Light patterns on the nails. Creative nail art for real fashionistas

My dear readers! Prepare your cosmetic bags, varnishes and nail files. Today we will master the light patterns on the nails with which you can decorate your manicure. I present several ideas that are simple to implement. Oriental-style manicure, spectacular French, restrained classics ... Choose what you like and shine.

Scythian Gold

Want to draw attention to your hands? Use gold color varnish for manicure. And so that it does not look boring, decorate it with a sun pattern. To work, you need a clear and golden varnish, as well as black enamel for nail art with a thin brush.

Prepare your nails for coating. Then apply gold varnish and let it dry.

Now, using a thin brush, draw a semicircle in the lower left part of the nail plate. This will be the basis of the future sun. Complete the picture with delicately curved beams. If desired, black rhinestones can be glued inside the semicircle. Coat the finished manicure with several layers of colorless varnish.

Sublime lightness

For manicure in oriental style, you can perform the simplest drawings on nails in the form of Japanese characters. Choose any contrasting colors, such as red and black, white and blue. Use a thin brush to apply the picture.

Sea reefs

Among all shades of red, coral is best in harmony with tanned skin. Therefore, I would recommend using this design for nails in the summer. To create a manicure you will need coral-colored enamel, a translucent β€œchameleon” varnish, preferably with a reddish tint. With their help we will create a background. In addition, you need a varnish for decorations with sparkles, colors - brown and bronze. Light patterns on the nails in combination with a spectacular coating look simply stunning.

If you can’t get a nail polish for drawing a pattern on your nails, use an ordinary squirrel brush and metal powder. How to do this, I will tell a little later.

Coral-colored varnish will serve as the background for the picture . After application, allow the coating to dry thoroughly. Then cover the tips of the nails with varnish "chameleon".
Thin lines of brown and bronze color, draw from bottom to top so that they are elegantly intertwined. It is not necessary to adhere to strict symmetry. The more natural the picture looks, the better. You can draw lines in another way. Mix the metal powder with a colorless varnish and draw with a regular paint brush.

In foam lace

To independently make a beautiful and fashionable manicure, it is completely optional to master the painting technique. Even light drawings on nails can look creative and bright. You can verify this by trying on our next nail art. To create it, you need matte enamel of lilac or lilac color, as well as varnish - paint for white decorations.

First apply the main color and, after the coating has dried, draw three parallel white lines diagonally in the upper right corner of the nail plate. After that draw perpendicular dashes. You should get a kind of lattice. Now put dots at their intersection, and draw three arcs along the edge that will look like the festoon edge of the lace.

As you can see, any young lady can easily master our light drawings on nails at home. Well, for those who have already mastered the basics of manicure, I recommend trying minx. For those who still do not know what it is, I will explain. Minks is a special film with various patterns, which is glued to the nail plate. The procedure takes about 20 minutes, or even less. Such a coating lasts incomparably longer than ordinary varnish. There is a set of such pictures about 300 rubles.
I wish you good luck in mastering the art of manicure.


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