must name the type of vehicle he needs directly at the time of the order. This is an extremely important and crucial moment.

gazelkin trucking

Job offers

And now a little about what opinions the organization receives as an employer. This is a fairly important nuance that allows you to understand whether it is worth finding a job in a particular corporation.

What does Gazelkin offer to its applicants? What suggestions interest you the most? Among them are:

  • official employment;
  • decent pay;
  • social package;
  • career growth and development;
  • the possibility of part-time or combination with study;
  • flexible work schedule;
  • Friendly team.

All these are standard promises of almost all employers. Which of this is true and what is not? Does the company really conscientiously treat all its subordinates, and also keep promises?

Cargo taxi "Gazelkin

Employment: formal or not

Gazelkin as a whole receives mixed reviews from employees. Therefore, one has to pay attention to the numerous pros and cons of this employer in order to draw the correct conclusions about what he really is.

"Gazelkin" offers all its subordinates official employment. It is also possible design for part-time jobs. But everything is in an official manner. And this nuance pleases many.

You can get your first working experience with this company of cargo transportation and relocation. A good option for students, as well as just for men. Women are not recruited to the company very often. But all, as already mentioned, are formalized exclusively in an official manner.

About car

"Gazelkin" in St. Petersburg and other cities receives positive reviews for its fleet. This company offers all employees-loaders the use of a company vehicle. Their cars are unacceptable here. And this fact pleases many.

It is also often emphasized that the organization regularly updates its fleet and quickly repairs all cars with one or another malfunction. In other words, Gazelkin treats with awe and attention to the cars in charge. This suggests that people will deal with a conscientious employer who takes care of vehicles that will be driven by staff. This is one of the most important indicators of the liability of a transport company.


Gazelkin (Moscow or any other city - it doesn’t matter what region it is about, the same rules everywhere) offers its employees a stable and clear work schedule. This fact is emphasized by many employees. For this feature, the organization receives mostly positive reviews.

Gazelkin in St. Petersburg

Nevertheless, some employees emphasize that they have to work constantly, sometimes it is necessary to go to replace colleagues, as well as simply to work overtime. All this is paid in full. Only in some situations do workers not receive money for additional work. But such cases are rare.

Accordingly, the organization tries to fully comply with the terms of the employment contract. Work in the "Gazelkin" is attractive. Most often, shift work. This should be remembered by each applicant.

Working conditions

But working conditions do not suit everyone. More precisely, not always. "Gazelkin" employees earn mixed reviews for the conditions in which workers work. The thing is that a lot depends on the vacancy.

In call centers and offices there are no complaints about working conditions. The departments have everything necessary for normal operation. But loaders sometimes have complaints. Gazelkin in St. Petersburg and other cities as a whole offers good working conditions. But, for example, in bad weather, loading and unloading cargo can be very problematic. But in general, there are no significant complaints.


"Gazelkin" receives positive feedback from employees for the fact that it is really possible to earn money here. This is a good place to make a profit. But, as many workers say, they will have to work here. It's just that no one pays here.

As a rule, a salary is offered, as well as a percentage of the number of completed orders. Every applicant should pay attention to this. Accordingly, the more work a person performs, the higher his earnings will be.

Many point out that Gazelkin (in St. Petersburg or any other city) is a promising place to earn money, but not for the lazy. Good earnings here are provided only to conscientious employees who act on the result and quality, and not just want to work out the time and leave.

About Payments

The Gazelkin cargo taxi pays wages, as some workers note, on time. Without any delays or other negative aspects. Movers and drivers usually receive daily wages.

This, as many have noted, is not very convenient. You can agree with the employer on the frequency of payments and even on the timing of receipt of certain funds. The authorities listen to their subordinates in this matter. But, as a rule, most workers use a daily calculation.


What can each loader or driver say about the load? Gazelkin is a transport company that is in great demand among the population. And therefore, in the workplace, as already mentioned, constantly have to work. Not only to drivers and movers. Call center employees also work all the time.

Many say that working in an organization requires strength. Both moral and physical. And in order to get good money, you have to constantly work. Otherwise, the income leaves much to be desired.

gazelkin company

Movers and drivers need to be in good physical shape. After all, for them, as a rule, work requires physical effort. Many indicate that employment in Gazelkin is not suitable for everyone. Only people strong in every sense, as well as stress-resistant.


Gazelkin offers trucking to residents of Russia. This, as already mentioned, is a good logistics company. But it is worth noting that some reviews are given special attention to the authorities.

Some employees say that the leadership of the company "Gazelkin" is not the best. It is dishonest, unfair to its subordinates, trying to deceive and leave for additional work, and without payment.

Some workers, on the contrary, say that management at Gazelkin is accommodating. It will always meet its employees, but not all, but only those who are conscientious about their work.

So what to believe? Rather, it is best to hope that management will treat their employees well. But some injustice, as well as claims to the authorities, as a rule, are still manifested. This is a normal occurrence. The ideal employer is now almost impossible to find. And claims to the leaders of a company are the norm.


But almost everyone is happy with the work team. "Gazelkin" gets positive feedback from colleagues for colleagues who will have to work with. And this is independent of the selected vacancy.

It is noted that the people in the company are basically all friendly, sociable and open. They are ready to help and suggest something to new employees. With them you can agree on a substitution or replacement. This practice takes place in Gazelkin.

Sometimes there is not the most friendly team or individual unfriendly personalities, but this is rare. As many say, "Gazelkin" offers its employees new good acquaintances. And indeed it is.


Where is this organization located? It all depends on the city in question. In St. Petersburg, "Gazelkin" is located at: Rasstannaya street, 18 b. This is the only branch of the company.

But in the capital of Russia there are as many as 2 branches of the organization. More precisely, they are located at the addresses:

  • Moscow, Altufevskoe highway, house 37;
  • Moscow, Highway 18B.

It is with these coordinates that you can find the specified company. Nothing difficult or special. But all transportation orders are usually carried out either via the Internet or by telephone.

gazelkin driver


It is clear what kind of "Gazelkin" receives feedback from employees. This organization as a whole is a good employer. Here you can earn, however, without special career prospects. Great place to meet new people.

Gazelkin offers cargo transportation on favorable terms. And customers believe that this company itself provides quality services. No one is safe from negative experience, but if you believe the reviews, then with "Gazelkin" it is minimal.


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