Do it yourself beautifully make a flowerbed with your own hands, landscape designers know

How to make a flowerbed with your own hands beautifully? You will be answered by landscape designers. Of course, you can draw the plan of this flower bed yourself and plant the flowers, distributing the plots for perennial and annual varieties, but only an expert can β€œlay out” an interesting pattern. It will not be possible to create a continuous carpet of several flowers you like, because only someone who has been taught this art for more than one year can determine the optimal plant growth, the intensity of watering and top dressing, light and shadow.

how beautiful to make a flower bed with your own hands

Do not forget that the question: β€œHow beautiful is it to make a flowerbed with your own hands?” - has several answers. One of them sounds like this: "It is not enough to determine the planting time of each plant, we must also calculate their density." People say: "Everyone is looking for a place in the sun." The flowers are the same: if one of them turns out to be stronger than the neighbor, it will block his access to the warm rays by dissolving leaves on the sides, he will get to the water sooner, taking root in breadth. And the second plant will slowly die next to a stronger competitor.

The flowerbed "with bald spots" looks scruffy, scanty, even when it is framed by marble or artificial stone. And then - goodbye, the life’s work and notes, where it is written how beautifully to make a flowerbed with your own hands.

how to make a flower bed do it yourself photo

If you have no doubts in your abilities, have a drawing of several structures on your hands, then be sure to ask the seed store what plant will correspond to this or that plot where you plan to do landscape design. For a flower bed near the wall of the house, it is better to prefer the seeds of shade-loving plants. And from the south side to plant only photophilous cultures.

do-it-yourself flower garden

Color also plays a role. Black tulips look disgusting against the background of variegated relatives, and never terry daffodils with flowers that have smooth heads. Such a pun reminds the neighborhood of a rich lady and a tattered man, burning life on the streets of a metropolis.

How to make a flowerbed with your own hands beautifully? Properly pick up plants and make a border. Even a simple flowerbed, around which empty plastic bottles or small cuttings of fruit trees are dug, looks beautiful if the variety of plants makes it change color 6-7 times per season.

do-it-yourself flower bed

A flower garden, arranged with your own hands, looks good if you give it strict geometric shapes: a rhombus, a triangle, a square and a circle will enliven a summer cottage. Rectangles of flowers will decorate the bottom of the fence, and the flowerbed near the entrance to the house or garage should be made so that it matches the shape of the porch or utility room.

How to make a flowerbed with your own hands, a photo of which you saw in a magazine? Take a picture of the desired object, transfer it to Photoshop and click the "Filter" function. Select the Pencil property and carefully study the sketch. It can be printed, circled and transferred to a pre-excavated area. It remains to determine the place of flower seedlings, which you can buy on the market, regularly fight weeds and water plants in order to enjoy the beauty of a well-groomed territory in a month.

Do not forget that for one square meter of developed land you can plant no more than 8 pieces of stunted flowers and 3 units of those plants that intensively grow in breadth and height.


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