Zyxel Keenetic Port Forwarding: Detailed Description and Recommendations

Many users who actively use the tracker and osloseti come to the conclusion that they need a real “white” IP. If you can download without such an address, then the distribution creates big problems. All addresses allocated to the user during the connection to the network, as a rule, are "gray". So, for certain reasons, the equipment of the provider is configured, and the user, receiving a "gray" address, is behind NAT. Moreover, if the user uses his router, NAT will be double, from the provider, and from the user's router. And if everything is clear with the provider - the “white” IP is being bought up - then for a user using a router, for example, ZyXEL Keenetic Lite, port forwarding can cause certain difficulties.

Is automatic tuning real

We have already determined what this function may be needed for. Now let's look specifically at how ZyXEL Keenetic ports are forwarded for the full version.

In ZyXEL routers, this function is called simply - “port forwarding”. For the user of the full version of the router, who is not particularly versed in the settings of networks, protocols, and PORTS, there is the possibility of simple configuration. This is the inclusion of a single checkmark.

zyxel keenetic port forwarding

Go to the tab "Home Network". In the drop-down list, select “UpnP” and get into the window with just one tick. The window is named just like that: "Automatic port forwarding." Turn on the checkmark, then click "Apply", and go to the program for which we wanted to open the port. We check in the program - the port will be open.

Port forwarding in ZyXEL Keenetic (full version)

Automatic tuning is good, but sooner or later it’s worth it to figure out how to do it without it. Therefore, further we will configure the port in manual mode. It takes a little longer, but these settings may come in handy in the future.

zyxel keenetic lite port forwarding

For example, configure the forwarding of one port. First, go to the “Servers” tab. In the "Service" field, you can select a fairly large set of variations, but if ours is not, select "Other". In the “Server IP address” field, enter the IP machines in the home network (it is understood that you have fixed the addresses of the machines on the “Networking” tab. If you haven’t done so, then it’s time to do this. After saving the addresses, the router will have to be restarted). Choose ports, protocols, description. In the bottom field, put "Allowed by all." Then click "Add." If everything is done correctly, an entry will be added at the bottom of the window (as in the picture above).

Also note the moment that if a user of this modification has an external hard drive and uses only torrents, then he can not configure port forwarding. ZyXEL Keenetic has a built-in client for trackers, and once you configure the client, further actions are minimized. The router itself will download files, but all service information, as well as downloaded files, will be stored on this external drive. Naturally, while the client is running, the disk must be connected to the router. For many users, routers are almost always connected to the network and, having correctly configured the client, you can not worry about setting up the program on the local machine.

Port Forwarding in ZyXEL Keenetic Lite

As they sometimes say on the Internet, Lite is the basic version. It has one antenna, fewer Lan sockets, less cost, less configuration options (for example, there is no automatic redirection setting), and the main difference is that it does not have a USB port. Accordingly, all the functions related to USB that just Keenetic, or Keenetic4G have, are missing here. Therefore, there is no particular reason to dwell on the settings of this router. They do not differ from the above, adjusted for the lack of USB, and ZyXEL Keenetic port forwarding Lite is no different from the above, except that the blocks, which are usually not needed by the average user, have changed their location.

ZyXEL Keenetic 4G

The 4G version is designed to configure and use next-generation modems without much reconfiguration of the home network. The router has one antenna, 2 sockets for LAN connection and a USB socket. However, unlike other models, USB can be used here only in one version - connecting additional modems (despite the fact that we have a Wan socket). The web interface is also slightly cropped, but for the average user, a set of functions is enough. Forwarding of ZyXEL Keenetic 4g ports is basically no different from other Keenetic routers. As already stated in the full version, we need to fix the address of your computer on the "Network" tab. After fixing, we reboot the router and go to the “Servers” tab.

Port forwarding zyxel keenetic 4g

The arrows indicate the necessary sequence of actions. After clicking the bottom Add button, our setup will be completed. You can return to setting up program verification on the computer.

ZyXEL Keenetic 2: port forwarding

It remains for us to consider the Keenetic second version, port forwarding in which looks somewhat different. So, the second version of the router was dubbed ZyXEL Keenetic II. Port forwarding in it will look like this: as before, we need to fix the address of the computer for which we will forward ports. This is done on the page that opens by clicking the "Home Network" button on a click on the line of the desired computer (here it is assumed that the computer that we are setting up is turned on and the router sees it), in the window that opens, select the checkbox "Permanent IP address". Close the window and click on the "Security" button.

Zyxel keenetic 2 port forwarding

Zyxel keenetic 2 port forwarding

Here we configure the rules for opening the port. Unlike version VI described above, we will not be able to select two protocols at once. In other words, if we need a UDP port, one rule will correspond to it. The TCP port will have to create an additional rule.

And a few words about fixing the address

A user who has just installed a router usually does not think about fixing an address. The router itself assigns addresses and with a minimum of settings you can already work. But, in addition to the case of the use of fixation described in the article, one more plus can be called. If you have several devices at home that have access to the Internet - desktop and laptop, smartphone and tablet - you are also recommended to fix the addresses here.

Firstly, it saves time when using shared folders. You can even create a shortcut to a fixed address on another machine on the home network, and this will work correctly.

Secondly, this is some time saving during normal operation. Having and knowing the fixed addresses of the home network, the router does not have to check each time in the route table where to send the response to the request.


So, we examined the entire Keenetic line of the famous ZyXEL brand. Unlike other manufacturers, where the settings are scattered across different screens, ZyXEL Keenetic port forwarding is configured from a single window, consists of only a few steps, and a minimum of required time. Even a novice computer user can cope with it. On average, port forwarding will take no more than 10 minutes.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/A9632/

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