DIY Maleficent horns: template, materials, step-by-step instructions

For any carnival, an upcoming holiday or corporate event, a bewitching and unusual image is needed. The characters of chanterelles and squirrels now seem too commonplace. Each person wants to stand out from the crowd and attract all the views of others. For such themed parties and carnivals, the image of the sorceress of Maleficent is perfect. In this article we will tell you how to make the horns of a formidable witch with your own hands.

The menacing heroine of Maleficent

Maleficent is a fictional character, an evil witch. From English it is translated as "pernicious", "malicious". It gained fame thanks to the 1959 cartoon Sleeping Beauty. In 2014, Walt Disney Pictures released a film of the same name. The main role of the protagonist in the movie was played by Angelina Jolie. The image of Maleficent was developed by animator Mark Davis. He borrowed the image of a woman in black robes with flames from the Czechoslovak book. Mark gave the image a demonic look. The character looks like a big vampire bat.

do-it-yourself horns of maleficent

The animator wanted a feeling of anxiety and threat when looking at Maleficent. To enhance the frightening experience, Mark added a couple of horns, as he believed that a fictional character should have similarities with evil spirits. Maleficent, played by Jolie, fell in love with the audience. Fans began to create carnival costumes for themselves on Halloween. Every loyal fan knows how to make Maleficent's horns to take on its mystical appearance. Horns are an integral part of the image of the heroine. They give a special charm to the whole mysterious image of the main character.

Horn frame

To make Maleficent’s horns with your own hands, you need skill and imagination. To create, you need a regular headband. Horns will be attached to it. To create the foundation, you need to use small wires. They should be bent and wrapped with tape, corrugated paper or foil.

how to make maleficent horns

Using these materials, the horns can be bent to the desired shape. Also, a full frame can be built from wire. Such horns will be more stable and durable. Consider several ways. Thanks to a detailed description of each, it will be possible to understand from which the horns of Maleficent can be made the easiest.

Plaster horns

Consider how to make Maleficent's horns from gypsum. To do this, we need a previously prepared base, dry gypsum or alabaster. For the manufacture of the base we use strong cardboard. Wrap the wires with paper and firmly fix at the base. Create the necessary curved shape. We dilute the powder with water in a container until a homogeneous slurry. It is necessary that the mixture is not too liquid. Stir so that there are no lumps left. Then apply it to the prepared frame. Coat completely and set to dry in a warm place without drafts. It takes 24 hours to dry completely.

Little tricks

After drying, it is necessary to polish the horns with sandpaper to smooth out all the roughness and roughness. Then we attach the resulting frame with tape to the rim. For greater realism, the horns should be painted with spray paint. But to save time, you can add black dye directly to the gypsum mixture. The result is excellent Maleficent horns. With their own hands they can be made for a carnival costume for Halloween or a theme party. Unlike paper horns, gypsum props are more durable and not afraid of rain (within reasonable limits).

Foil horns

To make Maleficent's horns from foil, you will need, in addition to the main material, scotch tape, black electrical tape. You can use baking foil. We wrap the frame with shiny rigid paper and create the necessary shape. With dark electrical tape wrapped over the foil, we achieve the desired color and structural rigidity.

paper horns maleficent

You can use masking tape for the first layer of the winding. And for the final - pieces of leather or leatherette. The material is lubricated with glue and pressed to dry completely. The resulting horns are mounted on the rim. In order to prevent them from flying off, you can use transparent tape or silicone glue. The second option is preferable. After the nozzle, the gluing points can be wrapped with black tape.

Paper horns

Even the most dedicated fan will not be able to walk with heavy horns all day. Therefore, for special cases when you need to be in a suit for a long time, you can make Maleficent’s horns from paper. To do this, you need thick cardboard or paper folded in several layers. Several circles are drawn on paper. Their radius should be equal to the height of the horns. Then the details are cut with sharp scissors.

foil maleficent horns

It is necessary to make small cuts along the radius from the outer circle to the center. The cones are folded, and their seam is glued. Then the upper part of the cone is cut off and folded narrower. The resulting workpiece is glued with black tape. Then, small holes for the rim are made in the lower part of the workpiece. The rim is carefully inserted through the cone horns and fixed. For greater realism, the horns can be pasted over with leather or cloth.

From improvised materials

Maleficent horns with their own hands from disposable cups. To do this, you will need a wire, two cups, an old hat, scotch tape, scissors, electrical tape, a rim, foil or paper. Holes are made at the bottom of the cups in such a way that a wire can be passed through them. In order to determine what size the horns are needed, the wire is stretched to the required length. Then measure the same length of wire, fold it in half and cut it off. Measured wire folded in half is passed through the bottom of the cup. The same procedure is done with the second glass. The small tip is unbent and fixed with adhesive tape on the inside of the container. Holes are cut in the cap at the places where the glasses will be located. Now the wire is given the desired curved shape. Using a transparent tape, containers are attached to the rim. Then, using foil, paper or cardboard, the horns are volumetric and glued with black tape, and then fixed to the rim. Through the holes in the cap, the horns are passed along with the rim.

Plasticine horns

To make Maleficent’s horns with your own hands from this material, you will need, in addition to it, cardboard, bezel, scotch tape, wire or wire frame. The wire must be bent and coated with plasticine.

horns maleficent pattern

To keep everything tight, plasticine is spread with several layers. Then cut the cardboard into small strips. Each strip should be longer than the previous one. Then the cardboard is tightly fixed on the material and wrapped with black tape. The resulting structure is attached to the rim.

And s fabric

We make rag horns of Maleficent. A template from paper for a fabric basis - a pattern of horns. It is applied to the dermatin and two absolutely identical parts are cut out. Then they are sewn together and turned out so that the seams are inside the horn. The horn is stuffed with cotton or batting and the lower part is sutured. In order for the part to hold its shape better, a piece of wire can be inserted inside.

what can be made the horns of maleficent

The same procedure is repeated with the second horn, then the finished parts are sewn to the holder. You can use a bezel with cat ears . Then, holes are cut out on the cap and horns are passed through them.


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