DIY concrete smoother: description, specifications and design

Concreting the base is a rather laborious process. The quality of the final result is measured not only by the strength of the coating, but also by the evenness of the surface. To ensure this, different tools are used. At the initial stage, the mixture is aligned with the rule. But after it crests may remain. Therefore, at the final stage of leveling, a concrete trowel is used. This is a simple but extremely necessary tool in the work of the builder. It is quite possible to do it yourself. Before you begin, you need to delve into this issue.

General characteristics of the process

The process of pouring concrete substrates is not the same for different rooms. If you want to create a floor in a large production workshop, a hand tool will be practically useless. In this case, use equipment with various nozzles (rollers, discs, "skis", etc.).

Concrete trowel

In a small room, it’s easier to level out using other tools. First, wooden beacons are laid on the surface of the base. They will serve as guides for the rule. Between the lighthouses concrete is laid. He is guided by the rule, distributing the mixture in an even layer along the level of the guides. This is the initial stage of pouring.

Then a more accurate smoothing of the mixture is carried out. A concrete trowel is required here. This is a special manual device that can be used both in the process of removing the mixture by the rule, and after arranging the entire base.


The presented tool may be manual or have an electric or gasoline drive. For a small room, the first variety is ideal. When aligning large areas, it is better to use mechanized devices. The most commonly used aluminum or magnesium trowel for concrete. Its length is more than 1 meter. For convenience, the profile is attached to a long handle. Because of this, the tool is somewhat reminiscent of a mop.

DIY Concrete Smoother

There is a division into channel and scraper trowels. The first variety is designed to level the still plastic, not hardened concrete. At the same time, a “cement milk” is formed on the surface. This is a mixture of cement, water and sand in a small amount. Scraper type trowel is applicable for already hardening mortar. Such tools contribute to the removal of "cement milk" from concrete.

Smoothers also vary in size. For a small room, small-sized equipment with a width of 13 cm and a length of 28-68 cm is suitable. The step of increasing the size is 10 cm. The corners of the working plane should be rounded so as not to leave scratches.

Device and features

A hand-held trowel for concrete has a number of application features. It is moved along the hardening mixture back and forth, and also from side to side. To preserve the original concrete layer, it is necessary to move the tool in directions perpendicular to each other. Otherwise, hollows and mounds will appear. The ironer should not be immersed in concrete. It only glides over the surface.

How to make a do-it-yourself concrete trowel

During movement, the angle of inclination of its profile surface changes. If you push the ironer away from you, the far edge will rise, and vice versa. The gearbox is responsible for this movement. The ductility of the mixture also affects the angle of elevation. It can reach almost 60 degrees. The tool handle can be 3 to 12 m long. Work planes must have deflection stabilizers. Coverage is from 1 to 5 meters. The gearbox is in the form of a cable. It connects the blade and the handle.

DIY tool

In conditions of private construction or repair, a homemade tool is quite applicable. Do-it-yourself concrete trowel is quite simple. If you do not intend to use it more than 1-2 times, you should not spend money on the purchase of new equipment.

If there is a bit of free time, and there is also the ability to handle wood, create a smoothing machine with your own hands and level concrete with it is not difficult. To do this, you need to prepare wooden slats, boards, hand tools and fasteners. Usually, all the necessary tools for such work are in the arsenal of the home master. If they are not there, you can always get the tool and material. For convenience, it is better to give preference to soft wood. Most often, such a tool is made of such materials.

Surface Engineering

When wondering how to make a smoothing machine for concrete with your own hands, you should consider the advice of experienced builders. When preparing the bars from soft wood, it is necessary to pay attention to their processing.

Manual concrete trowel

The side of the smoothing surface that will be in contact with concrete should be perfectly smooth. It is pre-polished. Then the working surface is treated with a special water-repellent solution. This will save the tool until the end of the concrete foundation. The smoothness of the slide will be as light as possible. Standard dimensions of the beam for the working surface are selected depending on the area of ​​the room. The width of this product should be about 30 cm, and the length can be from 1 to 2 m.

Pen making

A handle is an integral part of a product such as a concrete trowel. The telescopic handle is used in purchased tools. But for home-made varieties, you just have to make a long rail. For infrequent or one-time use, this will be enough. The handle should be selected according to the length of the room. Usually this element of the ironer is from 3 to 5 m. This option is suitable even for work on smoothing the mortar along the upper section of the lighthouses or between the brickwork.

DIY scraper for concrete

Using a triangular spacer made of wooden slats, the handle is rigidly attached to the working area. If the grip of the working surface is large, it is difficult to drive the tool with one handle. Therefore, for the convenience of work, it is better to do two holders in such cases at once.

Scraping iron

Homemade concrete trowel most often involves leveling concrete that has not yet hardened. On sale there are special nozzles that make a scraper channel tool. Although most often they are simply included with the purchase of ironers.

Scraper work surfaces, most likely, will not work on their own. But if necessary, you can buy them. This tool will remove excess from the surface of concrete. The blade is made of durable aluminum alloys. This will eliminate tubercles and irregularities, fill the recesses on the surface of the base. This tool helps to completely level the surface.

Expert Reviews

To create a finish coat, the craftsmen recommend using a scraper. A self-made concrete trowel for concrete is not used in this case. Purchased instrument varieties are still preferable in this case.

Magnesium Concrete Smoother

Since such products are made of extrusion alloy, they are very light and maneuverable, in contrast to self-made. At the same time, such tools are characterized by high strength. The whole structure contributes to a smooth change in the angle of inclination of the surface during operation.

According to experts, purchased ironers have only one drawback - they are quite expensive. In addition, such smoothing machines are best purchased from good, trusted manufacturers. Cheap products do not justify the money invested in them. Therefore, for infrequent use, it is better to make a homemade design. Especially if it is planned to use it no more than two or three times.

How to apply a trowel

A properly made concrete trowel allows you to even out fairly large areas. Due to the wide working surface, large areas are quickly processed. Even with a home-made trowel, you can qualitatively align the tubercles and depressions.

Home-made varieties of the tool should be used only for rooms with a length of not more than 6 m. Otherwise, you will have to use purchased varieties. They have a telescopic handle that can reach 12 m.

Telescopic concrete trowel

After the first leveling, “cement milk” may appear on the concrete surface. It should be removed with a scraper with a special blade. If during the surface treatment it is planned to process it with various grinding machines, this step is mandatory. Large humps and cavities must be removed before the cement hardens.

Having considered such a tool as a smoothing machine for concrete, you can correctly use it in construction or repair. In certain conditions, it is more advisable to use home-made varieties. You can easily make them yourself. But for large rooms it is better to use a purchased tool. It most often provides a telescopic handle. Also, such smoothing machines have a set of special blades. But for infrequent use it is recommended to make a smoothing machine yourself, which will allow you to level the surface almost perfectly.


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