How to paint the refrigerator: the choice of paint, the necessary tools and materials, step-by-step instructions and reviews with photos

During operation, the appearance of the refrigerator becomes inconspicuous. Also, cracks may appear on it, areas of peeling paint. That is why many people want to update the appearance of technology. How to paint the refrigerator is described in the article.

Why paint?

Judging by the photo, the painted fridge has a neat appearance. The reasons for updating the equipment may be different:

  1. The device needs restoration when the refrigerator is working properly, but does not fit into the interior. For example, white appliances violate the color scheme of the room, and since they are large in comparison with other equipment, they cannot be made invisible.
  2. Painting is necessary if the enamel is damaged. On the technique there are scratches, spots of rust, scuffs that appeared from careful cleaning. Since the new equipment is expensive, and the old refrigerator works, you can restore it.
  3. Creative personalities embody various design ideas. A repainted appliance will make the room fashionable. A classic white refrigerator after painting will not stand out from the interior.
how to color the refrigerator

If you want to update the technique, then several methods can be used for this. Is it possible to color the refrigerator? This procedure is allowed, you only need to know about the features of such manipulations, and also choose the right paint. According to reviews, many repaint the technique in unusual colors.

What do you need?

How to paint the refrigerator at home? To do this, prepare the tools that are selected depending on the paint. In any case, you need equipment suitable for painting on the outside and inside the equipment:

  1. Masking film or newspapers. This item is needed to protect the space from paint. Since newspapers can disperse during work, spots can still be seen in some places. It is advisable to use a special film. It protects surfaces and furniture from traces of paint. The film has an adhesive tape around the edge, which qualitatively fastens it to the necessary areas.
  2. Gloves and respirator. To protect hands from coloring components and solvent, gloves are used. A respirator is needed for applying an aerosol and spray from a spray bottle, since solution sprays and toxic smell harm respiratory organs. If acrylic painting is to be performed, a fixture is not required.
  3. Masking tape. It is needed to protect the parts of the refrigerator that cannot be removed and do not need to be painted. This applies to gum to seal the door, logo, handle. Do not use ordinary adhesive tape. Traces of it are difficult to remove.
  4. Fine sandpaper. It is used to remove the old enamel layer from the surface of the device.
  5. Solvent. They process the surface of the technique to remove traces of paint and degrease the surface. Suitable acetone, white spirit and other similar compounds.
  6. Detergents. Since staining at stage 1 involves the removal of old greasy stains and other contaminants, it is necessary to prepare a container with hot water. Still need rags, brushes, sponges, a remedy for fat.
  7. Putty. The tool is used to restore old equipment on which there are deep scratches. Before painting, all irregularities and cracks must be primed with putty.
how to paint a refrigerator at home

According to reviews, different tools are used depending on the type of paint. For example, when using acrylic paint, you need to work additionally with a narrow roller. Still for painting hard-to-reach areas you need a brush. For processing with nitro enamel, a standard list of tools is used. This also applies to the composition of polyurethane.

Paint selection

What paint to paint the refrigerator? Since the device has an unusual surface, therefore, a special composition is needed. The new coating should be not only decorative, but also a reliable protection for sheathing from various damages. Since the device is always located in a dry and warm room, do not spend the product on a corrosion inhibitor. Fireproof paint is also not necessary, since a refrigerator is not allowed to be installed, for example, near a stove.

Paint features

How to paint the refrigerator outside? It is important that the paint has the following properties:

  1. Keeping an even layer on a vertical surface.
  2. Preservation of properties with the addition of new shades.
  3. Elasticity, as the temperature in the refrigerators increases markedly.
  4. Resistance to detergents.
Is it possible to color the refrigerator

Based on these properties, it is better to choose a paint for metal, which is resistant to water. It should be intended for indoor use. It is important to ensure that the composition contains different components. The composition may be:

  • oily;
  • alkyd;
  • epoxy;
  • zinc;
  • polyurethane;
  • organosilicon;
  • nitrocellulose.

Such compositions provide uniform application of paint. The surface will look neat. With them, you can update both the outer part of the refrigerator, and the inside.

