Calibration of water meters, MosSpecService: reviews

Installing water meters allows you to control consumption and save on monthly payments, not to mention contributing to the protection of the ecosystem. The benefits are clear even without an economic education. Moreover, today, residents who do not install such equipment will pay at a higher rate. This encourages people not only to install counters, but also to maintain them in good condition. For regular inspection, as well as verification of indicators, special services have been created.

One of these is MosSpetsService. The reviews confirm that this is a reliable organization that has all the necessary documents. This is the rare case when you can call a specialist and not worry about the result. He will carry out an inspection, check the status of the meter and issue a corresponding document.

mossspetservis reviews

Verification or replacement

There are many organizations that exist legally or operate clandestinely that bypass apartments and offer to replace the meter. It is better to refuse such services and contact another company to find out if this is a necessity. The manager of MosSpetsService can answer all questions. The reviews confirm that the company's employees are polite and correct specialists who will always prompt and help.

So, why not agree to a replacement without urgent need?

  • Because verification costs 600 rubles, and replacement is about three times more expensive.
  • Modern units are very reliable, their calibration interval is from 4 to 6 years, and the service life is at least 12 years.
  • Documents on verification will be accepted in any organization (EIRTs, HOA).
  • This does not take much time, usually the inspector spends no more than 10 minutes on one counter.

Verification without removal

There were quite a few high-profile cases in the capital when, after installing brand new meters, a “test company” passed through the tenants' apartments and allegedly removed them for verification. Needless to say, they were all sold and did not return to their owners. Therefore, do not take risks and use the services of only certified companies, such as MosSpetsService. Reviews emphasize that a very convenient service is the verification of meters at home without removal. In this case, the landlord can leave a request on the official website. Calibration of one meter costs 600 rubles, usually cold and hot water meters are installed, so the arrival of a specialist will cost 1,200 rubles.

mossspetservice counters reviews

Full package of documents

Each specialist traveling to the line provides customers with supporting documents for the work done. This is the main advantage of MosSpetsService. Customer reviews confirm that after verification, the inspector issues a cash receipt, confirming the acceptance of the declared amount. In addition, he on-site fills out the verification protocol for water meters and a verification certificate. If you want to conclude a service agreement, then it can also be filled in place, without the need to come to the office of the company.

Company benefits

Before making a choice, you need to get acquainted with the information about the form that provides them. Of course, you should not trust those companies that cannot provide permits for the right to conduct business. Refuse the services of companies that you found bad reviews about. MosSpecService counters are a guarantee of long work and obligatory service, the solution of any technical problems. The company has an accreditation certificate No. Ross Ru.0001.310425. The specialist leaving for the place gives a full package of documents that are valid in Moscow and Moscow Region.

I would also like to note the speed of the application. The very next day after a call, a specialist leaves for you for free and carries out all the necessary work. This is noted by all MosSpetsService customers. Reviews about the company emphasize the high professionalism of qualified specialists. People come to the line to answer any questions, as well as those who know the technical features of the devices and their installation. Minor problems can be fixed directly on site.

By the way, lately there has been much talk about the illegality of verification. In fact, this applies only to those companies that do not have the appropriate state-approved permit. Here you can even make sure on the official website that everything is in order with the documents.

mossspetservis checking meters reviews

Discounts and benefits

If at least four years have passed since the last verification, then do not delay the call of the master. Comparing companies operating in the region, MosSpetsService can be recommended. Testimonial reviews point out the main advantage: all work takes place at your home, at a convenient time, without dismantling or violating the integrity of the seals. Do not rush to change the counter, because the whole procedure will take no more than 20 minutes.

Pensioners and beneficiaries enjoy preferences. Despite the fact that there are few special programs for retirees, this is an important manifestation of concern. For them, the cost of verification is 500 rubles per meter.

