Gifts for your beloved woman: "Valentine", handmade souvenirs, caskets and hangers

It has long been a good tradition to present to our loved ones and loved ones on February 14 small postcards with declarations of love - “valentines”. But it’s not at all necessary to give them only on Valentine's Day! When love lives in the soul, it can be reported on any day. And it’s not at all necessary to put a cute “Valentine” into an offering, you can give it just like that - without a holiday and a visible reason, from an excess of feelings.

And in order that the dear person more vividly feel the storm of passions and boundless tenderness that fill the whole being of the lover from within, you can donate a little thing that stores a piece of soul, warmth of hands, a flight of imagination. Such will be the "Valentine", made with dreary evenings by oneself, when loved ones are forced to be away from each other.

There are two techniques for making homemade greeting cards: scrapbooking and card making. They are not so different from each other, but still it’s worth talking about them separately.

do-it-yourself valentine
Scrapbooking assumes that a valentine’s card, made by a craftsman with his own hands, has only paper as a manufacturing material. In this case, various applications are used, moving parts - for example, a rising hat on a gentleman or an opening window, as well as folded parts that open when opened, which at the same time take volume.

Card making, on the other hand, involves a wider selection of materials used to make valentines. With his own hands in this technique, the master can create a real masterpiece! All sorts of bows, lace, buttons, small souvenirs, toys, artificial flowers can be arranged in a card quite fancifully, creating an original plot.

And someone can use in their work and natural materials: sand, coastal pebbles, shells, dried flowers. Of course, it is unnecessary, seeking special creativity, to stick to the card still dried insects, for example, a butterfly, so that it “flutters” on the card.

homemade gifts
It is unlikely that the fair sex will appreciate this positively: ladies are kind and compassionate creatures, for some it can even cause tears, and not the joy that “Valentine” should deliver. With your own hands it is better to make a voluminous butterfly from improvised material and fix it on the front side of the card.

In the technique of card making, by the way, you can perform not only postcards, but also make original home-made gifts, for example, a portrait on a sandy background framed by sea stones.

You can also present a creative hanger as a gift to your beloved woman, using a tree branch reminiscent of deer or elk horns in its manufacture. Such a thing is done quite simply, but it looks extremely non-trivial.

gift to beloved woman

Craftsmen, perhaps, will cope with such a task as making various caskets and chests for jewelry from wood, bamboo napkins, plastic bottles or with weaving techniques from newspaper tubes. With pleasure, the fair sex accepts as a gift kitchen utensils made by the hands of a loved one: wooden saltcellars and sugar bowls, painted spoons and planks for cutting products.

Trinkets for keys made of pieces of leather and fur, a stand for a cell phone, funny figures fashioned from salt dough and intricately painted - this is not a complete list of those unique gifts that a man can make his beloved with his own hands.


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