Interpretation and meaning of the Tarot: Chariot

A special place in the deck of cards is occupied by the Chariot. Tarot closely connects the meaning of this picture with success and victory obtained in a serious confrontation - with his labor and strength. If during the fortune-telling you get this sign, it characterizes you as a purposeful, assertive, courageous and hardworking person, capable of any achievements.


Every person trying to know the future is interested in the detailed meaning of the Tarot. Chariot - a special card. It depicts a wagon of Hermes - the ancient Greek god of trade, industry, inventions, patron of roads and wanderers. This is a clever, dodgy and cunning mythological character. On the map he is drawn dressed in armor, with a sword and a scepter in his hands. Here he is the embodiment of a winner and a triumph. On his head is the starry hoop of Isis - a symbol of power and wisdom. The crown gives Hermes a deep mind, extraordinary intelligence, subtle intuition, which illuminate the path of every person, the secrets of his fate.

tarot value chariot
On the shoulders of God are the sickles of the moon - these are regalia of the high priests. It was they who provided them with establishing contacts with other worlds. Four pillars of a chariot, symbolizing the elements of Earth, Water, Fire and Air, support the star curtain. They point to higher powers that make the world exist.

Symbolic meaning

This Tarot card is endowed with deep meaning. A chariot, the value of which is reduced to a demonstration of strength and power, indicates the ability to overcome obstacles. The body of the Hermes wagon has a cubic shape, the picture also shows rectangles. All these figures are a sign of will, right judgment, confident action. The starry canopy is a symbol of the protection of the gods, without whose assistance triumph would be impossible. Sphinxes or horses are drawn into a chariot: a light being is interpreted as mercy, a dark one indicates destructive power. They seem to balance good and evil, which are the servants of the magician, that he passed more than one test.

chariot tarot meaning
On the front of the wagon there is an ancient Indian sign Lingam, belted by wings. This jewelry symbolizes masculine power, creation. A winged ball is a triumph of intelligence in time and space. It indicates the victory of a man whose cold mind rises above elemental, uncontrolled emotions.

Main characteristics

The card belongs to the so-called Senior Arcana. Its number is 7. It indicates the superiority of reason, victory at all levels, progress in science, ability to manage events, and withstand trials. Each figure forms the meaning of the Tarot: the Chariot is seven components, among which are success, power, potential, conquest, war, arrogance and implementation. To them should also be added the presence of ambition and confidence. The number 7 is the symbol of the end of hard work. It indicates that the winner has overcome a difficult path towards the goal. Now he rests on his laurels, having achieved physical victory and spiritual prosperity.

The card has two opposite meanings that pop up when divining, depending on the layout. A positive interpretation is aspiration, a negative interpretation is excessive self-confidence, bordering on arrogance and selfishness. In addition, the towers of the vanquished city in the background of the picture may portend trouble. In some cases, they point to the lights of rebellion, which arise in the conquered settlement. That is, hidden dangers can threaten a person.

Card in the upright position

Staying in a direct position, the picture affects the value of the Tarot: the Chariot in this case indicates victory, the ability to withstand the vicissitudes of fate. Success is justified: it became possible thanks to efforts. Often a map predicts a trip that will surely become successful and productive. Now you are full of determination, ready to overcome difficulties, so do not stand still, move, create. All possibilities are open: you just have to lend a hand to take what is rightfully due. The current period is characterized by persistence, activity, development.

tarot card chariot meaning

If fortune-telling takes place with the aim of discovering the future, then the Chariot promises victory over a serious illness or achievement of unprecedented heights in his career. In the position of the past, she points to the accomplished success: how far he was productive will indicate the cards located nearby. The chariot hints that you have huge potential, talent, creativity. She invites you to build your own destiny yourself - there are all the possibilities for this. Remember: sometimes, in order to become a winner, you need to be able to compromise, try on the incompatible, balance between the opposite.

If the image is upside down ...

