Bionic architecture in Russia: salient features, examples and photos

From the moment of his appearance on Earth, a man strove to acquire comfortable housing, however, the appearance of a house does not always correspond to people's preferences. For example, in Soviet times constructivism and rationalism prevailed in architecture, not distinguished by grace and beauty. Currently, the distribution of biotech is completely opposite to constructivism.


Bionic architecture is based on natural forms that follow the contours of wildlife. They were used in the ancient world when people began to create jewelry, weapons and learned how to design furniture. It is not without reason that the ancient Greek words “life” and “form” are at the source of the term “bioform”. Thanks to scientific and technological progress, a wider use of bionic forms has become possible.

Bionic building architecture

Bionic architecture is the subject of bionics research . This concept was first used in the 20th century by the scientist Jack Steele from America. Officially adopted in 1960 with the participation of A. I. Berg and B. S. Sotsky. Textbooks on architecture give the following definition of this concept: bionics is a science that borders between biology and technology, solving engineering problems based on an analysis of the structure and vital activity of organisms. Since the 20th century, the active development of this direction has begun. You can understand what exactly this style in art represents, according to the experiments of Leonardo da Vinci, who worked on the design of an aircraft based on bird wings.

Main characteristics

Bionic architecture has a positive effect on the mental state of a person, improves his well-being and even reveals the creative abilities of the individual. The following symptoms are characteristic of it:

  • Structures in this style are a natural continuation of natural forms, while they do not conflict with them.
  • The use of environmentally friendly materials and building structures that are safe for humans. Wood, leather, cotton, bamboo, wool and linen are very popular. These materials are often preferred by interior designers.
  • The desire to create eco-houses in which autonomous life support systems are installed that allow the processing of waste.
  • Free, smooth lines without sharp corners. All elements resemble the structures of living organisms.
Bionic forms in architecture

How are architects inspired?

Bionic forms in architecture appear due to wildlife. Inspired by what was created without human intervention, architects are working on creating unique structures:

  • Wax and bee honeycombs became the basis for the design of walls, partitions, decor, furniture and even window and doorways.
  • A net material such as a web is very light and economical. It allows you to zone your space without overloading it with excessive decorative elements.
  • Spiral designs based on plant shapes are ideal for decorating stairs. They are constructed from all kinds of materials that allow you to maintain smoothness and lightness.
  • Stained-glass windows and mirrors are very often used to create unusual lighting in rooms.
  • Tree trunks can be used as columns in bionic architecture.
  • Mirror surfaces can be stylized as a water surface.
  • To reduce the weight of structures, perforation is widely used. With the help of porous structures create various furniture. The advantages of this solution include material savings, in addition, an illusion of airiness and lightness of the room is created.
  • Lamps can repeat biological structures like waterfalls, trees, flowers, clouds, marine life, as well as celestial bodies.

Cottage Eyes (architect Boris Arkadievich Levinson)

This building has another name: “Gaudi Mansion”. It was given to the building due to the fact that Boris Levinson is considered a Russian Gaudi. The cottage is located in the city of Sestroretsk, in the Leningrad Region. The architect was the aforementioned Boris Levinzon, and the designer was Natalya Kruchinina from the Rosar architectural bureau. Currently, the house is privately owned, it is for sale. You won’t be able to look at him from the inside, since no one is allowed into the building.

The characteristic features of bionic architecture

Work on the construction of a house with an area of ​​750 m2 was carried out from the end of the 20th to the beginning of the 21st century. It is located on a plot of 20 acres. The first floor is generously decorated with stalactite lamps. The kitchen and dining room, atrium and porch are at the same level. On the second floor there is a winter garden and several bedrooms with access to the terrace. The house has a basement, where there is a wardrobe, pool and billiard room.

The attic with an area of ​​60 m2 is a separate space in a whole organism, each element of which is combined with the rest with the help of design. The characteristic features of bionic architecture are reflected in this building: the walls, painted white, resemble naughty waves. The house is built of brick, covered with plastic plaster of silicone and black tiles. This gives the structure a unique look.

Country house-dolphin (architect Boris Arkadevich Levinson, Andrey Bosov)

Another example of bionic style in architecture is the dolphin house, introduced in 2003 as an exhibition copy. This building is visible from afar thanks to the blue roof and glass windows. The walls resemble the sides and belly of a dolphin, the roof resembles a mighty back, and the oblong windows resemble fins.

Some art historians and architects compare the building with sculpture. Indeed, the unique shape of the building required a special construction technology. The basis of the structure, the so-called "skeleton", is made of metal and covered with concrete poured into a mold of wood. The building is decorated with wear-resistant plastic plaster. In hard-to-reach places, it was applied with a four-centimeter layer without preliminary reinforcement.

