Ecological holiday: script, themes. Ecological poems

Ecology begins to study from kindergarten. Preschool children get acquainted with the surrounding nature and learn to protect it. Extracurricular activities in primary school deepen knowledge, and from the fifth to eleventh grades, children acquire those skills that will later come in handy in life and help make the right decisions.

One of the most memorable methods of study is a theatrical environmental festival. The script is made taking into account the material passed and the capabilities of the participants. Undoubtedly, with proper preparation, this will bring joy and benefit to children.

Holiday Themes

The purpose of the event is to consolidate the material, so for each age group different environmental topics are identified. There are several areas within which the holiday scenario will be interesting.

ecological holiday script

  1. Pre-school education: “Earth is our native home”, “Tale of the rain and dewdrop”, “Take care of nature”.
  2. Elementary school: "Ecological KVN", "Save and preserve nature", "The world in which I live."
  3. Fifth grade: "Water is a miracle of nature", "Among the flowers", "Nature does not forgive mistakes."
  4. Sixth grade: “The Kingdom of Plants”, “The Miracle of Photosynthesis”, “Help the Forest”.
  5. Seventh grade: “Our Lesser Brothers”, “Red Book”, “What the Tiger Is Silent About.”
  6. Eighth grade: “When food is poison”, “Ecology and people”, “Healthy lifestyle”.
  7. Ninth grade: “War of the cyclone and anticyclone”, “Climate of the planet”, “Natural disasters. How to prevent trouble. "
  8. Tenth grade: “This green planet”, “Water is a miracle”, “Save the forests”.
  9. Eleventh grade: “The Arctic is melting,” “Cosmos,” “Ecologist is a matter of life.”
  10. School-wide environmental festival, scenario "Three kingdoms of nature."

High school

Perhaps the most interesting holiday is held at high school students. They already know a lot and evaluate the situation on the planet much more seriously than kids. The quiz may contain questions from a course in chemistry, physics, astronomy, human physiology.

"Earth Day", the scenario of the environmental holiday for high school students, it is advisable to make up three parts. This is a quiz, pageant, poems or songs. A holiday can be arranged in the assembly hall, combining several classes.

A presenter or two presenters present the program by announcing a performance. At the very beginning, to determine the theme and set the tone for the whole holiday, representatives of Greenpeace enter the stage. These are disguised high school students. They briefly outline the range of issues that will be highlighted during the presentation process.

Then they are replaced by different characters who sing or read poetry on environmental topics.

A quiz that includes two to three dozen environmental questions can be conducted by a teacher. The rules for conducting depend on the number of participants. But the questions should be structured so that even the audience is interested.

A scene about the ecological situation on the planet will be the final stage of the holiday. At the end, the actors sing a song to a famous melody, the audience sings along.

School holiday

The scenario of the ecological holiday "Three Kingdoms of Nature", like no other, is suitable for a school-wide event. Three elements - earth, water and air - are leading. In turn, they talk about the situation in their possessions, how the conditions have changed over the past ten years. Amateur performances accompany their story: sketches, songs and poems.

environmental activities

The land represents a garden and a vegetable garden. A group of elementary school students come out dressed as fruits and vegetables. They talk about the love of the sun and clean water. Then come Forest, Field and Mountain. These are high school students. They talk about drought and seismological situation.

Water represents the River and the Sea. They talk about climate warming and ice melting in the Arctic, due to which irregular cyclones and anticyclones form. Somewhere drought, somewhere flood.

Air represents the ozone layer of the atmosphere. This is a high school student. He raps about how he suffers.

In conclusion, the presenters summon all the participants to the stage, they sing a common song.

“Protecting nature - preserving ourselves”: scenario of an environmental holiday

Senior students already know a lot about healthy eating and lifestyle. They are interested in it, because it gives them a good athletic form and excellent health. Ecological holiday is another reason to instill in your children healthy eating habits.

First, the Scientist and the Fat Man take the stage. They talk about how the composition of food has changed in connection with the environment. There are not many vitamins and minerals, because of the increased tendency to pests and diseases, the products are half composed of chemicals.

Continuing the theme, a dance group performs with the dance of plant pests. They are driven away by the Scientist, spraying water from a bottle with the inscription "Poison". Vegetables come out who complain about a lack of food. Some vegetables with bandaged arms and legs. They are fed with chemistry, and they get sick. They talk about climate warming and its consequences.

The fat man and the scientist are again on the scene. They decide how to change the situation, and come to a decision: organic farming.

An environmental festival scenario for high school students may include elements of reports on the planet’s disease. Two-minute notes entrusted to several participants can be included as a heading between the main speeches or given to the facilitator to read.