The Chariot inverted (Tarot) is interpreted differently. The meaning of the card in this case is this: self-doubt, doubt and torment. You may expect unpleasant consequences of previous actions, an unfavorable outcome, a bad influence of others. The card also signals that a person limits himself in everything, blindly worships unnecessary principles and outdated traditions. A chariot that has fallen upside down portends trouble with the law, drawing you or your loved ones into legal proceedings and conflicts. Indicates the imbalance that has arisen due to extraneous influence or pressure.

chariot tarot meaning in relationship
An inverted card is a sign of a possible illness. Often it is interpreted as unforeseen difficulties, failures in business, difficulties in achieving the goal that arose despite your efforts. Fortune turns away from you, there is a risk of losing everything that you have achieved. Be on the lookout. Destruction of plans may be due to the fact that you could not correctly and on time assess the situation, did not take the necessary measures. Now you are dynamic, but this activity is more like vanity than productivity.


In the upright position, the map indicates a new stage in the relationship. This can be a romantic acquaintance, finding a soulmate, updating a circle of acquaintances, or renewing old ties. In any case, the Chariot of the Tarot indicates the update: the value in the relationship carries a positive semantic load. If you have a partner, then most likely you will have a fun wedding, a baby, a romantic trip or a big purchase. In general, get ready for what will become a fresh stream for real life, renew old feelings, bring new emotions. This card is a symbol of conquest: relationships will need to be fought.

chariot inverted tarot value
The inverted Chariot (Tarot) practically does not change the meaning in love. But it warns of one thing - your passion, energy can become unstoppable. Feelings get out of control, which invariably leads to quarrels, conflicts, confrontation. Grievances accumulate and run the risk of escaping outward by a rampant stream that sweeps everything in its path - even the most stable and happy connection. You need to learn how to deal with irritability: in this case, the relationship will not only be preserved, but also strengthened.

Career and business

A chariot indicates vigor. Therefore, if the alignment is made for a career, it is interpreted as activity, efficiency, victory over competitors. Right now you need to act, "take the bull by the horns", take risks. Don’t worry, any undertakings will be successful: the contract will be signed, the task completed, the increase in salary guaranteed. Feel free to go to the authorities, sprinkle with new ideas, demand what you want. Enrichment is also promised by the Tarot Chariot that appeared in the layout. Meaning: money will float in the river, you will receive a bonus, you will become the heir to the state, you will dig out a treasure and so on.

Instead, an inverted picture indicates a lack of hard work and energy to achieve goals. You need to get together so as not to spray your activity on small tasks. Perhaps you have chosen a false direction and are moving in the wrong direction. One can understand the Chariot upside down in two ways: on the one hand, it indicates that a person’s efficiency does not bring results, and on the other, the lack of productivity, which causes a number of unpleasant events. The map also indicates that you will go over the heads to achieve the goal. And he warns: this path is slippery, it does not lead to anything good.

Divination by personality and situation

When fortunetelling a specific person, the Tarot Chariot may fall. The value in this case indicates the character of the personality: she is responsible, confident, courageous, decisive. This is a winner - over temptations, emotions, society. He knows how to choose the right path, moving along it resolutely and assertively. By profession, this person is most likely a military man, driver, messenger or traveler. It is assumed that in the near future he will greatly affect your fate, change the course of events, will become an important part of the current case.

chariot tarot meaning in love
If the alignment is made on the situation, then the Chariot promises a new life for old ideas, a breakthrough to the will of hidden desires, the departure of a boring routine. You will have an exciting business trip, an event that will make you successful. Perhaps you will finally be healed of a chronic illness, go in for sports, or just change jobs. The previous leg of the journey has been completed: ahead is a new stage, interesting and amazing. Take care that you have enough strength all the way. It will be a shame if you let your inner potential down.

Other values

Often during fortune-telling a person asks a specific question, waiting for an answer to it. Accordingly, the meaning of the Tarot changes: the Chariot in this case says that the result of the case depends only on you. You manage the situation, control the events. Do not worry: if you move in the same direction, success will be achieved. Gain speed and confidently complete what you started. Or, conversely, go with the flow: the situation will be decided in your favor without personal participation.

chariot tarot value money
If you want to anticipate a place in which you will soon find yourself, it will be a bus station, railway, plane. When you want to know which person will influence you in the future, the Chariot indicates a businesslike and independent person. With her energy she will light you, revive your strengths, make you believe in the successful realization of a dream. Chariot is a good card. She never portends tragedies and serious problems. Even if the neighboring cards in the layout indicate difficulties, then most likely they will be overcome. After all, the image of a triumph on a wagon in itself portends a victory.


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