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A traffic accident is an unpleasant event in itself. It causes stress, accompanied by feelings. In addition, after an accident there are a lot of problems. One of them is an auto examination. It is mandatory, as it allows you to fully assess the damage that was caused to the car owner as a result of the accident. Moreover, for the driver it would be desirable that this inspection was carried out by independent experts. It is important for the car owner that the experts make a professional analysis of the true situation, as a result of which his car property was damaged. This will help achieve fairness in dealing with the insurance company.

Qualified assistance is available to employees of the Alliance of Legal Support for Policyholders. It is clear that not all drivers have the necessary legal knowledge that is necessary to assert their own rights and protect interests. The legislative and regulatory framework is so vast that only lawyers specializing in specific issues have full information.

Why do I need an independent auto examination?

The concept of "independent examination" speaks for itself: it will show a real picture of an accident. There are situations when employees of the State traffic inspectorate incorrectly determine the stopping distance and incorrectly assess the damage caused to transport. It also happens that as a result of an examination conducted by incompetent employees, the one who was actually the victim is found guilty.

An independent examination is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • the date is set, the place where it takes place is determined;

  • the legality of all procedures is ensured;

  • all interested parties are notified in a timely manner, including representatives of insurance companies and accident participants;

  • a full, comprehensive inspection of the technical condition of the car that was damaged in an accident;

  • an expert conclusion is drawn up.

After conducting a quality independent examination, the car owner is much more likely to receive from the insurance the exact amount of money that is due to him. This must be remembered, because anything can happen on the road. The statistics of traffic accidents is astounding: in Moscow, in just 24 hours, about 1000 accidents occur. It is useful for drivers to know that they can count on the help of the Alliance if they unwittingly become participants in an accident. Assistance of qualified specialists is provided to them!


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