“We are your children, dear Earth”

An environmental holiday scenario for high school children may look like a waybill. The general collection on the line determines the tasks that should be performed by the units of the youth. Each unit has its own name, which is invented in advance. After everyone goes on an ecological trail.

On the ecological trail you can locate stations with tasks. These are classrooms designed in accordance with the objectives of the assignments - forest, river, sea, field, bird kingdom, animal kingdom.

Ten minutes and two minutes are given to complete the task to go to the next station. Unnat units disagree on cabinets, following the route given by the commander.

Station Names:

  • "Miracle Water." A brief report on water and its properties. Quiz.
  • “Don't shoot white swans.” A brief report on the birds. Quiz.
  • "Tourists". Sports relay.
  • "May is cold - the year of the grain-growing." Brief report on folk signs. Quiz.
  • "Waltz of the Flowers". A brief report on the colors of the region and medicinal plants. Quiz.
  • "Under the canopy of the forest." A brief report on the trees of the region, popular beliefs associated with them. Quiz.

environmental topics

After going through all the points - a general collection and debriefing. Children receive certificates and valuable prizes for completing tasks in the process of passing stations. All together sing the final song.

How to make a script

Children's ecological holiday is not a training lesson. Rather, it is a repetition of material covered with presentations. The program depends on where the celebration will take place. Since the room should be properly designed, it is unlikely that the classroom can be quickly prepared.

For presentations, it is good to use the library, for tourism competitions - the schoolyard, for theater scenes - the assembly hall.

You can use the screen and projector in the library to showcase reproductions. A poem or lines in prose are selected for each picture. Such a literary and graphic orientation of the presentation will set a good tone.

After watching a presentation on native nature, it's time for a quiz. Questions include scanned information. Therefore, it is not difficult for children.

To make the holiday memorable, the whole class sings a song about nature. As a musical accompaniment, you can use the phonogram minus, without a voice.


Poems have a powerful effect and are easy to remember thanks to rhyme. Therefore, it is advisable to include poetry reading from the stage on the holiday. Now a lot of poems on an environmental topic can be found on special online resources that are led by talented teachers.

Beautiful poems about nature are also suitable for a holiday. They will set a positive tone, since if we talk only about the harm done to nature, the holiday will turn into a funeral.

Guys can come up with poems on an environmental topic themselves under the guidance of a teacher. To do this, prepare cards with rhymes. On one side of the card will be four words rhyming in pairs. The guys are divided into groups (for example, four people each) and sort out cards.

Performing the task, they discuss possible options and write the received quatrain on the front side. A teacher walks through the rows and helps compose a verse.

Sample rhymes:

  1. Sea is grief, ice is trouble.
  2. Forest - miracles, moss - withered.
  3. The bottom is full, the resident is the abode.

Poems obtained by compiling rhymes:

  1. In the Arctic, the sea is warming, the bears also have grief. There is no ice for them to rest. That’s such a misfortune.
  2. There used to be a curly forest full of all kinds of miracles. There now only moss grows, and even that dried up in the heat.
  3. Under the wave, the seabed is full of all kinds of garbage. And the unfortunate sea resident curses that abode.

environmental poems

As you can see, this task resembles ditties. This is quite capable of the children of middle and high school. The most successful verses can be read on the line during the award ceremony.

Environmental Scenes

An environmental festival, the script of which is prepared for the assembly hall, may include theatrical performances. It is not necessary to do a big show, you can limit yourself to short scenes.

Principles for writing scenes:

  1. "From the contrary." When the wrong actions are ridiculed, it is very well remembered. So that the guys do not feel offended to act as "bad characters", it is necessary to encourage humor.
  2. "Conversation". The representative of nature (Forest, River, Earth, Beast, Bird) talks with the guys and talks about the problems. He can sing a song. The guys decide to help.

In this case, the action on stage will resemble a concert. Cognitive information, which will be covered by participants in short messages, alternates here with the performance of amateur artists. This is somewhat reminiscent of a "living newspaper."

Earth Day ecological festival script for high school students

Topics of scenes that you can offer guys:

  • Conversation Forests with a group of tourists. After dinner, they sit by the fire and hear his voice. The forest seems to be talking about past times and modern issues. He talks about his brother - the rainforest. Complains about a bad attitude. The guys find a solution to the problems on the Internet and promise to help. Then they sing a song.
  • You can offer a slightly different option. Heroes such as Baba Yaga, Leshiy, Mermaid and the like fairy-tale characters, can depict dense ignorance, and a group of environmental tourists to talk about the right attitude to nature.
  • While fishing, the guys boil an ear and suddenly catch a goldfish. She talks about harmful effluents into the water, about debris at the bottom and siltation of the channel. Sings a song about clean rivers. Fishermen release it into the water and decide to help.

