The technology for applying gel polish is simple

Without manicure, as well as without the right accessories, it is difficult to create a truly worthy and finished image. Modern technologies for coating nails can extend the beauty of manicure (for up to 4 weeks). This is not fiction. Gel Polish - an innovative solution that allows you to not resort to building. The technology for applying gel polish is quite simple, but requires compliance with certain rules.

gel polish application technology


Naturally, you must first do a manicure. This is the first rule. What type of manicure to choose? It is up to you to decide. It can be hardware manicure, edged or European. The technology of applying gel polish implies the absence of any cream on the hands, and not only at the time of application of the material, but on this day in general. After the manicure is done, you can proceed to the next stage. This is a degreasing of the nail plate. This can be done either with a special tool or with simple alcohol. It is very important not to touch the nails after that.

gel varnish lidan application technology


You need to file your nails during a manicure. If you neglected this, then you must remove the length and shape before degreasing the plates. The dust that forms must be removed very carefully. If this is not done, then there is a risk that the material will peel off, unevenly lay down, chip and peel off. When all the manipulations are done, you can start the procedure itself. The technology of applying gel polish obliges you to follow all these steps:

  • first apply the base under gel polish;
  • dry it in a UV lamp or LED lamp as much as indicated in the instructions on the bottle;
  • then a thin layer of colored gel polish is applied (the brush is carefully squeezed on the edge of the bottle);
  • Dry the layer as much as the instruction requires;
  • if necessary, apply a second layer of color gel polish;
  • dried as much as the first layer;
  • then apply the finish or fixing agent (on the bottle it is indicated: TOP COAT);
  • dry it, according to the instructions on the bottle.

It is noteworthy that the material of different companies has a different consistency: from very thick to very liquid. It is important to ensure that the gel polish does not leak onto the cuticle or side rollers. If this happens, then you need to remove the excess with a cotton swab dipped in nail polish remover, and carefully so as not to smear the entire gel polish. The application technology also implies a certain order:

  • first four fingers on one hand (except for the thumb; if right-handed, then on the right);
  • then four fingers of the other hand;
  • then on the thumbs of both hands.

This is due to convenience. It’s easier to dry the nails in the lamp. Even the simplest and least powerful (at 9 watts, for example).

gel polish application technology

Abundance of options

Modern firms for the production of materials for nail masters offer a huge number of options. One of the best, but budget ones is Lidan gel polish. The application technology is no different from that described. The drying time in the lamp is 60 seconds. This is for a power of 36 watts. The LED lamp allows you to dry each layer in 30 seconds. Depending on what type of equipment you are using, time may vary. The technology for applying gel polish is simple, does not require special skills. Any beginner can cope with this, albeit not always the first time.


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