What does the name Anastasia mean? Character and fate

Despite the fact that we live in a world teeming with high technology, most people rely on the opinion of astrologers when choosing a name for their unborn child. This is because the name that we receive at birth is able to predetermine our future character and destiny. We suggest you find out what the name Anastasia means and where it came from. And also about how it will affect the life of its owner.

Short story

what does the name anastasia from Greek mean

Anastasia is a popular and very beautiful name that came to us from Ancient Greece. Answering the question of what the name Anastasius means from the Greek language, absolutely all scholars are inclined to the version that the literal interpretation sounds like “resurrected,” “returned to life.” The male name Anastas has the same meaning, from which, in fact, the female name form appeared.

Now you know what the name Anastasius from Greek means. It is worth saying that in Ancient Russia it became incredibly popular. To call their daughters that way was allowed only to representatives of noblemen or prosperous peasants. So, for example, Anastasia Zakharyev-Yuryev became the wife of Tsar Ivan the Terrible, who positively influenced the ruler, was able to largely pacify his tough temper.


what does the name anastasia mean for a girl

It is extremely important for future parents to know not only what the name Anastasia means for the girl, but also what qualities she will endow with her from early childhood. Little Anastasia is a real gift of fate, which will charge everyone with a positive. She has a fine mental organization, is very flexible and executive, for which she is loved not only by her parents, but also by her teachers and teachers.

Despite the fact that Nastya is a homebody and has an easygoing character, she can rarely be found cleaning. Parents will have to make a lot of efforts to teach their child to collect toys. If this is not done, then in adulthood, she can become a poor housewife who is not able to maintain cleanliness in her home.

Knowing what the name Anastasia means, it is safe to say that this girl has well-developed intuition, relying on which she will be able to achieve significant results both in her studies and in adult life, building her career. In addition to developed intuition, she has an excellent sense of style. From early childhood, she is a real fashionista who bathes in the attention of the opposite sex.

The name Anastasia means that making friends with this girl is easy and simple, because she is a positive and open person. However, she is characterized by sharp mood swings, which can alienate others from her. From early childhood, Nastya is an excellent psychologist and is inclined to manipulate people. As a rule, she is self-confident and self-centered. Always achieves the intended goals.

The name Anastasia means that this girl does not cope well with life's troubles. Even the slightest failure can knock the soil out from under her feet. From an early age, she learns to adapt to the situation, go with the flow and hopes that one of her close relatives or friends can solve her problems.

School years of Anastasia

What does the name Nastya Anastasia mean?

The name Nastya means that this attractive and charming girl is constantly in search of adventure, which often causes problems. She shows interest in everything new, unknown. Being rather assiduous and attentive, she easily masters the school curriculum. Favorite subjects will be chemistry, physics, biology. However, if you are interested in her, Anastasia will demonstrate excellent results in mathematics.

Nastya most often meets her future husband precisely in the school walls. She is an incredibly amorous and loyal girl who is able to carry her feelings through the years. Also, the name Anastasia means that even her first love is not able to distract her from school, to lead her off the right course. She is diligent and executive, approaches each task with maximum responsibility. As a rule, a school graduates with honors or solid fours, which allows students to enter even the most prestigious institute without any problems.


The adult woman, whose name is Anastasia, is distinguished by her good nature, nobility and compassion. She usually tastes great. Feeling style, she will always be in the spotlight of the opposite sex. Anastasia is a very sociable and cheerful person who surrounds herself with a lot of friends.

She is a man of art. With a phenomenal memory and innate acting skills, Anastasia can build an excellent career as an actress. However, most often these girls are not careerists. In the first place they put relationships with people, building a strong and friendly family.

Anastasia used to trust people. However, some people nearby are solely pursuing their own goals. They are able to betray her at any moment, inflicting a crushing blow, knocking the soil out from under her feet. Therefore, Nastya should learn to understand people, so as not to be disappointed in them once again. Anastasia is able to make friendship through the years, and people to whom she feels sympathy and trust know for sure that at any moment she is ready to help, sacrifice the latter in order to get her friend out of a difficult life situation.


what does the name anastasia mean in the church calendar

Nastya most often marries at a fairly young age. However, this does not prevent her from becoming a caring mother and wife. From early childhood, she is spoiled by the love and attention of her father, so the future spouse will have to make a lot of efforts to fully please Anastasia.

Nastya, as a rule, marries strong men, for example, military men or police officers. It is extremely important for her to feel protected. However, not every chosen one is ready to endure her regular mood swings. Therefore, Anastasia should learn to control her own emotions. This girl is most often very jealous. However, she will not throw tantrums to her spouse because of every little thing, realizing what this can lead to.

what does the name anastasia mean

Nastya is a balanced, conflict-free and sociable person. The doors of her house are always open for friends and girlfriends, of whom she has many. Despite the fact that she is not pedantic, Anastasia is a good housewife who is extremely responsible in the performance of her domestic duties.

She is a kind and attentive mother who loves spending free time with her children. It is extremely important for her to instill in the children good manners and give a decent education. She never spares money if the question is about her kids. But it is impossible to call her a spender. In managing the family budget, she will not allow her family to be left without money.


what does the name anastasia from the Greek language mean

Despite the fact that Anastasia has a flexible and rather calm character, marriage will not be successful with every man. You can count on a strong and durable union if your husband’s name is:

  • Konstantin;
  • Boris
  • Seed;
  • Victor
  • Oleg
  • Denis
  • Vladimir
  • Paul.


Nothing good should be expected from an alliance with men named:

  • Vadim;
  • Philip;
  • Nikolay;
  • Stanislav;
  • Vitaliy;
  • Nikolay.

Relations with them will not be easy.

Business and career

The girl, whose name is Anastasia, is a person with a fine mental organization. From an early age, she shows an interest in art. That is why she can become a successful designer, poetess, actress, opera singer or artist. Nastya is also distinguished by her passion for hiking and traveling. She will be able to build a good career by becoming, for example, a stewardess, travel agent or researcher studying flora and fauna.

The meaning of the name determines the tendency of the girl to such hobbies as fortune telling, predictions and making astrological predictions. If she develops her intuition, then such hobbies can bring substantial material benefits, becoming the main source of income.

The complaisant character and the ability to sympathize with people are also able to play a decisive role in choosing a profession. Anastasia become volunteers, psychologists, teachers, educators and nannies. It gives them great pleasure to make the lives of other people brighter, happier. Nastya can also become an excellent paramedic.

This girl does not fit the profession, providing for monotonous labor. She will not be able to realize herself, working, for example, as an office employee, a dispatcher. She urgently needs constant movement, lively communication.

what does the name anastasia mean and where did it come from?

Name day

Answering the question of what the name Anastasia means according to the church calendar, we should recall the main patroness of these women - the holy great martyress Anastasia. She had a big and bright soul, she knew how to sympathize with people. Over the course of her life, she has done a lot of good deeds, for example, redeemed Christians from slavery, spent enormous funds on their treatment. However, not everyone liked it. Saint Anastasia died during cruel torture. Since then, women have been praying to her, bearing a child. The Christian name Anastasia is interpreted as “living”, “resurrected”, and name days are celebrated several times a year: January 4; March 23; April 5; May 10; May 28; June 1st; the 9th of June; 4th of July; July 17th; August 10; 11th of November; November 12th; December 26th.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/A9582/

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