Congestion and tinnitus: causes and methods of treatment

Many know firsthand the stuffiness of the ears, as well as the ringing in them. These symptoms usually disappear after swallowing movements and do not cause severe discomfort. But sometimes this continues throughout the day or several days - in this case, it is necessary to undergo a diagnosis to determine the cause of stuffiness and ringing in the ears. Based on this, the doctor will prescribe an effective treatment.

Hearing impairment should be an occasion to see a doctor. Congestion in the ears and ringing are only symptoms, not an independent ailment, and the sooner the cause of the disease is identified, the faster it will cure.


This ailment is a common cause of stuffy ears. With otitis media, inflammation of the middle part of the organ of hearing occurs. With this disease, purulent discharge, pain, fever, a sensation of gurgling and other symptoms are observed. You can get rid of otitis media with the help of anti-inflammatory drops and ointments that eliminate pain.



If pain occurs during nasal congestion and ringing in the ears, you need to check the pressure. Typically, these symptoms appear in hypertensive patients. Changes in blood pressure usually lead to spasms of blood vessels. It is because of this process that shooting sensations and stuffiness in the ears appear.

This reason includes the change in pressure in the external environment. Usually people feel stuffy during takeoff or landing of an airplane, as well as during a trip through the mountains. This symptom also manifests itself when jumping into water or scuba diving.


Runny nose is a common cause of stuffiness and ringing in the ears. Since the nasal cavity is connected to the Eustachian tube, pressure appears in the middle of the ear. In this process, there is swelling, the formation of a large amount of mucus and a sensation of gurgling in the ears.

Sulfur plugs

If there is a tinnitus for a long time, you need to go to the ENT department to inspect for sulfur plugs. Often with the accumulation of a large number of secretions of sulfur, pain and severe hearing loss occur. Sensations intensify after a shower, as sulfur swells and pressure on the walls of the ear canal - in this state, they occupy up to 80% of the passage and cause inflammation.

rings in the left ear

Foreign objects

Sometimes congestion and ringing in the ears as if in an airplane occur after a walk. In this case, you need to check the ear canal. The cause of congestion may be the ingress of foreign objects or an insect into it. Usually in these cases, sharp pain and dizziness appear.


Congestion and ringing in the ears also appear after bathing in the shower or lakes, rivers. This symptom is evidence of water entering the ear canal. In this case, you need to wipe your hearing organ dry, otherwise there is a risk of acute otitis media or other ailments.


If you suddenly lay your ears and ring, this could very well be an allergic reaction to something. It may appear due to prolonged treatment with antibiotics and other components.

constant tinnitus


With constant ringing in the ears and congestion, you should check the health of the otolaryngologist. Sometimes people develop severe inflammation of the paranasal sinuses or tonsils. In 5% of patients, a tumor or cyst is detected.

Hearing loss

The cause of ear congestion without pain may be hearing loss - in this case, the person is hard of hearing. This inflammation is often a complication after acute respiratory viral infections, flu or colds, and also not completely cured otitis media. Checking the level of hearing loss can be performed by audiometry.


No need to worry if it rings in the left ear (or in the right) during pregnancy. This is not worth the nerves, because these symptoms are natural changes in the hormonal system. They are not hazardous to health.

Nasal septum curvature

Ringing in the ear and nasal congestion do not pass with a curved nasal septum. In this case, surgical intervention and restoration of patency in the nose are needed. Otherwise, it may be throughout life.

no stuffy ear


When a car or plane gains high speed, some people experience pressure that affects the eardrum. Often drivers and car racers make noise in their heads and stuffiness in their ears. These defects can be fixed using:

  • chewing gum;
  • candy;
  • a sip of water;
  • peppermint tablets.

Passengers experiencing such unpleasant sensations in transport can also use these funds. If the ringing does not disappear for a long time after the trip, the help of an ENT doctor is needed.

When is a doctor needed?

Do not let the problem drift, even if it appears infrequently. Professional assistance is required for:

  • significant hearing loss;
  • the appearance of dizziness, nausea, weakness, staggering gait, vomiting, impaired coordination;
  • prolonged noise;
  • the occurrence, in addition to the ringing of intense headaches, pain in the heart.

For diagnosis, computed tomography and audiometry are prescribed. An auditory canal is also examined with special tools that can detect sulfur plugs or foreign objects, otitis externa. If you suspect a multiple sclerosis or brain tumor, a neurologist consultation is prescribed.


You can cure the constant ringing in the ears and congestion after determining their cause. If this phenomenon is associated with sulfuric plug, then you need to eliminate it. Remo-Vax or Uhonorm drops are suitable for this. They need to be buried with a small plug, but if the size of the deposits is more than 50%, the patient needs medical help.

The treatment of ringing and stuffiness in the ears with the penetration of a foreign object is performed in the emergency room. It is not worth it to independently eliminate an insect (or something else), since there is a risk of pushing it through the auditory canal.

flying in an airplane

What to instill with nasal congestion and ringing? If the cause of inflammation is associated with edema, vasoconstrictor drops are prescribed: Snoop, Vibrocil, Nazol. For otitis media, anti-inflammatory drops for the ears are prescribed: Otipax, Otinum. In acute illness, drops with an antibiotic are required: Dexon, Sufradex. They are used to protect against complications.