On the ground floor there is a kitchen, dining room, lounge and spiral staircase. All rooms are flooded with light that enters the room through the huge windows. The ledges of the walls allow you to visually zoning the space. The window has plenty of free space, ideal for creating a garden. On the second floor there are two bedrooms, a small living room and dining room. The upper part of the walls separating the spacious rooms is decorated with an openwork pattern of frosted or colored glass. The "cheeks" of the dolphin, located on the sides of the building, perform the functions of a bath and a sauna. On the second floor there is an internal balcony.

Bionic style in architecture

According to the idea, the customer can change some parameters of the device at home. For example, if desired, you can install sliding windows or adjust the lighting by tinting windows. From four rooms you can create two more spacious rooms. Dolphin house leaves room for the owner’s imagination, as there is a lot of free space.

House-tree of Boris Levinson

Examples of bionic architecture are quite difficult to find in Russia and the CIS countries. In Montenegro, it is planned to build a tree house in the best traditions of bionics: achieving maximum comfort through minimal disturbance of nature.

All structures will be created using metal and reinforced concrete. An elevator will be located in the center of the tree house. The walls are supposed to be decorated with decorative plaster, and the roof should be made of soft tiles. On the first floor there will be a Turkish bath, utility rooms and a spa area, on the second - a terrace and four residential rooms, on the third - spacious apartments, and on the fourth - a restaurant.

Konstantin Melnikov House in Moscow

This apartment house served as the workshop of the famous Soviet architect K. S. Melnikov. The man’s family lived here. Work on the construction of the building was carried out in the period from 1927 to 1929, it is located in Krivoarbatsky Lane.

The design turned out to be unusual, as the architect abandoned the usual ceilings. The traditional beams were replaced with a grid of several planks placed on the edge. This membrane is very strong, despite the plasticity, it retains its rigidity under any circumstances. Externally, the house is similar to two cylinders interconnected, one of which has a terrace.

Ostankino radio television tower in Moscow

The need for the construction of a powerful television tower appeared in the second half of the 20th century, when broadcast quality was constantly improving.

Bionic architecture in Russia

A real breakthrough was the Ostankino TV tower, built in 1963-1967. At the time of its creation, it was the tallest building in the world. Architect Nikitin was inspired by the image of a lily. This flower has strong petals, a strong stem. Therefore, the tower is a bird's eye view of an inverted lily on 10 petal supports. Thus, Ostankino is one of the most striking examples of bionic architecture in Russia.

Bicycle track in Krylatskoye

This Olympic building was erected in Moscow before the 1980 Games. The Krylatskoye cycle track resembles a butterfly because of its unusual shape: the edges of the ellipse are slightly raised, as if real wings. The coating is made of Siberian larch wood. This tree is highly durable, it does not rot. This allows you to develop greater speed while riding a bicycle.

Currently, there are training and various competitions. Here you can enjoy cycling and tennis. In Krylatskoye they hold competitions in athletics, pentathlon and racket.

Bionic architecture in Europe and America

As mentioned earlier, in Russia and the CIS countries, bionics is not as widespread as in European and Asian countries. Therefore, examples of this style in architecture are easier to find in Spain, Germany, Australia and even China.

Bionic architecture examples

The most famous buildings include the following architectural masterpieces:

  • Sydney Opera House has a unique shape: it looks like an opened lotus.
  • The Eiffel Tower, originally built as a pavilion for the Paris Exhibition, copies the shape of the tibia.
  • The Nautilus residential building in Naukalpan has another name: “Sink”. The fact is that the design of the structure is based on the image of a mollusk shell.
  • The Solomon Guggenheim Museum in New York is an amazing example of organic architecture. This building is a continuation of the urban landscape, but at the same time it has natural elements. Made in the form of a spiral, it repeats floral ornaments.

Bionics in Asia, Australia and Oceania

In Asian states, architects make extensive use of bionic forms in architecture and design. Here are the most interesting buildings built in this style:

  • The Swallow's Nest stadium in Beijing got its name because of its appearance, as the design has a striking resemblance to a bird's nest.
  • The swimming complex in Beijing is also a prime example of the use of bionic forms in architecture. Its facade resembles water bubbles. They simulate a crystal lattice by which solar energy is accumulated.
  • The lotus temple in India was created on the basis of the lotus flower. Architect Faribor Sahboy through an unusual structure tried to attract people's attention to nature, and he succeeded. It is believed that the shape of the building symbolizes the idea that humanity will someday abandon ignorance and violence and begin a new, peaceful life.
Bionic architecture photo

Thus, bionic architecture (photo examples are presented in this article) is becoming increasingly popular due to its beauty and environmental friendliness.


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