With doubt in my soul

Information about various frauds related to the verification and replacement of meters appears regularly on the Web, so people are somewhat wary of such companies. But doubts are dispelled if you read the reviews dedicated to MosSpetsService. Checking the counters is carried out with a special device and takes only a few minutes. The submitted documents on the completed procedure are calmly accepted by the employees of Gorvodokanal. In this case, specialists from this organization come in a few weeks to make sure the integrity of the seal. This completes the procedure, and the next time it will need to be repeated after five years.

mossspetservis water meters reviews

Installation of counters

If you have not had time to acquire useful devices, then it's time to do it. On the official website of the company you can see the available water meters. MosSpetsService, whose operation reviews emphasize a wide range of products offered, works only with devices from well-known world manufacturers. This is Itelma, Meter, Valtec. Professional equipment and consistently high installation quality give an excellent result that you will be satisfied with. Today the following prices for these services are valid:

  • "Economy" - 1 600 rubles for one meter, 2 900 - for two.
  • Itelma-Siemens is the latest equipment, the cost of which is 1,700 rubles for one meter and 3,200 for two.

Replacing water meters

The technology is not eternal, and if 11-12 years have passed since the installation, then it's time to think about acquiring new equipment. Especially if the last 3-4 years did not check the water meters. Reviews about MosSpetsService show the procedure mainly from the best side. There are dissatisfied customers, in fact, as always, but they are quite few. Below are some common complaints.

So, the replacement cost is 1,300 rubles. But if it's time to change one, then most often they install and change the pair right away, so the total price is 2,600 rubles. If the pipes are in poor condition, then in parallel they can be replaced by polypropylene. The cost of such a service is 7,000 rubles. This gives a discount on the installation of a meter in the amount of 500 rubles.

mossspetservis calibration of water meters reviews

Additional services

At the request of the client, you can conclude a maintenance contract for a year for two devices. The cost of such a service is 350 rubles, an agreement is concluded at the request of the client. The price includes calling the wizard and cleaning the filters, spill insurance, equipment repair, and replacement if necessary. In addition, the called specialist can commission the previously installed meters. The cost of this service is 1,500 rubles for 2 water meters.

Convenient and profitable

Everything related to pipes and water is of great importance when it comes to an apartment building. The fact is that any damage leads to flooding of the neighbors from below, which is fraught with fines. That is why you do not need to undertake plumbing work yourself or trust random individuals. It is better to contact a well-known company such as MosSpetsService. Reviews of verification, in addition to high service, also note the availability of warranty service and insurance. That is, if you have a spill in the water connections of the meter and the lower floors are damaged, the company takes on compensation for damage. At the same time, a regular surprise awaits regular customers: with the annual extension of the contract until the next verification, the next inspection will be free of charge.

mossspetsservis company reviews

Positive and negative reviews

The MosSpetsService company has been conducting meter verification for many years in a row, having accumulated extensive experience in the provision of services. There are a lot of applications, but despite this, complete order reigns. Masters arrive on time, very polite, real professionals. They will quickly do their job, write out papers and explain what and where to carry.

Separately, clients note the correctness of managers and maintenance locksmiths. Regardless of whether the problem is within the purview of the company, they will certainly come and sort it out. For example, it very often happens that only after leaving the installation or replacement master, the tenant notices that the water does not run as well as before. Of course, it is immediately believed that the master is to blame. But it is quite possible that the reason lies in the operation of the shut-off valves, so you need to contact the management company. Sometimes the meter itself, which is subject to replacement, may be to blame, respectively, claims, most likely, should be sent to the manufacturer. Therefore, before scolding the installers of the counter, you need to understand the causes of the problem. By the way, the company manager will never refuse help and will send a locksmith to you in the very near future, so that he helps to find out why the water supply is not in sufficient volume.

mossspetsservis verification reviews

Inside look: employee reviews

MosSpetsService has been operating in the market for quite some time, but there has never been a staff turnover here. The company provides its employees with good working conditions, and they value its reputation. Negative reviews with information about the rudeness of masters and managers can be considered the work of competitors, because there are too many completely opposite opinions. A large number of women come to the line, nice and friendly, and there are practically no free vacancies. Many customers note that the first time the wizard was a little worried, they are now very happy that they came here.

Employees themselves say that they have to work every day with people who are completely different, sometimes very complex, conflicting. But employees love their work and try to do it well.


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