Do-it-yourself Smeshariki from fruits and vegetables - unusual creativity, ideas and design

Almost every person at least once watched the amazing cartoon Smeshariki. This cartoon is very popular with young children. His characters, Smeshariki, created from vegetables and fruits with his own hands - this is an excellent creativity. Therefore, the child will be curious to make an unusual craft from various materials.

Diverse Heroes

"Smeshariki" is a famous Russian cartoon. Both children and adults love him. The cartoon represents "A World Without Violence." To date, almost 500 episodes have been released. It presents diverse characters. In one of them, every beholder can even recognize himself. Choleric Krosh is a blue rabbit, which is one of the main characters of the cartoon. His best friend is the pessimist Hedgehog. The real creative person is Barash.

do-it-yourself kimariki from vegetables and fruits

He loves solitude and constantly writes poetry. The gardener and gardener is the bear Kopatych. A lover of sports and natural tea is Sovunya. But many viewers highlight the charismatic and capricious Nyusha. It was she who in 2007 was assigned the symbol of audience sympathy. With the help of adults, small children will be happy to create natural crafts based on these images. Smeshariki from fruits and vegetables - this is an amazing creativity, created by yourself.

Materials used

This article will discuss how to make mushrooms from vegetables. To make an unusual work, you will need various vegetables and fruits:

  • Eggplant.
  • Green apple.
  • Ripe pear.
  • Fresh potatoes.
  • Head of cabbage.
  • Bow.

crafts Smeshariki from vegetables and fruits

It is also necessary to use:

  • Toothpicks.
  • Scissors.
  • A pack of plasticine.
  • A small plastic bottle.
  • Board or thick cardboard.

Crafts mixers made from fruits and vegetables are a great way to spend more time with your child. Such works expand the horizons of children, develop their speech, thinking and fine motor skills. The more parents devote time to their babies, the stronger and happier the family.

Working process

Eggplant can make a car. One vegetable is used whole. The other is cut into small rings. They will become the wheels of a car. You can attach products thanks to toothpicks. Then from yellow plasticine we fashion headlights. We attach them to the tip of the eggplant. Cut a window out of a plastic bottle. We insert near the headlights. The car is ready. You can come up with accessories, seats, a radio. Smeshariki from natural material are created very simply. To make a teddy bear, we use a small potato. On it we attach ears and a hat fashioned from red plasticine. From white circles we make eyes, from black circles pupils.

cabbage smesharik

Then we fashion the smile, nose and mouth of the character. The main thing is that he smiles. Moose can be made from bulbs. Using plasticine, we create the nose, mouth and tongue. We fashion horns and attach them to the vegetable. We make the pig out of the green apple. We fashion eyes, nose and mouth. We knit a small pink pigtail from a lace or yarn. Using a toothpick, attach it to the crown. A rabbit can be made from a pear by first turning it over. We fashion eyes, a nose and two snow-white teeth. With the help of toothpicks we attach the main characters to an eggplant machine. Smeshariki made of vegetables and fruits, made with your own hands, ready!

Cabbage croche

Smesharik from cabbage is very simple to create. To do this, you will need juicy forks, potatoes, boiled egg, tomato, black olives, ketchup and toothpicks. Break off two leaves of cabbage. They will serve as the ears of future crafts. Wash off the ground and cut two potatoes in half. Two particles will serve as paws, two more - hands. Cut the boiled egg and use toothpicks to attach to the cabbage. We fix black olives on top. We make a nose from a tomato. We draw a smile with ketchup. Smesharik Krosh is ready!

how to make mushrooms from vegetables

Crafts made of natural material

Smeshariki from vegetables and fruits with their own hands can be supplemented with natural materials. You can use leaves, dried flowers, grass, stones, sand. For their fastening you will need clerical glue. You must use a background that you can draw yourself. To do this, you need a tablet or thick cardboard. It is bent in such a way that there is a base for the crafts, so that the Smeshariki had where to put it. Then they draw trees, a road, a house, animals. This creativity can be entrusted to the child. He will be pleased to introduce various characters and bring his images to life. You can use markers, pencils or paints. Smeshariki from vegetables and fruits with their own hands are installed on the base. The craft can be decorated with leaves or other selected items.

Boundless fantasy

As an idea, you can use the island, ship, rock. All this is created from available natural materials. You can stroll through the forest and choose beautiful sticks, driftwood, cones, flowers, pebbles and even swamp mud. Self-made Smeshariki from vegetables and fruits is a limitless fantasy that can be brought to life. You can decorate such crafts with origami, ribbons, glitters, balls.

Smeshariki from natural material

Fine motor skills

In the manufacture of such crafts, children develop fine motor skills. They begin to think better, their visual memory improves, and coordination develops. Such exercises perfectly calm the nervous system of babies. Children begin to talk better. The development of the fingers is the development of the speech zone. To force the child to pronounce the letter "P", not burr, it is necessary to engage in creativity with him. Crafts-Smeshariki - only one of the many areas of creativity. You can also master the art of origami, knitting, modeling from plasticine, sewing. Thus, parents will not only get closer to the child, but will also help him in further development.


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