Types of paints

All coloring compounds have their own characteristics. Before working with any of them, you must familiarize yourself with the instructions. It usually indicates breeding and safety rules. You can choose the following tools:

  1. Acrylic paint that can be applied to metal.
  2. Nitro enamel. Substances process cars.
  3. Polyurethane or epoxy.

Since there are no harmful substances in acrylic dyes, they can be used without fear. This type of coloring will help not only to update the technique, but also to make it original, since the color scheme is quite rich. Paint is applied with a roller in 2 layers.

how to paint a refrigerator at home

Means for painting cars presented in the form of persistent compositions of beautiful colors. Apply them from a spray can by spraying. But to use the dye is impractical, since it is expensive. The paint is also toxic, therefore, when applied, it requires protection of open areas of the body and objects from splashes. If traces of the product do get on the surface, remove them with a solvent.

The most resistant and durable paints are polyurethane and epoxy. But it takes a lot of time to cook them, because mixing the two components requires proper preparation.

Surface preparation

How to paint the refrigerator at home? To do this, first wash it from dirt. Using conventional detergents is difficult to do, so the following instructions are important to consider:

  1. Post the necessary tools.
  2. Disconnect the device from electricity.
  3. Pull out the trays and shelves.
  4. Detergent is applied to the sponge and the refrigerator is wiped.
  5. Emery paper removes the old coating. If necessary, sanding scratches and other damage. This will allow the paint to lie better.
  6. Need a cloth without fibers, which is moistened with water and wiped the surface. Then you need to process with dry material.
  7. The solution eliminates stains of fat and other contaminants.
  8. Paste with masking tape on those areas that will not be painted.
  9. Paper is placed on the floor and furniture to protect it from paint.
how to paint a refrigerator do it yourself

Only when everything is prepared should you familiarize yourself with how to paint the refrigerator. Compliance with all the rules allows you to get a quality result.

According to reviews, preparation is important, because the paint will go more evenly. In addition, the appearance of the equipment will be neat.

Staining procedure

How to paint the refrigerator with your own hands? The use of graphite, slate paint or any other has features:

  1. Spray paint is quick and easy to apply. A hand with a balloon should be placed at a distance of 30 cm from the surface to be painted. It is necessary to move the spray can from right to left. If there are no delays during application, a uniform thin layer will be obtained. So a couple more layers are applied. Drying takes half an hour.
  2. If acrylic paint is applied, the hand is moved from top to bottom without stopping. This will help ensure uniform color. Hard-to-reach places are treated with bone. Before applying the second coat, allow time to dry the first. Drying usually takes no more than 3 hours.

These are all the features of how to paint the refrigerator. The device can acquire its original appearance if several layers are applied. If desired, decor is applied in the form of patterns, stripes, geometric patterns. For this, special stencils are used.

Other staining

When choosing a method of staining with a roller, a brush, it should be borne in mind that this procedure is complex. With an excess of paint, smudges appear on the brush, which will spoil the appearance of the technique. Paint should be taken in a small amount, do not rush. The emerging smudge is eliminated with a sponge, and then this area is again stained with less paint.

how to paint the refrigerator outside

If you have drawing skills, you can update the refrigerator with acrylic pigments without using full painting. But the patterns must be protected by treating the surface with varnish. And in the absence of experience, a self-created stencil is used.

If you have experience with an airbrush, the refrigerator will be a work of art. Creative people create anything, either still lifes or landscapes. How to paint the refrigerator inside? The procedure is performed in the same way. The same tools and paint are used.

Professional painting

You can not only do the work yourself, but also order it. On average, professional painting in Russia is no different. The following rates apply:

  1. The coloring of a small device is 5 thousand rubles.
  2. Medium - 7 thousand
  3. Big - 9 thousand
what paint to paint the refrigerator

The door painting costs 8 thousand rubles. Stickers can be bought for 800-1500 rubles. But independent work will be much cheaper. Therefore, if the refrigerator is in working condition, but has a slightly spoiled appearance, it can be updated. The main thing is to do the work carefully, and then everything will work out.


Thus, coloring the refrigerator allows you to update its appearance. Suitable paint will extend the life of the device. The main thing is to carefully perform the work.


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