Ecological Songs

Environmental topics are addressed in songwriting. This can be used during the holiday. In this case, the script will resemble the contest “Voice. Children". You should not sing songs in full, just pay attention to the most striking environmental example. A dance and singing group can hold posters and portray nature.

If funds allow, you can combine several classes. So it will be easier for the guys to rehearse the performances. Not such a load will fall on the teacher. Preparation work will be evenly distributed.

If you want to include a phonogram, it is better to put an adult for this purpose. Maybe a parent. But just in case, you need to be prepared to ask a music teacher to become an accompanist.

Songs that can be used for performances are easy to find today. These are amateur verses based on famous music.

  • "Mice died, reeds wilted."
  • "Cautiously, I’ll put a bug on my palm."

protect nature save yourself an ecological holiday scenario

Songs of domestic bards will also tell a lot about nature and attitude to it.

  • Shadows of the Tundra.
  • "Wind under the windows."
  • "Ecological - apocalyptic."

Songs to the words of S. Yesenin, A. Pushkin, folk awaken the love of nature.

  • "Outside the window is evening."
  • "White birch".
  • "About arable land."
  • "Winter evening".
  • "Here is the north, catching clouds ...".
  • "I see a wonderful spree."

Songs of Soviet composers, undeservedly forgotten, also beautifully tell about nature.

  • "Bialowieza Forest".
  • "Either a birch or a mountain ash."
  • "Birch juice".
  • "You make noise over me, birch trees."

In the intervals between the speeches, the host talks about the benefits of a competent attitude to the Earth, makes riddles and plays with the audience in verses “tell me a word”.

Mysteries for the hall on ecology

For the holiday to go smoothly and cheerfully, a leader is needed. He will smooth the casts of the actors, fill in the pauses and occupy the hall while the artists are preparing the scenes.

One of the forms of cognitive play is poetry on the ecological theme “say a word”. The presenter reads the couplet, and the hall speaks the last word.

Poems are composed so that the wrong word gets into the rhyme. This makes the guys laugh, and the facilitator makes a puzzled face and corrects them.

  • If tourists came to the forest, then two or three of us can put out a fire to extinguish it quickly, using ... (fire). No, not with fire, but with water.
  • In the swamp, my friend and I listened for a long time ... (frog). No, cuckoo.
  • We went mushrooming into the forest. We still remember how we found ... (fly agaric). No, not fly agaric, but white!
  • We went through the berries, we suddenly found strawberries. And, trembling with joy, they sat on ... (hedgehog). No, on a stump!


If the holiday is decided to be held as the final stage of training, then you can go on the "ecological path". Pre-conceived environmental activities will preserve the structure of the lesson and turn into practical exercises in ecology.

scenario of an environmental holiday for high school students

Tasks for children can be the following:

  • Identify the cardinal points by moss on trees.
  • Find edible plants.
  • Confirm the findings of the cycle of plant life.
  • Find the leaves of certain trees.
  • Find garbage, collect in a bag and bring to the collection point.
  • Find the moss.
  • Collect natural craft material.

Environmental activities can also be useful for landscaping the school. Planted plants, flowers, bushes or trees will long remind you of a good deed. In addition, all people passing by will see the result.

Feeding birds, hanging birdhouses - these are also useful minutes for environmental education. An extra-curricular environmental lesson in the nearest park, a one-day hike with a bonfire are good ways to instill useful skills for children.

Teaching aids and special subjects

In the arsenal of a biology teacher, there are many auxiliary tools for visualization of training. This can be used for the event.

All children love performances with a school skeleton. On an environmental holiday, the script may include such joy. Of course, the manual should be handled with care and should not be left out of sight. For example, dress him in a sheet and give him a braid. It will symbolize the end of life.

The globe can be carried by the character Earth or Planet. A meter ruler and a large compass may belong to the Scientist. A group of guys in gas masks can show air pollution.

Using fantasy, you can use the tools at hand as a props.

Holiday Tips

To make the holiday fun and bring everyone a good mood, teachers give the following tips:

  • You should not delve into complex, albeit interesting tasks. Questions for the quiz should not be double and triple (when and where).
  • Competitions should not be held too strictly. The more winners, the better.
  • Musical accompaniment is better to choose "live". The accompanist always adapts to the guys, which the audio recording will not be able to do.
  • Room decoration is an important factor. This can be done by children.
  • Awarding is a mandatory procedure. A simple letter will bring more joy than public praise of the student.

ecological holiday scenario for children

From such events and then add up memories of school years. Let's make them interesting and joyful for our children.


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