Supplier base: reviews, features and recommendations

It is almost impossible to imagine the life of a modern person who does not use the Internet in any way. Many spend time in transport, watching news on social networks. And it is at this time that they can see the most advantageous offers. For example, purchase a supplier base.

What it is?

warehouse and base

In our era of consumption, acquiring a supplier base is an offer worthy of consideration. First you need to figure out what kind of animal it is? There are many sources where you can see information, read what a supplier base is. The feedback of those who have already encountered this case will be useful to you. In general, to understand and decide for yourself - do you need it at the moment or can you do without such an acquisition? You should also carefully familiarize yourself with the profitability of such an investment, calculate your own opportunities and options for the development of events.

To take or not to take?

So, if the proposal is made, and you are completely ready to do your own thing, the question arises, is it worth buying a supplier base? There are always two feelings when receiving a super-profitable offer - euphoria from the opening opportunities and a feeling of mistrust that, perhaps, this is another “divorce”. Fortunately, in our time it will not be difficult to track the honesty of the seller of the supplier base. The reviews here may not help you. You need to look at the date of creation of the account, what news the page owner offers, how active other users are on his wall, whether they are present with his friends and for how long. For reliability, you can chat with someone in person. Of course, this option will not protect against scammers by 100%, but it will reduce the risk at times.

So, the account was registered not a month ago, but longer. The profile contains clear photos that show the face of the owner of this profile. Photos were created both on a professional and amateur camera. On the page of the real seller there will certainly be a sufficient amount of news in which he offers his services. There should also be a sufficient number of friends who respond to his news. Most likely, these are regular customers. In general, there is the impression of the presence of a real person. It is advisable to once again listen to the voice of reason, calculate all the possible risks and decide whether to buy or not?

How it works?

online supplier base

The decision was made, the seller of the base sent a message stating the possibilities that this purchase opens before you. In most cases, earnings are offered on the sale of a supplier base. Further, work with suppliers for the real sale of goods or dropshipping. This is the collection of customer orders with the further transfer of data to the supplier, who then sends the goods to customers.

Each niche has its pros and cons. Those who have been selling online for a long time note that the services of a supplier base are not always profitable. Firstly, empty links are often found in the database. Secondly, it can be large wholesalers who are unprofitable to contact single orders. Thirdly, when working with foreign suppliers, you need to prepare for the language barrier. This is only a small percentage of the difficulties that this business will have to face. As a result, it turns out that selling the supplier base is the most profitable solution.

Bought - sell!

base at a low price

It’s simpler to sell what you’ve already bought. And information can be sold repeatedly. The question of how to sell the supplier base is solved the faster, the more the page in the social network is developed, which will be the launching pad for trading the base. The technical side of such a business is quite simple, anyone can handle it.

Real action

supplier base and contacts

First you need to write a text that indicates the opportunities that open to the buyer, as well as all the advantages of acquiring a supplier base here. Reviews for this action will be very different. After all, this text will have to be placed not only on its news page, but also sent to different users. As an option - posting text in the forums. Finally, the acquisition of advertising space on the site. This will provide an opportunity to increase the number of customers.

And you need to remember that there is a huge amount of such information on the Internet now. Under the guise of sellers, experienced scammers are hiding, because of which the percentage of citizens' trust in such offers is constantly falling. And just among those to whom the message was sent, there will be no interested people. However, with some persistence and sociability, sales are possible in the early days.

Tips from the "experienced"

customer search

There are several forums that actively discuss the capabilities of vendor databases. If you believe the comments, the supplier database requires constant updating of data. These updates need to be closely monitored, otherwise there is a risk of getting into the number of scammers who sell air. Since databases are just a place on the Internet that suppliers acquire to promote their business, there is nothing surprising in the fact that within a month someone refuses the site’s services and the link becomes inoperative. This is the main problem. If the base was purchased exclusively for resale, then you must first be puzzled by the relevance of the links.

The more partitions in the database, the more expensive it is. Perhaps for faster sales it will need to be disassembled and sold cheaper. As a result, most likely, the benefit will be greater than from the sale of a large base. In addition, you should not forget that the larger the audience, the easier it is to find real buyers. Staying on one site for a long time is unprofitable, you need to constantly expand. And this means that you have to spend more time at work. And it would be good in this situation to acquire like-minded people from among relatives or friends.

Who needs such bases

supplier base

First of all, of course, to entrepreneurs. Their congestion prevents them from undertaking the painstaking work of catching existing suppliers on the Internet. Next are the owners of online stores. They are usually engaged in dropshipping. That is, their responsibility is to find buyers for the goods. Finding a base is the time spent, which is considered the most expensive resource in the world. And in this case, it is also easier to buy a base and work with the finished material.

Can I find it on my own?

It is not necessary to purchase a ready-made database of suppliers. The reviews of those who have already tried to deal with this matter are full of calls not to be lazy and to take real steps to develop a supplier base. In the future, you still have to update it, so you can’t avoid working with the search. So why not start there and create your own list of sellers? However, this requires time and patience, which in our time are in such shortage that it is easier to give a couple of thousand rubles for something ready-made, albeit not so effective, than to create it yourself. In any case, the choice is yours.

Advice for beginner sellers of real stores

If the database is acquired, the links work and everything seems to be fine, along the way the following difficulties will arise. Links, even workers, do not always have feedback. The supplier’s contacts will definitely have a phone number, which is much easier to contact. Managers are not always polite and helpful. When communicating, you need to be mentally prepared for any behavior of the interlocutor. If during a conversation you are naughty, this resentment will remain with you, since there are no more contacts in your hands, there is nowhere to complain about the rude. The next problem is delivery.

About the possibilities of the Post of Russia to lose anything, jokes are already circulating. Perhaps it is better to overpay for cash on delivery or courier delivery, than to make an advance payment and not get anything in return. Not all suppliers work with small wholesalers. Sometimes the first order needs to be made for hundreds of thousands of rubles. If this is not electronics or household appliances, then most likely this investment will not be such a profitable acquisition. From all of the above, we can conclude that even a ready-made database with working links and real sellers will be useful to you not at 100%.

Draw conclusions

buy or not?

To buy or not - the decision is always individual. If it is accepted, then you need to implement it as soon as possible, since the market does not stand still, demand is constantly changing. Perhaps in a couple of months the process of buying and selling the base will become irrelevant. So, acquiring something, you do not need to think long and calculate the risks. There are always problems in any field. The main thing is to solve them, not to save. Then any business will eventually become profitable.


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