Deadlift: execution technique, anatomy and notes

Deadlift is a deadlift variant . Its main difference from classical traction is that the legs remain motionless all the time. The movement is solely due to the back. Therefore, the exercise is often called "traction on straight legs." He also has a third name - Romanian craving. Here, apparently, the roots of the exercise and the outstanding success of the Romanian weightlifters played a role.

Deadlift. Execution technique

General information

The exercise is designed to train your hip biceps . It belongs to the basic and is considered heavy, but it is not recommended to perform deadlift in a power style. The complex involves many joints and muscle groups, but the position of the body in which the athlete performs it creates a strong load on the spine. There are few basic exercises that require special care, and one of them is deadlift. The execution technique should be as controlled as possible.

Exercise functionality

Traction not only forms the correct biceps of the thigh, but also well strengthens this muscle group. As a result, when squats with a barbell and other exercises performed while standing, the athlete feels more confident. It is also important that the exercise does not load the knee joint - the load is distributed between the muscles of the legs. This is due to the fact that the hip biceps stabilize the knee very effectively, just as the press stabilizes the spine.

Dead Dead Technique

Muscle and joint function

Dead deadlift, the technique of which requires high concentration, involves several muscle groups. The main work is performed by the hip biceps, but the extensors of the back and calf muscles also receive part of the load. That is why the weight of the projectile should allow the athlete to control each movement as much as possible. If this does not happen, part of the load will go to other muscles and the spine, which is completely useless.

Another reason to make the movement controlled is the congestion of the knee joint. In no case should it be overloaded, because this can lead to serious injuries. The joint rests a little when the athlete, having fixed the load on the muscles, slightly bends his knees. The load should not go from the muscles to the joints. This basic bodybuilding law is especially important in an exercise such as deadlift. The execution technique is not so complicated, the main thing is to follow all the rules.

Deadlift. Technique for women

Dead Dead Technique

First of all, you need to take the starting position - go to the projectile and put your legs a little narrower than the shoulders (you can stand on a small hill to increase the amplitude of motion). Then bend your legs slightly and, bending down, pick up the barbell. The grip should be slightly wider than the shoulders. Sinking down, the pelvis can be pulled back to maintain balance. The time has come to make the climb. You need to do it smoothly, controlling the even position of the back. Do not straighten completely so that the load does not go to the joints. That's basically it. It remains only to repeat the movement 10-15 times. The number of approaches, as always, ranges from 3 to 5.


The deadlift technique is simple, but it has some nuances, non-observance of which can lead to injury or simply lack of result. Let's analyze each of them:

  1. During the exercise, it is worth monitoring the unchanged position of the legs. They should only be slightly bent to prevent overloading of the knee joint. Tilts down are carried out only by the back. You can take the pelvis back, but this should not affect the bending of the legs.
  2. For the biceps of the thigh to take over the load, and not the muscles of the back, the legs should be narrower than the shoulders.
  3. The bar should be lowered down as much as possible controlled. In no case should you make jerks and β€œdrop” it.
  4. The bar should not slide on the legs, because this is not a classic deadlift, but a deadlift. The technique of this exercise implies that the bar is free.
  5. The head should look forward all the time. No need to lower it and twist your back. As a result, the shoulder blades need to be reduced.
  6. Grip can be either direct or reverse, or even combined. It all depends on the personal convenience and habits of the athlete.

Deadlift for girls. Execution technique

Deadlift for girls. Execution technique

This exercise is especially popular with girls. The thing is that it works out the muscles that the fair sex is very fond of. In bodybuilding, many exercises are universal for women and men. These exercises include deadlift. The technique for women is no different from the men's technique. It can only be noted that women often prefer to use dumbbells instead of barbells. In this case, you need to make sure that your hands do not loosen. As for the grip, it also depends on personal wishes.

Anatomical features

This exercise is great for working out your hip biceps and the entire back of your legs. Long muscles of the back are indirectly involved in traction , so it will not be superfluous to begin, after its completion, such an exercise as hyperextension. Reverse hyperextension is best suited . The hip biceps are very important not only for beauty, but also for leg strength. He is involved in stabilizing the body while performing any other standing exercises. Therefore, deadlift should be part of the arsenal of all athletes who want strong legs.

Dead Deadlift. Execution technique

The knee joint is loaded, but with the right, meaningful movement, it will not overload. A flat back and a forward-looking gaze will make it possible to relieve stress from the spine, which already often works.


Thus, we can conclude that for those who want to have strong and well-developed legs, deadlift is perfect. The technique of this exercise is understandable even for beginners. The main thing is not to forget about precautions.


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