How to remove humidity in an apartment with folk remedies?

When the humidity in the apartment is increased, it is urgent to do something, otherwise many problems may appear, up to the formation and propagation of the fungus. To everything else, dampness can lead to the appearance of a musty smell in the room. That is why everyone should know how to remove excess moisture in the apartment.

Humidity rate

It is advisable that the humidity in the room be at 60%. In summer in hot weather, this figure can be reduced to 45%. True, it should be remembered that a person feels uncomfortable in an excessively dry room. That is why those who prefer to solve a similar problem with an air conditioner should monitor the air condition and be aware of how to remove high humidity in the apartment. In the process, this climate control technique reduces the humidity in the room. This must be taken into account when using it.

how to remove humidity in the apartment

In addition to everything, remember: if you prefer to dry things at home without ventilating the apartment, the humidity will increase rapidly, and such conditions will be ideal for the occurrence of mold.

How to measure in a living room?

To determine that in an apartment the moisture content in the air exceeds the norm, you can mold on the wallpaper and wet walls, and also with a hygrometer. Moreover, this household measuring device is not very expensive. To control the level of dampness in the room, just hang it on the wall like a normal thermometer.

How to remove humidity in an apartment with folk remedies

Damage to excess moisture in the apartment

Excessive dampness in the room first of all will have a bad effect on the skin of a person, for example, rashes or even an allergy will appear. In addition, excess moisture can provoke the development of other unpleasant diseases. First of all, children and the elderly will suffer from high humidity, since their immunity is weakened.

Magazines and newspapers in a damp room eventually become unusable. Even because of the excessive humidity in the room, it starts to smell of mold. Moreover, this unpleasant odor quickly permeates clothes and furniture. In addition, with excess dampness, food spoils much faster, so you should find out how to remove high humidity in the apartment so that they are not constantly thrown away.

how to remove high humidity in the apartment

The main reasons for the increase in humidity in the room

The reason may be poor-quality waterproofing the walls of the house from the foundation. This happens due to a violation of technology during its construction. In such a situation, it will be difficult to get rid of the problem, since such construction defects are practically incorrigible, but it is still worth figuring out how you can remove the humidity in the apartment in order to improve living conditions.

The most common cause of excess humidity in rooms is a violation of natural ventilation. Often, after replacing old windows with new, more airtight double-glazed windows, dampness forms in the apartment. This occurs, as a rule, due to a violation of air circulation, due to which humidity appears, which condenses on windows, walls and even provokes the growth of mold.

There is another source of increasing humidity in the apartment - the release of water into the air during the breathing of family members. And this is not about milliliters per day, but about liters. Therefore, you should definitely learn how to remove humidity in the apartment, otherwise it will not work to avoid negative consequences.

how to remove high humidity in the apartment

In addition, the constant drying of linen in rooms can worsen the humidity situation. Another factor in increasing moisture is heating. Moreover, even when the radiators in the room do not heat well, dampness may appear.

If the roof of the house is leaking , then high humidity can be eliminated only after its repair.

How to remove humidity in the apartment?

To normalize the microclimate in the room, you do not need to curtain the windows on sunny days in damp rooms. Do not dry clothes in the apartment, it is better to hang it on a balcony or loggia.

Many people, when faced with a similar problem, are looking for any information on how to remove humidity in the apartment using household appliances. Today many different moisture absorbing devices are sold. They contain an absorbent substance that absorbs all excess water from the air.

To prevent an increase in humidity in the apartment, it is always necessary to ventilate the rooms after the following manipulations:

  • hand wash;
  • Cooking
  • taking a bath.

how to remove excess moisture in the apartment
It is recommended to install a hood, especially when the cause of the increase in moisture is a gas stove or shower with constant fumes.

PVC windows can also lead to increased humidity in the room. With a hermetically sealed double-glazed window, air exchange between the interior of the house and the street is disturbed. To avoid this, it is better to buy plastic windows that have a built-in ventilation system.

To eliminate dampness in the apartment will help candles, hair dryers, heaters and even indoor plants. But the most effective method of reducing humidity is conditioning. In modern models, in addition to cooling and heating, there are additional functions such as dehumidification and air purification.

Dampness in the apartment may occur if the plumbing is in malfunction. To reduce air humidity, you will have to eliminate the causes of leakage, for example, replacing obsolete pipes.

How to remove humidity in an apartment with folk remedies?

how to remove humidity in the apartment
If the walls without wallpaper are covered with mold, then you can get rid of it with a solution of laundry soap. It is not difficult to do it: the detergent is dissolved in 5 liters of water, and then brought to a boil. The resulting mixture is applied evenly to the walls with a brush and left to dry completely. Repeat the procedure several times until soap traces form on the surface. Then they can be processed with another composition, to create which you will need 6 liters of water and 100 grams of alum.

How to remove humidity in the apartment by the grandmother's method, it is interesting to know many. For example, calcium chloride, which absorbs moisture well, will also help combat this problem. Tanks with him put in the raw corners of the room. But in order to use calcium again, it will first have to be dried in the oven, and then crushed. By the way, instead of this means, you can use charcoal or quicklime.

Other tricks to remove excess moisture in the air

Before you remove the high humidity in the apartment, you should familiarize yourself with other folk methods in order to choose the most suitable option. For example, you can get rid of dampness with the help of bricks. They need to be heated and put on a moldy wall on any fire-resistant surface. It is advisable to do this until you can get rid of the damp. It should be borne in mind that after 10 incandescent bricks stop absorbing moisture. In addition, no flammable objects should be near them.

But to combat black spots of mold on surfaces in damp rooms, you will need a solution of the following ingredients:

  • alcohol;
  • water;
  • salicylic acid.

The walls must first be dried, and then the antibacterial substance must be dissolved in alcohol and diluted with water. The resulting composition should be applied directly to the mold spots. This folk remedy will help to quickly eliminate them, and it will also prevent the occurrence of dampness.

how to remove high humidity in the apartment

How to avoid the appearance of high humidity in the room?

If you do not want to face such a problem, you must carefully choose indoor plants. Remember that tropical flowers need frequent watering. It is better to give preference to cacti, although some of them are not too attractive.

When repairing rooms with high humidity, it is advisable to purchase mineral-based materials, since they are able to regulate the level of dampness in the room and do not form a greenhouse effect.

During the struggle with excess moisture in the air, most forget that dryness is no less dangerous for human health, so it is so important to maintain the microclimate in the apartment at the optimal level.


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