Pilates at home

Pilates at home
Many often do not have enough time to visit the gym or sports club. However, there is a way out of this situation - Pilates at home. The lesson can be held for yourself by organizing a kind of fitness club at home. By the way, you can add your friends to this lesson, because everyone knows that it is boring to study alone. In order to achieve tangible results, it is necessary to conduct Pilates at home regularly and it is very important to correctly manage the time allotted for training. Classes at home have their obvious advantages. Firstly, you save your time, because you do not need to get to the fitness club, you can spend this time training. Secondly, there is no need to buy special sportswear and expensive season tickets. Agree, in our time, such arguments are significant advantages when deciding on fitness classes on your living space.

Class Requirements

Pilates at home
When doing Pilates at home, you must follow certain requirements. Training should be regular, and most importantly - quality. You need to relate to this lesson quite responsibly and not relax, making yourself concessions. Carrying out Pilates in accordance with these tips at home, after a while you will be able to notice the results. Performing exercises, it is necessary to concentrate on breathing and make sure that all muscles are involved during training. Before starting Pilates classes, it will not be superfluous to attend several trainings in the fitness center and consult a specialist, having mastered the basic exercises and received recommendations. Beginners can also take video tutorials.

Exercise selection

Pilates at home should be carried out regularly, set aside special days for classes and do not violate your regime under any pretext, even if it seems to you that this is a very significant reason. We are very often lazy or just pity ourselves, deciding to make an exception a small day off. It does not hurt to purchase a disc with a recording of classes and the instructions of a professional trainer. With such a disk, it will be much easier to master the training method, and before you will be an example of how to correctly perform this or that exercise, and it will be explained which muscle groups it is designed for.

Optional accessories

Pilates Moscow
For pilates at home, you can also purchase various auxiliary items. It can be a special rug, which is very convenient for practicing, as well as additional sports attributes (hoop, ball, small dumbbells, etc.). Clothes for training should be necessarily very comfortable, loose, not restricting movements. It is best to conduct classes barefoot or in socks. It is also worth noting that it is better to start training not earlier than thirty minutes after you eat. If you are not feeling very well (dizzy, weakness in the limbs is felt), then it is better to postpone Pilates classes until another day.

The benefits of classes

After just a few lessons, you can feel extraordinary lightness throughout your body, and you yourself will notice how much your physical and emotional state has improved. After such exercises, the physical form noticeably improves, the body becomes more flexible and plastic. Exercise helps to renew the whole body as a whole, improve overall health, strengthen muscles. Pilates is useful for all of this . Moscow has a large selection of fitness clubs where you can learn the exercises, and then you can successfully do Pilates at home, saving your money and your free time, which is very important with the current accelerated rhythm of life.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/A9609/

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