How to make decoy on a hazel grouse with your own hands? Hunting for hazel grouse with semolina

Hunting for hazel grouse is one of the most interesting activities. It is this activity that requires the hunter maximum endurance, good knowledge and a high level of special skills. A serious assistant in this matter will be a good decoy. Such a device can be purchased at any specialized store. However, it is best to make a decoy on a hazel grouse with your own hands. Actually, this will be discussed later on the hunt itself.

Decoy on a hazel grouse

Syringe decoy

A disposable syringe can be purchased at almost any pharmacy in the city. This material is perfect for constructing semolina quickly and without the use of any complex elements, which is a big plus of this manufacturing method. So let's get started!

Manufacturing steps:

1. Removing unnecessary parts. Actually, in this case only the part of the syringe where the needle is inserted is superfluous. It must be cut off. As a result, a 6–7 cm long tube should remain. It is worth noting that on the other hand, nothing needs to be cut, there should be protruding edges.

2. Preparation of a pencil. In order to make a decoy on a hazel grouse from a syringe, you need to use a small part of a simple pencil. First, this item is adjusted in diameter, and then part from 10 to 20 mm long is cut off from it. One side needs to be sharpened a little so that it fits tightly into the hole.

decoy on a grouse from a syringe
A small part of the pencil is ready, now we are scouting.

3. The hole in the syringe. After preparing the above details, you can begin to work directly with the syringe. On the open side, where the part for the needle was cut off, indentation is made a little longer than the size of the prepared part of the pencil. In this place we drill a small hole, from the side of the protruding edges we make an incision, and vertically cut the opposite side.

4. Connection of parts. After all the above manipulations, you can begin to install the details of the pencil in the syringe.

5. Set up the decoy. At this stage, the piston from the syringe will help, so you should not throw it away. If the young hunter does not know how the decoy on the hazel grouse sounds, then you can use the recorded sounds of the bird itself. Naturally, the Internet will be able to help with this.

6. Recent improvements. When the hunting tool is ready, part of the piston can be cut off so that it is possible to close the syringe with a cap. Also, for convenience, it will not be superfluous to make a lace.

Bone decoy

To make bait on a hazel grouse from bone, you will need a shin of a hare, capercaillie or duck. They are great for their size and other parameters.

how to make decoy on a hazel grouse

Manufacturing steps:

1. Removal of excess. First of all, you need to clean the bone. The interiors should be given special attention so that in the future hunting for hazel grouse with semolina has only positive aspects, and the device itself makes a good quality sound. For maximum efficiency, acetone can be used to degrease the working material.

2. The first outlines of mank. After the previous action, it is worth starting to give the necessary shape to the future bait. First, we cut off the bone, while on the one hand we make the cut vertical with respect to the object, and on the other we cut at an angle.

3. The sound hole. At this point, when decoy is made on a hazel grouse with your own hands, it is worthwhile to show accuracy and caution. First you need to measure the direct diameter of the bone, and only after that you can start cutting out the sound hole. For example, if the diameter is 4 mm, then the size of the hole should be approximately 2.5 mm.

4. Waxing sticks. In the manufacture of decoy from a syringe, a pencil was used, and in this case, wax will be an assistant in sounding. A nut is made from the product of the vital activity of bees, which should, approximately, fill one third of the sound hole. In the future, you can move this part with a drill or other tool of suitable diameter.

5. Set up the decoy. When the decoy on the hazel grouse has taken the required form, you can proceed to the direct tuning of the sound it makes. In this helpers will be needles of various sizes. With their help, it is necessary to make a hole in the wax and increase its diameter until a sound is obtained that can lure the bird. It is worth noting that for clean sound in the semolina there should be no debris, especially wax crumbs.

Decoy from tin

Now it’s worth talking about how to make decoy on a hazel grouse with your own hands from a simple tin can. This method of manufacturing is the most common, both among hunters and amateurs, since it does not require large time expenditures.

DIY decoy
Manufacturing steps:

1. Preparations. As in the case with the previous manufacturing options, it is also necessary to make certain blanks. First, cut out the rectangles from tin with dimensions of 4 by 2 cm, then the same figure with peculiar wings of 7 and 5 mm in size.

2. Work with wings. When the blanks are ready, you can create a homemade decoy on the hazel grouse. At this stage, it is necessary to bend the previously prepared wings. The bend should be inside the rectangle. It is necessary to observe the correct sequence: first a small wing, and then a large one. In carrying out this work, you need to leave a small hole (about 0.5 mm), into which tin plates should then be inserted. The final touch is to clamp the entire structure with pliers.

3. Tongue tongue. At the moment, a long tin tongue remains untouched. With him, everything is simple. It twists around a nail that has a large radius.

4. Sound settings. The decoy on a hazel grouse from tin is adjusted using a twisted tongue.

Ready decoy

If there is no possibility or desire to engage in the independent production of poultry bait, you can always use the help of specialized stores. There you can purchase both simple and more complex electronic decoys for hazel grouse. The latter option is expensive but convenient to use.

Electronic decoy on a hazel grouse

Grouse hunting

When the assistant in the hunt for the bird of interest is ready, you can go directly to business. Also, one must not forget about the other necessary items that every hunter must have.

Bird search

Hazel grouse has its favorite places in the forest zone. Based on this factor, you should immediately pay attention to some characteristics of the surrounding nature.

Favourite places:

- young low spruce trees mixed with birch, alder and aspen;

- places contaminated with garbage;

- caddis flies;

- ravines.

Grouse character

Much attention should be paid to this element. It is from good knowledge

hunting for hazel grouse with semolina
the nature of the victim depends on the probability of a positive result of such an undertaking as hunting for hazel grouse with semolina.

Hazel grouse is a contradictory bird, rather cautious, but at the same time gullible. If the hunter can disguise himself well and entice this winged miracle, then there is a chance to catch him with his bare hands.

Also, jealousy of males and females cannot be ignored. Very often, the female runs out at the call of the decoy, so it is worthwhile to carefully examine the bird before making a shot. There are also times when the entire brood runs out. In this case, it is best to lower the gun and not shoot.

Time and weather for hunting

Not every season of the year and not any weather conditions like this bird. Grouse is a dormouse, so he really does not like loud sounds, wind, snow or rain. It should be noted that with any bad weather or even a slight breeze, hunting is unlikely to be successful.

Also, the sensitivity of this bird can be used as a natural weather forecaster. Usually she feels the weather is approaching in a few days. If the grouse is not heard in the forest, the weather will worsen.

How to attract grouse

The first part of the article was devoted to the topic of how to make decoys for hazel grouse, and now it's worth talking about its direct use. Almost no one was able to start beckoning the bird right the first time. This skill comes with time. It’s worth saying right away that learning to speak β€œbird” is quite difficult, but quite possible.

homemade decoy on a hazel grouse
Male voice:

- chirping;

- weak;

- energetic.

Songs performed by a female:

- search for a loved one;

- proposal to marry;

- the response to the voice of a male who already has a female;

- flirting with the approaching male.

Direct game:

There are two options for playing with a bird. When the hunter first begins to convene a hazel grouse, then one should not hope for his quick reply, but it is not recommended to slow down the game.

The second plot includes the response to the voice of the bird. In other words, decoy on a hazel grouse is a response to the beginning of the game from the side of the bird itself. In this case, too, do not rush anywhere. The answer to the answer.


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