Shaquille Onil. Life under the gun

One of the best basketball players in the world, Shaquille Onil, is a living sports legend and a symbol of the NBA. Not only spectators, but also experts admire his technique, speed and ability to think correctly and quickly in the game. Therefore, such a person cannot go unnoticed.

A few points from the biography of the athlete

Shaquille Onil is a Native American. He was born in New Arch, which is located in New Jersey. Date of birth - March 6, 1972. It is noteworthy that the name of our hero from the Arabic language has a literal translation that sounds like a "little warrior." And I must say that it characterizes it perfectly.

Trials of Shaquille overtook already in childhood. His father left the family when the future star was not even a year old. Of course, the absence of a breadwinner in the family could not but affect her material well-being. The guy was raised by one mother, and even some relatives. But, unfortunately, the money was simply sorely lacking. Onila's small family was often forced to eat in free social canteens for the poor.

Shaquille Onil

However, after some time, the guy’s mother found a new spouse named Philip Harrison, who turned out to be a deeply decent man who made every effort to create the well-being of his new family. The only drawback of such a life for Onil was that his stepfather was a military man, and the family was often forced to change their place of residence. Only when Shaquille Onil reached the age of fifteen, the family was able to settle in the town of San Antonio, in the state of Texas, where the young man began to play sports.

First steps in basketball

Trips to competitions for our hero became available after entering school. It was in the school team of Shaquille Onil He won the state championship, after which he was able to win a number of convincing victories in other competitions. In 1989, Big Shack became a student at Louisiana University, where Dale Brown was his trainer. As a player of a university team, the guy was able to be several times in the symbolic team of America among the players of his age.

NBA Career

Such success did not go unnoticed by the ubiquitous NBA scouts, and Shakila was invited to the Orlando Magic club, in which the athlete earned $ 40 million over a 7-year stay.

Movies with Shaquille Onil

In general, throughout his career, Onil played for clubs such as the Los Angeles Lakers, Miami Heat, Boston Celtics, Phoenix, Cleveland Cavaliers. A basketball player was able to become a four-time NBA winner and was awarded many different personal awards, including being among the fifty best basketball players for the entire period of the existence of the National Basketball Association.

three-pointer Shaquila Onila

Regarding the gaming features of the athlete, it should be noted that the three-pointer Shaquila Onila never was not his crown throw. It is also noteworthy that Shaquille has the highest percentage of successful shots on the basis of his career.

As part of the national team, Onil won the 1996 Olympics and became world champion in 1994.

Life outside the basketball court

This year, Shack took a rather decisive step aimed at improving the image of the US police. The legendary athlete became a Florida Department reserve officer. Now his duties include the implementation of public works and work with youth.

Shaquille Onil's foot size

In addition, we note films with Shaquille Onil, of which there are 12 pieces, as well as one television series and cartoon, in which he acted as a dubbing artist. And although the aspiring actor was twice nominated for a not too prestigious award called Rotten Tomatoes, which is awarded to the worst actors at the end of the season, still today his work in the cinema has become much better and more professional. Quite often, a former athlete poses for photography as a model and takes part in various commercials.

By the way, Shaquille Onil's foot size It is almost unattainable for the layman. According to the American system of calculation, it is 23. For Europeans, another numerical designation will be more understandable - the 60th shoe size. Because of this, he had to play in sneakers custom-tailored taking into account his physiological characteristics.

As for family life, Shak brings up with his current wife his four children from previous marriages and one joint child.


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