How to install a caisson for a well with your own hands?

Despite the fact that the pace of construction in Russia is increasing every year, many country houses and cottages are still not connected to a centralized water supply system. But without it, you can’t wash your hands or cook food (not to mention watering seedlings in the garden periodically). Therefore, the only way out of this situation is to drill our own well. However, this is sometimes not enough. And here it’s not even about the pump and pipelines. The fact is that at a temperature of 0 or less degrees Celsius the water begins to freeze, and the whole system under pressure can simply crack. In order to prevent this, some owners install a caisson for the well with their own hands. There are several types of these devices - plastic and steel. Consider each of these types.

do-it-yourself caisson

We mount a steel caisson

Based on the photo, we see that the steel caisson is a large sealed tank that does not allow water to pass through. In principle, the device and purpose of the plastic device is similar. The difference is only in the material that underlies each of them. So, how to install a caisson for a well with your own hands? First you need to prepare a foundation pit for this. The diameter of the trench should be equal to the width of the mounted device, however, in order to prevent water from falling into our tank during snowmelt or during the rainfall period, we need to add another 20-30 centimeters to the diameter of the caisson. After that, a hole is made in the bottom. This is necessary to install the casing. In this case, a sleeve with a width of about 10-15 centimeters should be welded to the hole.

Since in most modern caissons, manufacturers take care of installing nipples in advance, you just have to connect them to the water pipes. If this container was made by hand, during installation, do not forget to weld these devices into the tank wall.

do-it-yourself filter for the well

The order of the work

  • Cut the casing to ground level.
  • Mount the sealed tank on the bars, so that the axis of the caisson and the pipes coincide with each other. In this case, the sleeve should be easily put on the pipe.
  • After this, the bars are removed, and the tank is lowered along the casing.
  • The caisson is mounted vertically in the pit and fixed.
  • Next, weld the pipe to the bottom of the tank. Make sure that the latter is really tight and does not let water through.
  • Through special nipples, connect the water pipe to the caisson. Additionally, you should install a filter for the well with your own hands.

After that, the device falls asleep, then you can safely proceed to its operation.

caisson is

We mount a plastic caisson for a well with our own hands

Since the design of both devices is the same, the algorithm of actions during installation also corresponds to the above. The only thing to remember is that plastic does not weld anywhere, but is closed with special airtight heads. Therefore, you can apply all the other steps in our instructions "How to install a caisson for a well with your own hands" for both devices.


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