When rings in the left ear (or in the right) and congestion is observed, antiviral medications should be used. Doctors usually recommend the use of Kagocel because it eliminates swelling and congestion in a short period. If there is no inflammation, alcohol compresses will be effective - with their help you can eliminate pain and restore sensitivity.

If you experience unpleasant sensations due to head injuries or curvature of the septum, surgical intervention is required. Impaired anatomy can cause chronic sinusitis.

If only ear congestion is observed , without pain, and also ringing does not appear due to the health of the ears, therapy aimed at the root cause is required. This is necessary for hypertension, hypotension and osteochondrosis. It should be borne in mind that if untreated, inflammation of the nasal cavity and mouth may appear.

Before using any drugs and performing medical procedures, you should consult your doctor. It is important to observe the dosage and frequency of medication. This information is indicated separately in the prescription for each drug.


Vitamins are also needed to strengthen immunity - with their help, susceptibility to inflammation pathogens is reduced. Vitamin therapy is considered effective for stuffy ears and sensorineural hearing loss. B vitamins are especially helpful.


Ear pathologies, in which congestion appears in them, are also treated with physiotherapeutic methods. With otitis media, UHF and microwave therapy, drug electrophoresis, and ultraviolet radiation are considered effective.

congestion and ringing in the ears

Sensorineural hearing loss is treated with electrophoresis and Darsonville currents. Often used pneumatic massage of the eardrum, in which alternates high and low air pressure.

Folk methods

Alternative methods are effective in the absence of pain. It is important to ensure that there is no reason for drug therapy. In this case, the following recipes can help:

  1. Propolis (30 g) is crushed and filled with alcohol (70%, 100 g). After insisting, the mixture needs to be filtered (it is necessary within a week), then moisten a cotton pad in it and lay it in the ear.
  2. A mixture of honey with horseradish juice will help. It is buried at night in a few drops.
  3. Onion juice is mixed with vodka - 4: 1. The tool is instilled in 2 drops in the morning and evening.
  4. When a foreign object or insect enters the ear, drip heated vegetable oil. Then rinse with warm water from the syringe.

Herbal treatment

For the treatment of ear ailments, geranium leaves are used (they need to be crushed and laid in the ears). Effectively tincture based on calendula flowers, which can be used for instillation and compresses. Lavender, St. John's wort and mullein also have a therapeutic effect - you can prepare the infusion from all plants at once or from each separately. The tool is instilled into the ears when congestion occurs.


Of the homeopathic remedies for stuffiness and noise, the following remedies are used, sold in pharmacies:

  1. Asinis. It is used for inflammation of the middle ear and Eustachian tube. It is a clear liquid with a slight horseradish aroma. The drug is used orally 3 times a day. It is used in pure form or diluted with water. Children 3-4 years old are prescribed 3-4 drops, 5-12 years old - 5-7 drops, and adults - 10 drops. Side effects and contraindications are absent.
  2. "Wertichochel." The drug is used for vascular atherosclerosis, Meniere's disease, hypertension, flying in an airplane - conditions in which congestion of the ears appears. The clear fluid is used intravenously, intramuscularly or subcutaneously by injection. The dose is from ΒΌ part of the ampoule (in 1-3 years) to the whole ampoule (for adults). No negative effects were found.
  3. "Sinus." The tool treats sinusitis, sinusitis, leading to congestion. It is produced in the form of granules. For young children, they are dissolved in water, and adolescents and adults can be absorbed under the tongue 20 minutes before a meal or an hour later. The dose for 1 time is 3-5 pcs. (up to 6 times a day). As a prophylaxis, 1 time will be enough.
  4. "Sclero-gran." The drug is used for tinnitus. These are granules for resorption under the tongue. Children can not be prescribed a drug, since there are no studies on its safety, and adults need to take 5 pcs. for 1 time. Pregnant and lactating should not take this drug, since a side effect in the form of an allergy is possible.

Surgical aid

Surgical intervention is required for purulent otitis media - eardrum bypass surgery is performed . Surgical care is also prescribed for the curvature of the nasal septum. The operation is performed with neuritis of the auditory nerve. Hearing impairment due to otosclerosis may require stapedectomy, which involves replacing the auditory ossicle with a prosthesis.

tinnitus and congestion treatment


A preventive measure against ear congestion is protection against hypothermia and timely treatment of ailments. It is necessary to observe the rules of hygiene of the ears, and also do not use matches and metal objects to clean the ears. At high pressure, you need to take drugs that bring it back to normal.

The prognosis of nasal congestion without pain is considered positive with a timely diagnosis and treatment. If multiple sclerosis or stroke is detected, disappointing prospects are likely.

If the ears are constantly laying, do not postpone the visit to the doctor. With timely treatment, you can stop and cure any ailment. In no case should you start therapy without consulting a doctor. After recovery, it is necessary to follow the correct lifestyle and nutrition, and also should spend a lot of time in the fresh air and temper the body.


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